Balancing the Light Within. Linda LLC Stein-Luthke


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Balancing the Light Within

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781456602000

Автор произведения Linda LLC Stein-Luthke

Жанр Эзотерика


Издательство Ingram

&quot;Balancing the Light Within&quot; is the first in a series of channeled discourses from the Ascended Master ST. GERMAIN. It discusses the nature of Light and love, useful tools of awareness, the body&#39;s chakras and their colors, as well as how to heal yourself and others with metaphysical means; suggested readings.<br><br>CONTENTS<br><br>Foreword<br>Introduction<br>Chapter 1: Light Vibrations<br>Chapter 2: How to Find the Light<br>Chapter 3: Tools of Awareness &ndash; Using the Light<br>Chapter 4: The Light is a Form of Love<br>Chapter 5: Tools of Awareness &ndash; Lighting the Chakras<br>Chapter 6: Penetrating, Releasing, and Healing Your Issues<br>Chapter 7: Who Can Help You Help Yourself?<br>Chapter 8: How Can You Help Others? <br>Appendix A: Introduction to Psychoenergetic Healing<br>Appendix B: Suggested Readings<br>Appendix C: Publications from Expansion Publishing