Every Day with Mary:. Dr. Mary Amore    

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Название Every Day with Mary:
Автор произведения Dr. Mary Amore    
Жанр Словари
Издательство Словари
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781681921471

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all lowliness and meekness, with patience, forbearing one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” — Ephesians 4:2-3

      When we reflect on the life of Mary and Joseph, we often think of them as the earthly parents of Jesus, but forget that they were also a loving married couple. Joseph loved Mary. Scripture tells us that when he found out Mary was expecting a child, Joseph planned to divorce her quietly. Joseph wanted to spare Mary both embarrassment and the full force of Jewish law.

      The bond of love that Mary and Joseph shared helped them get through difficulties they faced. Shortly after Jesus was born, they had to flee to a foreign land in fear for their baby boy’s life; and years later they suffered great anxiety when they lost Jesus for three days only to find him in the Temple. Mary loved Joseph, and she made a loving home for him and Jesus.

      Through it all, the Holy Family exemplified the virtues of humility, gentleness, and patience.

      — Lauren Nelson

      PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER the ways that Mary and Joseph’s love for God and one another can inspire you to live in love.

      Prayer: Mary, help me to live my life with others in the perfect love that you and Joseph shared.

      February 15

      “If you really fulfil the royal law, according to the Scripture, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself,’ you do well.” — James 2:8

      When I think of a perfect neighbor, Mary comes to mind. In the village of Nazareth, surely Mary was one who reached out to friends and neighbors before they even asked for help. I am sure Mary performed many acts of kindness for her neighbors: making a meal for someone in need, watching a neighbor’s child, or praying with a sick friend. Mary ministered lovingly to all those in her life. She loved her neighbors as herself.

      I have a friend who is a nurse practitioner, and I see so much of Mary in her. My friend lovingly cares for her patients at work, but also cares for two elderly parents and provides medical advice for her friends and family via text messages and phone calls. She is our first point of contact when we need help figuring out our next course of action. Mary and my friend each offer a beautiful example of love of God and love of neighbor.

      — Katie Choudhary

      DO I LOVE my neighbor as myself? Think of one act of love you can do today for your neighbor.

      Prayer: Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me to love like you do, so that my actions may demonstrate my love of God and neighbor.

      February 16

      “And over all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” — Colossians 3:14

      Our society obsesses about clothes. Every year new styles come out and we are encouraged to go out and buy them. Whether we are stepping out on the red carpet, attending a friend’s wedding, or simply going to work, wearing the right outfit is a priority for many people. Some have lost sight of the fact that clothes do not make the person.

      Mary’s clothes, as depicted in works of art, were simple and plain. Mary’s life was not about her “look,” but rather about who she was. As a beloved daughter of God and the mother of Jesus, Mary was clothed in love, which binds everything together. Mary was dressed in love when she visited her cousin Elizabeth, journeyed to Bethlehem for the birth of her child, and stood at the foot of the cross.

      Our Blessed Mother invites us to wrap ourselves in love, the true garment for those who follow Jesus. Love never goes out of style.

      — Mary Beth Desmond

      WHAT ARE WAYS you can clothe yourself in love? Consider giving away items of clothing you no longer wear to those in need.

      Prayer: Mary, help us accessorize ourselves with grace, purity, and love, that we may build a more loving, kind, and harmonious world.

      February 17

      “Hatred stirs up strife, / but love covers all offenses.” — Proverbs 10:12

      Love conquers all. We have heard these three little words since we were young. Even in the fairy tales we read to our children this line is used to assure us that in the end all will be well, because love will win out.

      As a child, Jesus heard this same message in the stories that Mary told him about his ancestors: Noah, Abraham and Isaac, Moses, and David. Throughout all of their struggles, love conquered.

      Today, much of our world is embroiled in disputes. Children are bullied in school, threats of terrorism loom over us, and political battles are a daily occurrence. Our gentle mother Mary, who gave birth to the Son of God, is here to remind us that love still conquers all. God is love, and there is nothing in this world that love cannot, or will not, overcome.

      — Lauren Nelson

      HOW CAN YOU SHOW the love of God today to your friends, family, and those that God sends your way?

      Prayer: Mary, show us how love can cover all of our offenses. Teach us how to turn away from conflict and to focus on the love that Jesus brings to us.

      February 18

      “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” — Mark 9:35

      As the mother of the house, I imagine Mary served wonderful meals to Joseph and Jesus. Mary loved her family, and cooking for them was certainly an expression of that love.

      I have great memories of my mom making perfect pancakes on Sunday mornings. Mom would serve up three nice stacks of hot, buttered, silver-dollar-sized pancakes at the table so we could enjoy them right away. My dad, brother, and I would gobble them up, and she would then take the plate back to the stove to refill it, repeating this ritual until we were all full. One by one we would leave the breakfast table.

      One day, as I was rinsing my plate in the sink, I heard my mom say, “Now that everyone is full, I am left alone with the leftovers.” I sat back down and talked with her while she enjoyed her lukewarm pancakes. Mom was always serving us and was the last to eat. Lasting love is sacrificial love.

      — Katie Choudhary

      WHAT IS THE NAME of someone in your life who has put himself or herself last so you could benefit?

      Prayer: Mary, please lift up (insert name) to your Son’s care today. I am thankful for the example of love you and this person have given me.

      February 19

      “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” — 1 John 4:18

      When the angel Gabriel first spoke to Mary, she was deeply disturbed. She questioned his words, yet complied with the angel’s request out of her love for the Lord. We are often deeply disturbed or have serious questions when we face something overwhelming or incomprehensible. Underneath those feelings and thoughts lies fear: fear that evil may befall us or a loved one, or fear we that won’t be able to handle the suffering, or that we can’t possibly do what’s required.

      If we proceed with love, however, we gain the strength we need. We can say, with Mary, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” We are able to model our lives after Mary who was able to meet her questions and her challenges with trust in God’s love for her. The perfect love of God drives out all fear.

      — Jane Zimmerman

      IT TAKES COMMITMENT to learn to know oneself, to be mindful of one’s thoughts, feelings, and impulses. How can the love of God help you overcome fear today?

      Prayer: Dear Mary, help me to know when I am anxious and fearful, to be aware of my thoughts and urges, and to turn to God’s love with hope.

      February 20

      “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” — Romans 8:28

      Mary was called — personally