Balancing the Light Within. Linda LLC Stein-Luthke

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Название Balancing the Light Within
Автор произведения Linda LLC Stein-Luthke
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456602000

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Why would vibrational frequencies matter to something as solid as the human body? Pinch yourself if you do not believe you are quite solid. That probably didn't feel very good. Why, you are as solid as that table over there. Aren't you? But looks can be deceiving and the reality of the matter is, as any good scientists would tell you, that neither you nor that table are solid at all. You are both made up of the same stuff, actually, chemically and structurally. We call that substance Light, for your benefit here on Earth. You use the terms atoms, hydrogen, oxygen, and so forth. But these are the building blocks of the whole Universe as you know it, and all the Universes as we know them. Everything begins with the vibrational frequencies of Light. Your Bible begins with this particular piece of information. And then the human beings went searching for every other answer that could be found except for the one answer that was always there--to be found within. In the deepest recesses of every human psyche is to be found who you are, how you are composed, and how to remain healthy, physically and mentally.

      Now, you may have thought there was a mistake a few sentences ago. We spoke of Light frequencies. That is correct. There is more than one vibrational frequency of Light. Some you can see with the human eye at this time, and some you cannot. Your scientists understand this concept to a certain degree. All the different hues presented to the human eye do operate at different frequencies and, indeed, there are parts of the spectrum the human eye does not see, but that the scientists know, understand, and utilize in their work such as infra-red, the ultra-violet ray, and so forth. What the scientists are willing to admit is that light has a frequency and also appears as particles. That it can bend and curve and is not a linear substance. They are beginning to see and comprehend the whimsical (as it seems to them) nature of the space-time continuum as they delve even deeper into the mysteries you address as quantum physics. And, indeed, in these studies, when the scientists open the doors to their own higher intelligence, they see where metaphysics and physics are meeting in the marketplace, so to speak. Do not be deluded, beloved ones, into believing that all you read and know from your mass culture is what is actually known, accepted, and understood by those delving into the deepest recesses of possibilities in research in your world today. Very few are actually brave enough to come forth and say what they see and know to be true in spite of what science has so dearly tried to hold onto for far too long. The paradigm is shifting. You know this, or you would not even be reading this far along in this book at this time.

      If you are a therapist you know that what you were taught as gospel in regard to how to practice psychology is, ultimately, not effective. What has proved effective for you has occurred when you have let your own wisdom rule the day and tapped into your own inner resources to aid the ones who have come to you. And seldom has that had as much to do with your schooling as you would have hoped in the halcyon days in those halls of learning.

      What has happened to education in this world today you see manifested in the children who pass through the programs untouched. They choose instead to drink from ignorance of mass culture and their own peer culture rather than to try to comprehend what makes little sense to them. Why learn what has no meaning? Why doesn't the curriculum presented have meaning? Why didn't your schooling teach you what you needed to know to do the work that your heart told you so long ago was so important to do: To help others. Because education in the world today tells one everything, except about the Light. And without that, there is nothing.

      So what is this Light we speak of? As we have shared with you, without it, you cannot exist on this physical plane. The manifest plane itself could not exist. And the arrays of vibrational frequencies through which Light manifests are what provide all that has been created. How do these frequencies affect the human psyche? In every way possible.

      Without the frequencies of Light, there is nothing that can exist on the human plane, and the frequencies of Light that have created the human form also have allowed every thought, feeling, emotion, and activity of the human mind to exist as well. You see, dear ones, we must come to an understanding of the various frequencies of Light before we can even begin to address the issue of what and how one can be relieved of any human malaise, physical or mental. Each human thought has its own vibration. Each feeling and emotion has its own vibration. Each memory, and every conscious reaction to physical stimuli has its own Light vibration. It is all totally interactive. If one feels physical pain, it is because there was first a concept that presented itself somewhere in the psyche, whether consciously or otherwise, and then the pain is felt and consciously acknowledged. If there is no emotion attached to the sensation of pain, there will be no conscious memory, although the event, as is each and every instant of existence, will be stored in the memory banks of the individual. If there is emotion attached, it will most likely be fear, and then there will be more of a conscious attachment to this memory. But what allows this whole process? Your scientists talk about nerve cells and synapses, the points at which a nervous impulse passes from one neuron to another. It is seen on your computers [EEG] as electrical stimulation between the various brain circuits. But then: What is electricity? Light vibration. How does one correct faulty thought patterns that are painful and harmful to oneself and others? Change the Light vibrational patterns.

      Now you may say, "Well done, St. Germain, to this point you have actually made sense, much to my surprise, but even though this may begin to make sense, what you suggest as a solution seems totally impossible. I will grant you that we are made of Light, that all things are made of Light, and that all thoughts are various vibrations of Light, but how can we change them?"

      And we will tell you that never before in the history of this planet, as it is known today, has it been easier to do this, nor has more information been available to accomplish this task. Welcome to a whole new world. You are to be congratulated. For you are about to have the tools at your fingertips that can aid others and yourself as never before. We will be looking at many factors that can aid you in accomplishing your heart's desire. But, first and foremost, it must be ascertained that this is, indeed, your heart's desire, not only to aid others in seeing how to utilize this Light to help themselves, but that your own heart will expand and you will help yourself as well. You see, whatever you choose to do with intent to be of service in the highest sense of that concept, will help you also to be more complete, whole, and healed. It cannot be otherwise. If your intent is pure, and you do this work with a clear heart, then you cannot fail. If you have any other motive than the desire to be of service with a pure, sincere heart, then you will struggle with this information.

      Chapter 2

      How to Find the Light

      Now that we have come to some agreement that human beings and all creation are created from and composed of various vibrational frequencies of Light, and that in order to enable one to function in health and well-being upon this plane one need only alter these Light vibrations to optimal frequencies, let us now address how to access these frequencies for this purpose. How to find the Light. That is the purpose of this quest. This may seem a very obvious thing to accomplish given that all and everything upon the plane is, indeed, composed of Light. And, of course, the answer has always been easily accessible. However, as human beings have evolved until very recently upon this plane, this has become more difficult for them to accept. In the West, a certain amount of skepticism seemed the order of the day. We ask you to allow that skepticism to have a well-deserved vacation, and instead trust. Trust that this Light can be easily found, addressed, and utilized for a healing purpose.

      So, how does one do this? By beginning the greatest adventure known to any human. By going within. Finding the source of all healing and well-being within your own being. In the West, this process is called meditating. But if this word immediately causes a negative thought pattern within you, there is no need to use it. There will be many words used in communicating with you that you have heard before, and so you have already established associations with these words that may cloud your comprehension here of what is actually being conveyed. You see, words, at best, are limiting thought forms, and not all words have yet been created that completely convey that which you are seeking at this time. There are literally no human words to describe all and everything that we will convey to you in the process of the reading of this manual. How then, can you know the rest? By experience. How can that be? By going within, finding a quiet space, even a sacred space that is your own, sitting quietly and allowing yourself to be open, and trusting the process that can then unfold within