The Travels of Marco Polo - The Original Classic Edition. Pisa Marco

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Название The Travels of Marco Polo - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Pisa Marco
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486414697

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of Across Chryse. By A. R. Colquhoun. (The Athenaeum, No. 2900, 26th May, 1883, pp. 663-665.) ---- La Terra del Fuoco e Carlo Darwin. (Extract from Letter published by the Fanfulla, Rome 2nd June, 1883.) ---- How was the Trireme rowed? (The Academy, 6th Oct. 1883, p. 237.) ---- Across Chryse. (The Athenaeum, No. 2922, 27th Oct. 1883.) ---- Political Fellowship in the India Council. (Letter in The Times, 15th Dec. 1883.) [Heading was not Yule's.] ---- Maldive Islands. (Encyclop. Brit. XV. 1883, pp. 327-332.) ---- Mandeville. (Ibid. pp. 473-475.) 39 1884 A Sketch of the Career of Gen. John Reid Becher, C.B., Royal Engineers (Bengal). By an old friend and brother officer. Printed for private circulation, 1884, 8vo, pp. 40. ---- Rue Quills. (The Academy, No. 620, 22nd March, 1884, pp. 204-205.) Reprinted in present ed. of Marco Polo, vol. ii. p. 596. ---- Lord Canning. (Letter in The Times, 2nd April, 1884.) ---- Sir Bartle Frere [Letter respecting Memorial of]. (St. James' Gazette, 27th July, 1884.) ---- Odoric. (Encyclop. Brit. XVIII. 1884, pp. 728-729.) ---- Ormus. (Ibid. pp. 856-858.) 1885 Memorials of Gen. Sir Edward Harris Greathed, K.C.B. Compiled by the late Lieut.-Gen. Alex. Cunningham Robertson, C.B. Printed for private circulation. (With a prefatory notice of the compiler.) London, Harrison & Sons,... 1885, 8vo, pp. 95. The Prefatory Notice of Gen. A. C. Robertson is by H. Yule, June, 1885, p. iii.-viii. ---- Anglo-Indianisms. (Letter in the St. James' Gazette, 30th July, 1885.) ---- Obituary Notice of Col. Grant Allan, Madras Army. (From the Army and Navy Gazette, 22nd Aug. 1885.) ---- Shameless Advertisements. (Letter in The Times, 28th Oct. 1885.) 1886 Marco Polo. (Encyclop. Brit. XIX. 1885, pp. 404-409.) ---- Prester John. (Ibid. pp. 714-718.) ---- Brief Notice of Sir Edward Clive Bayley. Pages ix.-xiv. [Prefixed to The History of India as told by its own Historians: Gujarat. By the late Sir Edward Clive Bayley.] London, Allen, 1886, 8vo. ---- Sir George Udny Yule. In Memoriam (St. James' Gazette, 18th Jan. 1886.) ---- Cacothanasia. [Political Verse, Signed [Greek: Maenin AEIDE]] (St. James' Gazette, 1st Feb. 1886.) ---- William Kay, D.D. [Notice of]. (Letter to The Guardian, 3rd Feb. 1886.) ---- Col. George Thomson, C.B., R.E. (Royal Engineers' Journal, 1886.) ---- Col. George Thomson, C.B. [Note]. (St. James' Gazette, 16th Feb. 1886.) ---- Hidden Virtues [A Satire on W. E. Gladstone]. (Letter to the St. James' Gazette, 21st March, 1886. Signed M. P. V.) ---- Burma, Past and Present. (Quart. Rev. vol. 162, Jan. and April, 1886, pp. 210-238.) ---- Errors of Facts, in two well-known Pictures. (The Athenaeum, No. 3059, 12th June, 1886, p. 788.) ---- [Obituary Notice of] Lieut.-Gen. Sir Arthur Phayre, C.B., K.C.S.I., G.C.M.G. (Proc. R.G.S., N.S. 1886, VIII. pp. 103-112.) ---- "Lines suggested by a Portrait in the Millais Exhibition." Privately printed and (though never published) widely circulated. These powerful verses on Gladstone are those several times referred to by Sir Mountstuart Grant Duff, in his published Diaries. ---- Introductory Remarks on The Rock-Cut Caves and Statues of Bamian. By Capt. the Hon. M. G. Talbot. (Journ. R. As. Soc. N.S. XVIII. 40 1886, pp. 323-329.) ---- Opening Address. (Ibid. pp. i.-v.) ---- Opening Address. (Ibid. xix. pp. i.-iii.) ---- Hobson-Jobsoniana. By H. Yule (Asiatic Quarterly Review, vol. i. 1886, pp. 119-140.) ---- HOBSON-JOBSON: Being a Glossary of Anglo-Indian Colloquial Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms; etymological, historical, geographical, and discursive. By Col. H. Yule, and the late Arthur Coke Burnell, Ph.D., C.I.E., author of "The Elements of South Indian Palaeography," etc., London, John Murray, 1886. (All rights reserved), 8vo, p. xliii.-870. Preface, etc. A new edition is in preparation under the editorship of Mr. William Crooke (1902). 1886 John Bunyan. (Letter in St. James' Gazette, circa 31st Dec. 1886. Signed M. P. V.) ---- Rennell. (Encyclop. Brit. XX. 1886, pp. 398-401.) ---- Rubruquis (Ibid. XXI. 1886, pp. 46-47.) 1887 Lieut.-Gen. W. A. Crommelen, C.B., R.E. (Royal Engineers' Journal, 1887.) ---- [Obituary Notice] Col. Sir J. U. Bateman Champain. (Times, 2nd Feb. 1887). ---- "Pulping Public Records." (Notes and Queries, 19th March, 1887.) ---- A Filial Remonstrance (Political Verses). Signed M. P. V. (St. James' Gazette, 8th Aug. 1887.) ---- Memoir of Major-Gen. J. T. Boileau, R.E., F.R.S. By C. R. Low, I.N., F.R.G.S. With a Preface by Col. H. Yule, C.B., London, Allen, 1887. ---- The Diary of William Hedges, Esq. (afterwards Sir William Hedges), during his Agency in Bengal; as well as on his voyage out and return overland (1681-1687). Transcribed for the Press, with Introductory Notes, etc., by R. Barlow, Esq., and illustrated by copious extracts from unpublished records, etc., by Col. H. Yule. Pub. for Hakluyt Society. London, 1887-1889, 3 vols. 8vo. 1888 Concerning some little known Travellers in the East. (Asiatic Quarterly Review, V. 1888, pp. 312-335.) No. I.--George Strachan. ---- Concerning some little known Travellers in the East. (Asiatic Quarterly Review, VI. 1888, pp. 382-398.) No. II.--William, Earl of Denbigh; Sir Henry Skipwith; and others. ---- Notes on the St. James's of the 6th Jan. [A Budget of Miscellaneous interesting criticism.] (Letter to St. James' Gazette, 9th Jan. 1888.) ---- Deflections of the Nile. (Letter in The Times, 15th Oct. 1888.) ---- The History of the Pitt Diamond, being an excerpt from Documentary Contributions to a Biography of Thomas Pitt, prepared for issue [in Hedges' Diary] by the Hakluyt Society. London, 1888, 8vo. pp. 23. Fifty Copies printed for private circulation. 1889 The Remains of Pagan. By H. Yule. (Trubner's Record, 3rd ser. vol. i. pt. i. 1889, p. 2.) To introduce notes by Dr. E Forchammer. ---- A Coincident Idiom. By H. Yule. (Trubner's Record, 3rd ser. vol. i. 41 pt. iii. pp. 84-85.) ---- The Indian Congress [a Disclaimer], (Letter to The Times, 1st Jan. 1889.) ---- Arrowsmith, the Friend of Thomas Poole. (Letter in The Academy, 9th Feb. 1889, p. 96.) BIOGRAPHIES OF SIR HENRY YULE. ---- Colonel Sir Henry Yule, K.C.S.I., C.B., LL.D., R.E. By General Robert Maclagan, R.E. (Proceed. Roy. Geog. Soc. XII. 1890, pp. 108-113.) ---- Colonel Sir Henry Yule, K.C.S.I., C.B., LL.D., R.E., etc. (With a Portrait). By E. Delmar Morgan. (Scottish Geographical Magazine, VI. 1890, pp. 93-98.) Contains a very good Bibliography. ---- Col. Sir H. Yule, R.E., C.B., K.C.S.I., by Maj.-Gen. T. B. Collinson, R.E., Royal Engineers' Journal, March, 1890. [This is the best of the Notices of Yule which appeared at the time of his death.] ---- Sir Henry Yule, K.C.S.I, C.B., LL.D., R.E., by E. H. Giglioli. Roma, 1890, ppt. 8vo, pp. 8. Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Geografica Italiana, Marzo, 1890. ---- Sir Henry Yule. By J. S. C[otton]. (The Academy, 11th Jan. 1890, No. 923, pp. 26-27.) ---- Sir Henry Yule. (The Athenaeum, No. 3245, 4th Jan. 1900, p. 17; No. 3246, 11th Jan. p. 53; No. 3247, 18th Jan. p. 88.) ---- In Memoriam. Sir Henry Yule. By D. M. (The Academy, 29th March, 1890, p. 222.)

       See end of Memoir in present work.

       ---- Le Colonel Sir Henry Yule. Par M. Henri Cordier. Extrait du Journal

       Asiatique. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, MDCCCXC, in-8, pp. 26.

       ---- The same, Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie. Par M. Henri

       Cordier. 1890, 8vo, pp. 4. Meeting 17th Jan. 1890.

       1889 Baron F. von Richthofen. (Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fur

       Erdkunde zu Berlin, xvii. 2.)

       ---- Colonel Sir Henry Yule, R.E., C.B., K.C.S.I. Memoir by General R.

       Maclagan, Journ. R. Asiatic Society, 1890.

       ---- Memoir of Colonel Sir Henry Yule, R.E., C.B., K.C.S.I., LL.D., etc. By Coutts Trotter. (Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1891. p. xliii. to p. lvi.) 1889 Sir Henry Yule (1820-1889). By Coutts Trotter. (Dict. of National Biography, lxiii. pp. 405-407.) 1903 Memoir of Colonel Sir Henry Yule, R.E., C.B., K.C.S.I., Corr. Inst. France, by his daughter, Amy Frances Yule, L.A.Soc. Ant. Scot., etc. Written for third edition of Yule's Marco Polo. Reprinted for private circulation only. [1] This list is based on the excellent preliminary List compiled by E. Delmar Morgan, published in the Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. vi., pp. 97-98, but the present compilers have much more than doubled the number of entries. It is, however, known to be still incomplete, and any one able to add to the list, will greatly oblige the compilers by sending additions to the Publisher.--A. F. Y. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. MARCO POLO AND HIS BOOK. INTRODUCTORY NOTICES. I. OBSCURITIES IN THE HISTORY OF HIS LIFE AND BOOK. RAMUSIO'S STATEMENTS SS 1. Obscurities, etc. 2. Ramusio his earliest Biographer; his Account of Polo. 3. He vindicates Polo's Geography. 4. Compares him 42 with Columbus. 5. Recounts a Tradition of the Traveller's Return to Venice. 6. Recounts Marco's Capture by the Genoese. 7. His statements about Marco's liberation and marriage. 8. His account of the Family Polo and its termination. II. SKETCH OF THE STATE OF THE EAST AT THE TIME OF THE JOURNEYS OF THE POLO FAMILY SS 9. State of the Levant. 10. The various Mongol Sovereignties in Asia and Eastern Europe. 11. China. 12. India and Indo-China. III. THE POLO FAMILY. PERSONAL HISTORY OF THE TRAVELLERS TILL THEIR FINAL RETURN FROM THE EAST SS 13. Alleged origin of the Polos. 14. Claims to