The Travels of Marco Polo - The Original Classic Edition. Pisa Marco

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Название The Travels of Marco Polo - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Pisa Marco
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486414697

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The identification was not limited to Yule, for when travelling in Russia many years ago, the present writer was introduced by an absent-minded Russian savant to his colleagues as Mademoiselle Marco Paulovna! [71] See Note on Sir George Yule's career at the end of this Memoir. [72] Addressed to the Editor, Royal Engineers' Journal, who did not, however, publish it. [73] Debate of 27th August, 1889, as reported in The Times of 28th 32 August. [74] Yule had published a brief but very interesting Memoir of Major Rennell in the R. E. Journal in 1881. He was extremely proud of the circumstance that Rennell's surviving grand-daughter presented to him a beautiful wax medallion portrait of the great geographer. This wonderfully life-like presentment was bequeathed by Yule to his friend Sir Joseph Hooker, who presented it to the Royal Society. [75] Knowing his veneration for that noble lady, I had written to tell her of his condition, and to ask her to give him this last pleasure of a few words. The response was such as few but herself could write. This letter was not to be found after my father's death, and I can only conjecture that it must either have been given away by himself (which is most improbable), or was appropriated by some unauthorised outsider. [76] So Sir M. E. Grant Duff well calls it. [77] Academy, 19th March, 1890. [78] He was much pleased, I remember, by a letter he once received from a kindly Franciscan friar, who wrote: "You may rest assured that the Beato Odorico will not forget all you have done for him." [79] F.-M. Lord Napier of Magdala, died 14th January, 1890. [80] This notice includes the greater part of an article written by my father, and published in the St. James' Gazette of 18th January, 1886, but I have added other details from personal recollection and other sources.--A. F. Y. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SIR HENRY YULE'S WRITINGS COMPILED BY H. CORDIER AND A. F. YULE[1] 1842 Notes on the Iron of the Kasia Hills. (Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, XI. Part II. July-Dec. 1842, pp. 853-857.) Reprinted in Proceedings of the Museum of Economic Geology, 1852. 1844 Notes on the Kasia Hills and People. By Lieut. H. Yule. (Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, XII. Part II. July-Dec. 1844, pp. 612-631.) 1846 A Canal Act of the Emperor Akbar, with some notes and remarks on the History of the Western Jumna Canals. By Lieut. Yule. (Jour. Asiatic Society Bengal, XV. 1846, pp. 213-223.) 1850 The African Squadron vindicated. By Lieut. H. Yule. Second Edition. London, J. Ridgway, 1850, 8vo, pp. 41. Had several editions. Reprinted in the Colonial Magazine of March, 1850. ---- L'Escadre Africaine vengee. Par le lieutenant H. Yule. Traduit du Colonial Magazine de Mars, 1850. (Revue Coloniale, Mai, 1850.) 1851 Fortification for Officers of the Army and Students of Military History, with Illustrations and Notes. By Lieut. H. Yule, Blackwood, MDCCCLI. 8vo, pp. xxii.-210. (There had been a previous edition privately printed.) ---- La Fortification mise a la portee des Officiers de l'Armee et des personnes qui se livrent a l'etude de l'histoire militaire (avec Atlas). Par H. Yule. Traduit de l'Anglais par M. Sapia, Chef de Bataillon d'Artillerie de Marine et M. Masselin, Capitaine du Genie. Paris, J. Correard, 1858, 8vo, pp. iii.-263, and Atlas. 1851 The Loss of the Birkenhead (Verses). (Edinburgh Courant, Dec. 1851.) Republished in Henley's Lyra Heroica, a Book of Verse for Boys. London, D. Nutt, 1890. 1852 Tibet. (Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1852.) 1856 Narrative of Major Phayre's Mission to the Court of Ava, with Notices of the Country, Government, and People. Compiled by 33 Capt. H. Yule. Printed for submission to the Government of India. Calcutta, J. Thomas,... 1856, 4to, pp. xxix. + 1 f. n. ch. p. l. er. + pp. 315 + pp. cxiv. + pp. iv. and pp. 70. The last pp. iv.-70 contain: Notes on the Geological features of the banks of the River Irawadee and on the Country north of the Amarapoora, by Thomas Oldham ... Calcutta, 1856. ---- A Narrative of the Mission sent by the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava in 1855, with Notices of the Country, Government, and People. By Capt. H. Yule. With Numerous Illustrations. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1858, 4to. 1857 On the Geography of Burma and its Tributary States, in illustration of a New Map of those Regions. (Journal, R.G.S., XXVII. 1857, pp. 54-108.) ---- Notes on the Geography of Burma, in illustration of a Map of that Country. (Proceedings R. G. S., vol. i. 1857, pp. 269-273.) 1857 An Account of the Ancient Buddhist Remains at Pagan on the Irawadi. By Capt. H. Yule. (Jour. Asiatic Society, Bengal, XXVI. 1857, pp. 1-51.) 1861 A few notes on Antiquities near Jubbulpoor. By Lieut.-Col. H. Yule. (Journal Asiatic Society, Bengal, XXX. 1861, pp. 211-215.) ---- Memorandum on the Countries between Thibet, Yunan, and Burmah. By the Very Rev. Thomine D'Mazure (sic), communicated by Lieut.-Col. A. P. Phayre (with notes and a comment by Lieut.-Col. H. Yule) With a Map of the N. E. Frontier, prepared in the Office of the Surveyor-Gen. of India, Calcutta, Aug. 1861. (Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, XXX. 1861, pp. 367-383.) 1862 Notes of a brief Visit to some of the Indian Remains in Java. By Lieut.-Col. H. Yule. (Jour. Asiatic Society, Bengal, XXXI. 1862, pp. 16-31.) ---- Sketches of Java. A Lecture delivered at the Meeting of the Bethune Society, Calcutta, 13th Feb. 1862. ---- Fragments of Unprofessional Papers gathered from an Engineer's portfolio after twenty-three years of service. Calcutta, 1862. Ten copies printed for private circulation. 1863 Mirabilia descripta. The Wonders of the East. By Friar Jordanus, of the Order of Preachers and Bishop of Columbum in India the Greater (circa 1330). Translated from the Latin original, as published at Paris in 1839, in the Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires, of the Society of Geography, with the addition of a Commentary, by Col. H. Yule, London. Printed for the Hakluyt Society, M.DCCC.LXIII, 8vo, p. iv.-xvii.-68. ---- Report on the Passes between Arakan and Burma [written in 1853]. (Papers on Indian Civil Engineering, vol. i. Roorkee.) 1866 Notices of Cathay. (Proceedings, R.G.S., X. 1866, pp. 270-278.) ---- Cathay and the Way Thither, being a Collection of Mediaeval Notices of China. Translated and Edited by Col. H. Yule With a Preliminary Essay on the Intercourse between China and the Western Nations previous to the Discovery of the Cape route. London, printed for the Hakluyt Society. M.DCCC.LXVI. 2 vols. 8vo. 1866 The Insurrection at Palermo. (Times, 29th Sep., 1866.) ---- Lake People. (The Athenaeum, No. 2042, 15th Dec. 1866, p. 804.) Letter dated Palermo, 3rd Dec. 1866. 1867 General Index to the third ten Volumes of the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. Compiled by Col. H. Yule. London, John Murray, M.DCCCLXVII, 8vo, pp. 228. 34 ---- A Week's Republic at Palermo. (Quarterly Review, Jan. 1867.) ---- On the Cultivation of Sumach (Rhus coriaria), in the Vicinity of Colli, near Palermo. By Prof. Inzenga. Translated by Col. H. Yule. Communicated by Dr. Cleghorn. From the Trans. Bot. Society, vol. ix., 1867-68, ppt. 8vo, p. 15. Original first published in the Annali di Agricoltura Siciliana, redatti per l'Istituzione del Principe di Castelnuovo. Palermo, 1852. 1868 Marco Polo and his Recent Editors. (Quarterly Review, vol. 125, July and Oct. 1868, pp. 133 and 166.) 1870 An Endeavour to Elucidate Rashiduddin's Geographical Notices of India. (Journal R. Asiatic Society, N.S. iv. 1870, pp. 340-356.) ---- Some Account of the Senbyu Pagoda at Mengun, near the Burmese Capital, in a Memorandum by Capt. E. H. Sladen, Political Agent at Mandale; with Remarks on the Subject, by Col. H. Yule. (Ibid. pp. 406-429.) ---- Notes on Analogies of Manners between the Indo-Chinese and the Races of the Malay Archipelago. (Report Fortieth Meeting British Association, Liverpool, Sept. 1870, p. 178.) 1871 The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Newly translated and edited with notes. By Col. H. Yule. In two volumes. With Maps and other Illustrations. London, John Murray, 1871, 2 vols. 8vo. ---- The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Newly translated and edited, with Notes, Maps, and other Illustrations. By Col. H. Yule. Second edition. London, John Murray, 1875, 2 vols. 8vo. 1871 Address by Col. H. Yule (Report Forty-First Meeting British Association, Edinburgh, Aug. 1871, pp. 162-174.) 1872 A Journey to the Source of the River Oxus. By Captain John Wood, Indian Navy. New edition, edited by his Son. With an Essay on the Geography of the Valley of the Oxus. By Col. H. Yule. With maps. London, John Murray, 1872. In-8, pp. xc.-280. ---- Papers connected with the Upper Oxus Regions. (Journal, xlii. 1872, pp. 438-481.) ---- Letter [on Yule's edition of Wood's Oxus]. (Ocean Highways, Feb. 1874, p. 475.) Palermo, 9th Jan. 1874. 1873 Letter [about the route of M. Polo through Southern Kerman]. (Ocean Highways, March, 1873, p. 385.) Palermo, 11th Jan. 1873. ---- On Northern Sumatra and especially Achin. (Ocean Highways, Aug. 1873, pp. 177-183.) ---- Notes on Hwen Thsang's Account of the Principalities of Tokharistan, in which some previous Geographical Identifications are reconsidered. (Jour. Royal Asiatic Society, N.S. vi. 1873, pp, 92-120 and p. 278.) 1874 Francis Garnier (In Memoriam). (Ocean Highways, pp. 487-491.) March, 1874. ---- Remarks on Mr. Phillips's Paper [Notices of Southern Mangi]. (Journal, XLIV. 1874, pp. 103-112.) Palermo, 22nd Feb. 1874. ---- [Sir Frederic Goldsmid's] "Telegraph and Travel." (Geographical Magazine, April, 1874, p. 34; Oct. 1874, pp. 300-303.) ---- Geographical Notes on the Basins of the Oxus and the Zarafshan. By the late Alexis Fedchenko. (Geog. Mag., May, 1874, pp. 46-54.) 35 ---- [Mr. Ashton Dilke on the Valley of the Ili.]