Every Day with Mary:. Dr. Mary Amore    

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Название Every Day with Mary:
Автор произведения Dr. Mary Amore    
Жанр Словари
Издательство Словари
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781681921471

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with trials and difficulties. Mary’s yes to God came from her deep love for him. She partnered with the Lord in helping all things work.

      Our calls from God are also very personal. We have all been created for a purpose. Our lives are spent making choices, decisions that ultimately affect relationship with God. Whether we are making a decision on where to live or where to work, our loving relationship with the Lord invites us to take into consideration God’s will for us. Mary’s life invites us to partner with God as we make decisions. God loves us and desires only our good.

      When we choose God’s purpose for us, just as Mary did, we can know that things will work for our benefit.

      — Mary Beth Desmond

      HAVE YOU EVER MADE a decision you were uncertain about? How could God’s purpose for you become part of how you consider the choices you make?

      Prayer: Mary, help us to hear and answer the Lord’s personal call to us to fulfill his purpose.

      February 21

      “I am the mother of beautiful love.” — Sirach 24:18*

      Mary is our mother, not according to the flesh, but through love.

      It is absolutely impossible to analyze the love Mary has for us or to know the true depth of it. Because Jesus gave his mother to us from the cross, all of Mary’s love is for us. We are her adopted children, and Mary, the mother of God, is a refuge and an advocate we can turn to in our daily lives. We know that because Jesus loved her completely our love for Mary can never be too much.

      Mary has set a high standard for how we, as her children, should live our lives and love one another. Mary asks us to live each day in love for Jesus. She offers to form and mother that love in our hearts.

      — Deborah O’Donnell

      TAKE TIME TO THINK today about how you can put others first and show love to everyone around you. Ask Mary to be “the mother of beautiful love” in your life.

      Prayer: Mary, guide me on this journey to love and help me to be a humble servant of the Lord in all that I do.

      * Some ancient texts omit this verse.

      February 22

      “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven…. For the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” — Luke 6:37-38

      When Mary found Jesus in the Temple after he had been lost for three days, she did not yell at him, tell him how bad his behavior was, or lecture her twelve-year-old Son for disobeying his parents. Instead, Mary treated Jesus with love and respect.

      As our heavenly mother, Mary invites us to take the same approach. If we want family members who have walked away from the Faith, given up on God, or chosen lifestyles that are in conflict with the values of our faith to come back to the Lord, then we must offer them love and mercy, not judgment or condemnation. Mary is our advocate, and she can help us bring our family members back to the Lord with love, kindness, and compassion. Then these are the measures which will in return be measured out to us.

      — Dr. Mary Amore

      CALL TO MIND one family member in need of God’s mercy and forgiveness. How will you reach out to that person today without judgment?

      Prayer: Mary, help me to live in this world with the compassionate and loving heart of Jesus.

      February 23

      “His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’” — John 2:5

      You can picture the scene, can’t you? The son says, “It’s not time yet.” The mother knows otherwise, ignores the protests, and starts everything rolling. Did you ever stop to think of the great love and courage it took for Mary to nudge Jesus into his public ministry? All the things she carried in her heart included the knowledge that difficulties lay ahead for her Son. But she also knew that this was what must be done.

      As our spiritual mother, Mary is here to nudge us along the way, too. Sometimes we avoid things that are presented to us; we may be fearful, indecisive, or unprepared. In those moments, we can turn to Mary for guidance and inspiration. She seeks only for us to do the will of the Father.

      The next time you say to yourself “I don’t want to” or “it’s not time yet,” think about Mary’s great love. Feel the nudge offered to take that next step and know that our Blessed Mother will be there to support you.

      — Suzette Horyza

      RECALL A TIME when you felt the nudge of God’s love.

      Prayer: Mary, help me to be in tune with my heart, that I may listen to God’s voice speaking to me.

      February 24

      “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” — 1 Corinthians 13:7

      As a nurse, I have been blessed to see love come to life. When patients are surprised by a sudden illness or an unexpected admission to the hospital, they often feel disconnected from what is meaningful in their life. They long for the simple pleasures they love, whether the presence of family, prayer time, a pet, music, a morning walk, Mass, a cup of coffee, or just being able to go to work. They long for love in their lives.

      I am inspired by Mary and her life experiences. As the mother of Jesus, Mary endured many moments of disconnection from things that were meaningful to her life. She was a refugee in a foreign land, the mother of a lost child, and a witness to the crucifixion of her beloved Son. Yet Mary’s love for God never wavered. Loving God can help us reconnect to all that is meaningful for us, for love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

      — Mary Beth Desmond

      CONSIDER THE WAYS that you can offer love and support to someone who is struggling.

      Prayer: Mary, help me to bring the love of Jesus to my family, friends, and those that Jesus sends my way.

      February 25

      “Above all hold unfailing your love for one another.” — 1 Peter 4:8

      The writer of this epistle is telling Christians to have deep, earnest love for one another so that they can remain strong in their faith in spite of persecution. It is also important for us to foster a loving faith and family unity despite our differences and diversities.

      When we look at Mary, sometimes it’s difficult to imagine her as a housewife, mother, and active disciple who had many of the same difficulties we have with our families and friends: irritations of marriage, frustrations of motherhood, disagreements with others.

      Mary was devout and faithful in her relationship with God. His intense love was a soothing balm for all the human difficulties Mary may have encountered. Instead of family challenges causing division, Mary’s intense love for God brought a cohesive bonding to her family, and ultimately enabled Mary to hold the disciples together after Jesus’ death and resurrection.

      Mary invites us to draw close to God so we can allow the love of Christ to flow through us.

      — Christine Grano

      TODAY, SPEND SOME QUALITY TIME in prayer so that you may grow in intimacy with God.

      Prayer: Mary, pray for us to stay close to the Lord and let his divine presence flow through us so we may be agents of love in the world.

      February 26

      “For this is the message you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.” — 1 John 3:11

      Love is important because it is eternal. God, who is love, will always be with us. The love we show toward God and our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ will remain with us forever. The way in which we love one another at this moment will continue to manifest in heaven.

      The best and most devout example of love is Mary,