Beyond Death. Edgar Cayce

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Название Beyond Death
Автор произведения Edgar Cayce
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048528

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good and evil.

      Then know that there is oft a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is death; death meaning in this sense confusion, disturbance, unstableness, unhappiness, and those things that go to make up such influences in the experience.

       Reading 1432-1

      But know the truth of that which was taught by those priests whom ye heard of old, and those upon whom you made many stripes for the announcing of their faith (or had it done) that “The Lord thy God is one!” Know that their law is true. While life and death are the opposites, they are constant companions one with another. Only the destructive forces know death as lord. Only spiritual or creative forces know life as the Lord. Know ye the Lord!

       Reading 254-17

      For God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth, and as has been made manifest in the flesh with all power, all knowledge. As has been said, man must overcome through the knowledge and association of that knowledge with God’s word made manifest in the flesh. The last to be overcome is death, and the knowledge of life is the knowledge of death. See? Any who may seek knowledge is seeking the greatest gifts of the gods of the universe, and in using such knowledge to worship God renders a service to fellowman . . .

       Reading 2282-1

      Know that these are in keeping. Be thou faithful unto that time when ye may be called into the broader, the greater service. For there is not death, to those who love the Lord; only the entering into God’s other chamber . . .

      Hence in material manifestation the entity finds an interest in things and conditions that may be spoken of as concerning psychic or spiritual things. Let the greater interpretation of the word psychic to the self, to the souls of men, be rather as the soul forces of men than their disincarnate beings! For, as ye live and move and have thy being in and through the grace of the Creator, so may it indeed be true that whether ye live or whether ye pass into the other chambers of God’s universe, ye are indeed His!

      Keep ever before thee, then, the realization that “I am His; He is mine—if I keep His ways bright before my fellowmen.”

      These are the promises, then, which He so easily and so well gave, “If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments, and I and the Father will come and abide with thee. Lo, I am with you always, even unto the ends of the world.”

      It is not the end, then, because we pass from one room to another, from one consciousness to another. For, so is it proclaimed in that promise. Though we live in the physical consciousness, we pass—as this entity has oft—into those consciousnesses of Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus; for these are but stepping stones to the greater consciousness which He would have each soul attain in its relationships with and usage of its fellowmen.

       Reading 3357-1

      We find that the astrological aspects mean little to the entity, yet they each have their place, which—as indicated—is relative. No urge exceeds the will of the individual entity, that gift from and of the Creative Forces that separates man, even the Son of man, from the rest of creation. Thus it is made to be ever as one with the Father, knowing itself to be itself and yet one with the Father, never losing its identity. For, to lose its identity is death indeed—death indeed—separation from the Creative Force. The soul may never be lost, for it returns to the One Force, but knows not itself to be itself any more.

       Reading 2823-1

      Each entity is a part of the universal whole. All knowledge, all understanding that has been a part of the entity’s consciousness, then, is a part of the entity’s experience.

      Thus the unfoldment in the present is merely becoming aware of that experience through which the entity—either in body or in mind—has passed in a consciousness.

      Hence there are two phases, or two means of expression from which urges arise in the experience of the entity. There is the form of consciousness attained when absent from the body, whether in normal sleep or in that sleep called death (in the earth plane). Then there is the consciousness to the soul-entity.

      For, the entity finds itself body-physical, body-mind, body-soul. The body-soul is a citizen of that realm we call heaven, as much as the body-physical is a citizen of the land we call home.

      These are the forms or the premises, then, through which influences arise.

       Reading 900-370

      . . . all life is one life, and the transition, the separation, the division, is as that given, so that even to man’s sensuous consciousness the change takes place; yet each possession possessing the power, even as in the drop of water separated, or as water congealed or expanded has its own peculiar power through the various stages of transition. Each force as manifested in the various stages, or states, being as that illustration of the various stages a life may manifest in its varied forms, either before combined in hydrogen and oxygen becoming water. Then in .a normal state representing a certain element separated by contact—cold or heat—changing form, and yet in each possessing a power, a force, all individual in itself, and only accessible when in that peculiar state.

       Reading 136-18

      We see in the physical world the condition in every form of life. As is taken here: We find a grain of corn or wheat that germ that, set in motion through its natural process with Mother Earth and the elements about same, brings forth corn after its kind, see? the kind and the germ being of a spiritual nature, the husk or corn, and the nature or physical condition, being physical forces, see? Then, as the corn dies, the process is as the growth is seen in that as expressed to the entity., and the entity expressing same, see—that death, as commonly viewed, is not that of the passing away, or becoming a non-entity, but the phenomenized condition in a physical world that may be understood with such an illustration, viewed from the fourth-dimension viewpoint or standpoint, see?

       Reading 989-2

      The earth’s sojourns also make for such close associations with why the entity from one realm of experience to another experiences the entering of those realms from the application of the entity, as we have indicated, in each earthly realm.

      Then, a death in the flesh is a birth into the realm of another experience, to those who have lived in such a manner as not to be bound by earthly ties. This does not mean that it does not have its own experience about the earth, but that it has lived such a fullness of life that it must be about its business.

       Reading 5005-1

      Do spiritualize thy purposes, thy ideals. For it is not all of life to live nor yet all of separation of the body to die. For to be absent from the body is to be present with thy God. What is thy God? Place, position in the earth? These are naught when things of the earth may not be used. For man enters the earth with a body prepared by others before him. He leaves the earth with the body-soul he has prepared for that realm of the interbetween, and can only depend, then, upon self according to that done with Creative Forces or God’s laws. For they are perfect and are unchangeable.

       Reading 5729-1

      Astrological urges have become less and less a portion of the entity, for not merely material things but the controlling of material things has become the deeper urge for this entity. Hence the appearances in the earth and those that have a particular influence in the present are indicated, that the entity may take warning. Know that it isn’t all of life to live. Neither is it all of life merely to make a success socially or financially. It is not satisfying to the soul, any more than the taking of thought will gratify the appetites or longings of nature in the body itself. These must have their answer one in and with another.

       Reading 254-92

      For do not consider for a moment (for this might be carried on to an indefinite