Angels of the Lord. Catherine Odell

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Название Angels of the Lord
Автор произведения Catherine Odell
Жанр Словари
Издательство Словари
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781612783956

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talk.” An angel can communicate with just one other angel, with many, or with all. It is simply a matter of the will. It’s “instant messaging” — angel style.23

      “We are like children who stand in need of masters to enlighten us and direct us; and God has provided for this by appointing his angels to be our teachers and guides.”

      — Saint Thomas Aquinas24

      January 29

      Ask the Angels

      Author Mike Aquilina proposes a very practical and easy way to tap into the awesome power of the angels who are present to us at all times and in every circumstance. He advises: “Think of all the people who most need your Christian witness: a son or daughter? a son-in-law? a daughter-in-law? an estranged friend? a former colleague? What’s the best way to begin to reach them? Well, each of them has a guardian angel who’s eager to help.” He advocates this approach in your daily interaction with your spouse, or children, your coworkers, neighbors — your adversaries. First ask your own guardian angel to help you do or say the right thing. If you need more help, remember that your spouse’s or child’s guardian angel is there to help. The main thing is to be aware of the angels around you and to get in the habit of calling on them often.25

      The angels are in God’s presence. That means that they are present everywhere. In the area of human existence an angel is universally pervasive and penetrative.26

      January 30

      TV’s Award-Winning Angels

      From 1994–2003, millions of people watched Touched by an Angel, an award-winning CBS television series about angels interacting with ordinary people. Angel trainee Monica (Roma Downey) and supervisor Tess (Della Reese) brought hope and the assurance of God’s love to those who needed it. Traveling in their 1972 red Cadillac Eldorado convertible, they encouraged fractured families and communities to reunite. Wounded, marginalized people found healing. Although the series never claimed to teach complicated theological truths, the basic message was fundamentally biblical. Touched by an Angel touched — and inspired — many viewers.

      “There are angels near you to guide you and protect you, if you would but invoke them. It is not later than we think; it is a bigger world than we think.”

      — Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, an American television “star” during the 1950s and 1960s27

      January 31

      Saint John Bosco, Priest (1815–1888)

      When We’re Tempted

      “When tempted, invoke your Angel. He is more eager to help you than you are to be helped!” That’s what Saint John Bosco, the Italian founder of the Salesians, told homeless youth in Turin. He cared for hundreds of boys and was like a father to them. The boys called him “Don Bosco,” the traditional and familiar title for Italian priests. Bosco worked day and night supporting and educating them. He too had grown up in poverty. He knew how tempting it was to take things when you grew up with very little. “Ignore the devil and do not be afraid of him,” he reassured his boys. “He trembles and flees at the sight of your Guardian Angel.”28

      Saint John Bosco, your advice to homeless boys is just as good for me. When I am tempted, let me remember to call upon the angels for help.

      February 1

      Saint Brigid of Ireland (c. 451–525)

      An Angel of Generosity

      Brigid of Ireland often showed over-the-top generosity. When she emptied her pantry to feed the poor, it was miraculously restocked. When she gave her father’s battle sword to a beggar, she said no gift was too precious to give to Christ. Brigid’s vision of happiness was generous, as well. Her prayer is for all of us.

      I would like the angels of heaven to be among us.

      I would like the abundance of peace.

      I would like full vessels of charity.

      I would like rich treasures of mercy.

      I would like cheerfulness to preside over all.

      I would like the friends of heaven to be gathered

      around us from all parts.29

      What is my vision of happiness? What do I want in abundance? Why is it sometimes so hard to let go of the things I do have? Is it because I am afraid I won’t have enough for myself? I want to understand that in you, God, I have all I need and plenty to share.

      February 2

      Presentation of the Lord

      Angels Reflect God’s Light

      In obedience to the Law of Moses, Mary and Joseph took the forty-day-old Jesus to the Temple to consecrate him to the Lord and to fulfill the purification sacrifice. Simeon, an old man waiting to see the promised Messiah, called Jesus “a light for revelation to the Gentiles” (Luke 2:32). Because this day falls about midway between winter and spring, it is associated with the increase of natural light in our world. It has also been called Candlemas. With the blessing of candles, we welcome Christ, the Light of the World. We also welcome his angels who are a dim — yet true — reflection of the pure light of Christ. Today, light a candle as you say this prayer:

      May this candle remind me, Lord Jesus,

      that You are my Light in darkness,

      my Protector in danger,

      and my Savior at all times.

      I praise You and give You glory,

      With all of the angels in heaven

      for You are Lord, forever and ever. Amen.

      February 3

      Go, Angel, Tell the News

      More than a century ago, ninety-year-old Penny Jessye sang as she prepared to go to her “Good Lord in that Heaven.” She called on her Guardian Angel to fulfill an angel’s primary mission — to be a messenger. Her granddaughter, Eva A. Jessye, transcribed Penny Jessye’s deathbed spiritual, her last prayer.

      Good Lord

      In that Heaven,

      Good Lord

      In that Heaven,

      Good Lord,

      In that Heaven,

      I know I gotta home at last!

      Go, Angel, and tell the news,

      Go, Sister, and tell the news,

      Go, Elder, and tell the news,

      I know I gotta home at last.30

      Go, Angel, go and tell the news that I am on my way. Someday, someday, I will be going home. Stay, Angel, stay and help me find my way.

      February 4

      Angels — Neither Male nor Female

      A young woman receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation wanted to honor Michael the Archangel