Angels of the Lord. Catherine Odell

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Название Angels of the Lord
Автор произведения Catherine Odell
Жанр Словари
Издательство Словари
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781612783956

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      Where did fallen angels — or demons — come from? Fallen angels do exist, the Church teaches, and have great power in the world. Both Scripture and the Tradition of the Church affirm the existence of Satan or the devil (see Catechism of the Catholic Church 391). Saint Augustine maintained that fallen angels, created with free will, rejected God out of pride because they were brilliant and glorious creatures themselves. Old Testament prophets referred to Satan, leader of the fallen angels, as the adversary of God. In the New Testament, the coming of Jesus is explained as God’s answer to Satan’s destructive work on earth. “Indeed, the Son of God was revealed to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).

      Although many people no longer believe that fallen angels or demons exist, that’s not what Scripture says. Saint Peter warned, “Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for [someone] to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)

      February 28

      Angels and Islam

      Along with Christianity and Judaism, Islam teaches that God (Allah) created angels. According to Islam, however, the angels did not have free will. They were created to obey and worship Allah. They were also bound to carry out Allah’s commands. Although the Koran refers to angels having wings, Muslims believe it is blasphemous to depict angels in any way. Islam also says that an angel named Jibreel (Gabriel) appeared to Mohammed as well as to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Because angels lack free will, Islam says that there are no fallen angels or demons.56

      “When a man dies, those who survive him ask what property he has left behind. The angel who bends over the dying man asks what good deeds he has sent before him.”

      — The Koran57

      March 1

      The Angel’s Violin

      One night, Saint Francis of Assisi prayed that God would grant him a small taste of the joys of eternal life. Then an angel appeared holding a violin and bow. While Francis was still amazed at the sight, the angel placed the violin to his chin and drew the bow across the strings a single time. Francis heard a melody so sweet that it filled his soul with immeasurable joy, as if he no longer had a body, and could know no sorrow. Francis told the Brothers afterward that if the angel had drawn the bow back across the strings of the violin a second time, his soul would have left his body from uncontainable happiness.58

      Lord, fill me with a desire for the joys of eternal life. Let me find just a small taste of that joy in a peaceful moment, in a sweet musical note, in a new opportunity, in an ordinary day — in the gift and receipt of your grace.

      March 2

      Angels of Mercy

      President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed that the Catholic Sisters who nursed the wounded soldiers during the Civil War (1861–1865) were Angels of Mercy. “Of all the forms of charity and benevolence seen in the crowded wards of the hospitals, those of some Catholic Sisters were among the most efficient.… As they went from cot to cot, distributing the medicines prescribed, or administering the cooling, strengthening draughts as directed, they were veritable angels of mercy. Their words were suited to every sufferer. One they encouraged, another they calmed and soothed … by their presence and their words!… How often has a soldier been refreshed, encouraged and assisted along the road to convalescence by the home memories with which these unpaid nurses filled his heart.”59

      Blessed are the merciful,

      for they will be shown mercy.

      Blessed are the clean of heart,

      for they will see God.

      Blessed are the peacemakers,

      for they will be called children of God.

      (Matthew 5:7–9)

      March 3

      Saint Katharine Drexel (1858–1955)

      Saints and Angels Work Together

      Jan Judge believes that angels and saints are working together on our behalf. “Six years ago,” she wrote, “I developed a rare chronic disease. Not long after, I visited the National Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel near Philadelphia. I prayed at Saint Katharine’s casket and then I went to fill out some prayer request forms. As I was writing, a distinguished black woman approached me and said she was sent there that day to find me. I immediately felt very nervous. We talked and she told me that I would never be rid of my illness unless I lost my anger. Together we prayed Psalm 102 (Prayer in Time of Distress) and Psalm 103 (Praise of Divine Goodness). We hugged and then she was gone. I was not cured, but I am at peace. I truly believe that she was an angel sent to me from Saint Katharine.”60

      Bless the Lord, all you angels,

      mighty in strength, acting at his behest,

      obedient to his command.

      Bless the Lord, all you hosts,

      his ministers who carry out his will.

      Bless the Lord, all his creatures,

      everywhere in his domain.

      Bless the Lord, my soul!

      (Psalm 103:20–22)

      March 4

      Like an Angel

      On June 18, 2015, gang members in Guatemala City threw twelve-year-old Ángel Ariel Escalante Pérez off a bridge because he refused their order to murder a bus driver. Although the branches of the trees and the underbrush in the area cushioned Ángel’s fall, rescuers found him with two fractured legs. After fifteen days in intensive care, Ángel died at Saint John of God General Hospital. Ángel was in the sixth grade and liked drawing, music, and soccer. Angel’s courageous decision to stand up to gang pressure left his grieving family and friends convinced that his guardian angel took Ángel directly to heaven.61

      You see or hear about bullying and gangs every day, but what can you do about it? You can be sure that your guardian angel would tell you to stand up to evil and injustice. There really is no other right choice, is there?

      March 5

      Angels Ministered to Jesus

      In the sixth century, on the First Sunday of Lent, Pope Gregory the Great gave a sermon on the temptation of Jesus in the desert. Gregory said that we can recognize ourselves in this Gospel because Jesus was tempted as a man. After the devil left Jesus, angels ministered to him. In this we see the two natures of the One Person. “For it is a man the devil tempts; and the same Person is God to whom angels minister. We recognize then our own nature in Him; for unless the devil saw Him as man he would not have tempted Him. We venerate in Him His own divinity; for unless He was God of all, angels would not have come and ministered to Him.”62

      Temptation is a rallying place for angels. We can count on their help twenty-four hours a day. Morning, noon, and night. Weekends and holidays. Lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from evil. Amen.

      March 6

      Do Angels Really Sing?