Beyond Death. Edgar Cayce

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Название Beyond Death
Автор произведения Edgar Cayce
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048528

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as a Catholic, a Methodist, an Episcopalian, is something else because he is dead! He’s only a dead Episcopalian, Catholic or Methodist. And such personalities and their attempts are the same; only that ideal! For all are under the law of God equal, and how did He say even as respecting the home? “They are neither married nor given in marriage in the heavenly home but are one!”

       Reading 1391-1

      Yet if we learn more and more that separations are only walking through the rooms as it were of God’s house, we become in these separations, in these experiences—aware of what is meant by that which has been and is the law, as from the beginning; “Know O ye peoples, the Lord thy God is one!”

      And ye must be one—one with another, one with Him—if ye would be, as indeed ye are, corpuscles in the life flow of thy Redeemer!

       Reading 497-1

      For, life is of the Creator—and it may only be changed, it cannot be ended or destroyed. It can only return from whence it came. As to how soon it prepares its soul, that is of the influences that may be carried to the Maker, depends upon what that soul in its environs, in its experiences, does concerning that it knows about that He, the Father, would have it do.

      There is not more required than can be fulfilled in the experience of any soul. It is true that others, and individuals, may make for influences that may make for changes in the activities, but if the ideal and the soul’s longing is set in Him—only self may separate that soul from its Maker.

       Reading 2911-1

      Then, keep the mental attitude in that way of knowing in what there is life, light and immortality. It is not all of death to die, nor all of life to live. When there is sought that peace with Him, this may be had. For His promises are sure.

       Reading 335-2

      What are the ideals? What are the purposes and aims? What are the desired positions of the body, when analyzed by self? Just the accumulation of power, money, the position that comes with the accumulation of moneys? Never—or never altogether, in the basic thought of the individual—has this been true! Rather has it been builded that the necessity of having that power, or that which creates that power, is the basis of the ideals of the inner man!

      It is well that the body take this into consideration, then, at this time when changes are probable, when conditions are such in the present associations that the activities, much that the body would have set, or the position the body would occupy (that is, by desire), may bring discontent, fear, an unsatisfactory feeling from within; for it is not yet all of life just to live, neither all of death to die!

       Reading 2034-1

      . . . there are the needs for the entity to analyze self, self’s purpose, self’s desire; realizing that it is not all of life to live, nor yet all of death to die, but that the expression of life is a creative thing, a creative influence or force in the experience, and that there must be an ideal; ideal spiritually, ideal mentally.

      Thus there are the needs for the constructive thinking, rather than that as may be a hit or miss, or a haphazard study of conditions.

       Reading 3343-1

      In analyzing the urges, there is the great tendency for the entity to judge according to material standards, and to depend mentally upon physical manifestations. These are well, but—with such standards and with such a measuring stick—one may easily deceive self. For we are warned that there is a way that seemeth right to a man but the end thereof is death. Death is separation, lost opportunity—in some sphere of activity in which there is a consciousness, either spiritual or material. Mind is ever the builder, for it is the companion of soul and body, and is the way that is demonstrated and manifested in the earth in the Christ.

       Reading 2630-1

      Thus the outcome of any development, any retardment, is according to the use the entity makes of opportunities, and the ideal with which the entity entertains those opportunities.

      It is not all of life, then, to live, nor all of death to die; but what the entity does with the opportunities as they present themselves.

       Reading 136-70

      Life is real, life is earnest! yet it is not all of life to live, nor all of death to die—for with the thoughts and the deeds done in the mind and the body, these are that builded by the entity, or body, and must be met, and an account given of those things rendered in the body and the mind. For the soul liveth, and is a portion of the Creative Energy, and it returns to the Whole, yet reserving in itself that oneness in the ability to know itself individual, yet a portion of the Whole. What manner of man would one be that would make of that Whole its own concept, other than one with the Whole?

       Reading 2438-1

      In analyzing self, learn that it is not all of life to merely live, or to supply the needs of the body—in materiality. For, life is a continuous thing, an expression of Divine; and the stamp of mind upon the self is the expression of love of that Divine for the companionship of the soul as an individual, as an entity.

       Reading 1759-1

      Each entrance of an entity into a material experience is that it may better fit itself, through the application of an ideal in its experience, for a sojourn with that which is Creative—that influence or force in which all move and have their consciousness, their being.

      Then, unless the ideal as set as the standard of an entity in any given experience is of a creative force or nature, and takes hold upon that which is constructive and creative, what must the experience be when the soul has shed material consciousness, and as it stands before its own conscience, its God, bare!

      There is in the material experience that which is ever as a manifestation of that excuse of old [Genesis?], “I was aware that I was naked and hence I covered myself with leaves.” What are Thy excuses? What are thy conditions in thy activity, wherewith ye may stand as one that has sown the seed of righteousness? What is thy ideal of righteousness? Know that these can only be answered within thine own self. For thy body-physical is indeed the temple, the tabernacle of the living God; and there He hath promised to meet thee. For as the Teacher of teachers gave, the kingdom of heaven is within thee! and as ye make within thine own consciousness, through thy dwelling upon the thoughts of Him who is the Way, who is the Truth, who is the Light. And as He was asked in days just passed, “Speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me.” His answer came, “Who made me to be a judge between thee and thy brother?

       Reading 2080-1

      These then are chosen—these urges that are indicated good and bad—that there may be an analyzing of self; that the entity may realize that it is not all of life just to live, and to enjoy the good things of material experience.

      For thou art indeed thy brother’s keeper. There are those opportunities ever being presented for the real abilities which are within the experience and the consciousness of the entity. In taking advantage of, or using, such opportunities in the proper direction, the entity may make his paths straight, and know the purposes for which each soul enters a material experience; that these are not just that ye may have to hold, other than as a keeper of opportunities in hope, in love, in faith, in patience, as unto thy Maker.

      It is not sufficient, then, to merely live that ye may outwardly appear as a successful individual—not too bad nor too good but to be one who, irrespective of others, chooses the better place.

       Reading 3436-2

      This information should be, then, as a .helpful influence if the entity will but analyze self, self’s abilities and the desires and hopes for the entity. Do not, then, allow self