Balancing the Light Within. Linda LLC Stein-Luthke

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Название Balancing the Light Within
Автор произведения Linda LLC Stein-Luthke
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456602000

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      Balancing the Light Within

      A Discourse on Healing from the

      Ascended Master St. Germain

      Linda Stein-Luthke

      Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D.

      Copyright 2011 Linda Stein-Luthke,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by Expansion Publishing

      Converted by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0200-0

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, including photo-copying, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the authors, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.



      11872 Chillicothe Rd. - Chesterland, OH 44026



      It is with great joy that we offer this first booklet in a series of publications on applied metaphysics. We love to share our excitement about the discoveries we have made on our paths to greater awareness, and we sincerely hope that this reading will prove enriching to all, be they clients, therapists, or fellow seekers. We have found that it is often easier to relate to new information if you have at least a vague idea of the person or source it is coming from. Thus, we wish to introduce ourselves in a few sentences.

      Linda Stein-Luthke is the one who actually brought the following text to paper, but she is not the one who composed it. Among her many other gifts is the ability to "channel" wisdom from other sources than her human consciousness. Channeling is a process during which we open ourselves to higher vibrational frequencies of Light. The frequencies we access can be from our own being or from other beings of Light working in conjunction with us. For many years Linda has been channeling highly evolved spiritual beings of Light, most frequently the Ascended Masters El Morya Khan and St. Germain. The latter is the true author of this publication.

      Linda, or "Leia" as she is called by the Masters, is working as a metaphysical teacher and healer with individuals and groups, utilizing the various skills she has learned in many years "on the path" and learning new ones every step of the way. She has been a mother and foster mother, successful business woman, activist and philanthropist in the women's community, teacher of astrology, and, first and foremost, a seeker throughout her life. She has traveled to India, Nepal and Cyprus and has studied and channeled with Masters there and in the United States. Her training has been within the Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, Christian, and Jewish faiths. Linda is a teacher of applied metaphysics, astrologer, and medical intuitive. She (co-) authored several other books since the publication of “Balancing the Light Within” ( also see appendix).

      Dr. Martin Luthke is a clinical psychologist who spent many years studying psychology and doing research at the University of Hamburg, Germany and the University of Cincinnati, Ohio. His current practice, however, specializes in energy-based healing and psychotherapy. Together with his wife Linda he has developed an innovative, energy-based approach called Psychoenergetic Healing. Martin is a healer, teacher of applied metaphysics and the (co-) author of several publications (also see appendix). The Masters refer to Martin by his spirit name, "Manalus." He took responsibility for the editing and production aspects of this collaborative project. (We thank Julianne Stein for her contributions.)

      St. Germain is probably the best known of the Ascended Masters, a group of Light Beings who once walked this Earth in human bodies and who have gained complete awareness of their Totality. They are serving humanity and all of Creation from the higher planes of existence, offering their Light, Love, and Wisdom freely to all at this time of accelerating change and challenge. While it may be more than a stretch for some to accept the reality of invisible Light Beings in general and Ascended Masters in particular, we can only appeal to your willingness to suspend your disbelief and to entertain -- and test -- the teachings offered on these pages. Linda, Martin, and countless other perfectly "normal" and "sane" humans have opened themselves to an awareness of the reality of Light Beings, and have benefitted immeasurably in the process.

      Most importantly, however, listen to your own "still small voice within" and to the guidance you will be receiving, if only you choose to sit, meditate, and ask. We offer our truth as a service, but we wish you to honor your own truth, above all. And now, enjoy the journey within.

      Love and Light,

      Linda & Martin


      As a channel for the Ascended Masters, I have had many exciting experiences with clients who have tried every other method currently known to Western civilization to diagnose and heal themselves of whatever was creating difficulty in their lives. For whatever reason, they ultimately arrived at my doorstep seeking help and answers. Because I allow my own human persona to step aside and another wisdom to dominate, the results of the sessions with these people have been astounding. Information has come forth where no answers were available previously. All preconceptions had to be released before the work could be accomplished. But when that was possible, the work proved beneficial.

      St. Germain is the Ascended Master requesting this particular publication on using the Light for healing. Even if you have difficulty believing that there is such a thing as an Ascended Master called St. Germain, or that one can channel higher vibrational frequencies possessing a wisdom far greater than normal human potential, I ask that you set these notions aside, and merely entertain the ideas presented on their own merit. If the information does not resonate with you, and you do not find it useful, so be it. We thank you for your time and wish you well on you journey. If, however, there is an insight that might work for you, than we welcome you to try what you see written here. We promise you that none of the information being offered can affect you in a negative manner. That is not who we are, nor what we do. We are merely sharing the truths of all times which many human beings have chosen to forget until very recently. And, indeed, the truth can set you free.

      Love and Light to you all from Leia and St. Germain

      Chapter 1

      Light Vibrations

      We are about to tell you some truths that are very basic to all human creations. And, indeed, your scientists know and understand these things, and have proposed many theories relating to such that have advanced your technologies past anything previously seen upon this Earth. However, when it comes to the human body and how it functions, this knowledge and awareness seem to have, until only very recently, taken a back seat to any other technology that would increase someone's coffers at the expense of wellness and healing. This is quite alarming in some regards when one observes the substances that are ingested or applied to the human body in the name of healing. It is as if the scientific community had adopted a form of madness that had absolutely no relationship to the actual work necessary to heal the psyche and body. And this is the crux of the matter. You absolutely, and under no circumstances, can heal the one without the other, and yet humans would rather acknowledge any reality but that. The assaults upon the human psyche and body by different vibrational frequencies created by human thought and technology are directly responsible for all the human malaise evident upon the Earth at this time. Please read that last sentence again. It is the most important sentence you will read for sometime to come.

      What do we mean by all of this?