Othello - The Original Classic Edition. Shakespeare William

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Название Othello - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Shakespeare William
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486413409

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       I hau't: it is engendred: Hell, and Night,

       Must bring this monstrous Birth, to the worlds light. Actus Secundus. Scena Prima.

       Enter Montano, and two Gentlemen.

       Mon. What from the Cape, can you discerne at Sea?

       1.Gent. Nothing at all, it is a high wrought Flood: I cannot 'twixt the Heauen, and the Maine,

       Descry a Saile

       Mon. Me thinks, the wind hath spoke aloud at Land, A fuller blast ne're shooke our Battlements:

       If it hath ruffiand so vpon the Sea,

       What ribbes of Oake, when Mountaines melt on them,

       Can hold the Morties. What shall we heare of this?

       2 A Segregation of the Turkish Fleet:

       For do but stand vpon the Foaming Shore,

       The chidden Billow seemes to pelt the Clowds,

       The winde-shak'd-Surge, with high & monstrous Maine

       Seemes to cast water on the burning Beare, And quench the Guards of th' euer-fixed Pole: I neuer did like mollestation view

       On the enchafed Flood

       Men. If that the Turkish Fleete

       Be not enshelter'd, and embay'd, they are drown'd, It is impossible to beare it out.

       Enter a Gentleman.

       3 Newes Laddes: our warres are done:

       The desperate Tempest hath so bang'd the Turkes, That their designement halts. A Noble ship of Venice, Hath seene a greeuous wracke and sufferance

       On most part of their Fleet

       Mon. How? Is this true?

       3 The Ship is heere put in: A Verennessa, Michael Cassio

       Lieutenant to the warlike Moore, Othello,

       Is come on Shore: the Moore himselfe at Sea, And is in full Commission heere for Cyprus

       Mon. I am glad on't:

       'Tis a worthy Gouernour

       3 But this same Cassio, though he speake of comfort, Touching the Turkish losse, yet he lookes sadly,

       And praye the Moore be safe; for they were parted


       With fowle and violent Tempest

       Mon. Pray Heauens he be:

       For I haue seru'd him, and the man commands

       Like a full Soldier. Let's to the Sea-side (hoa) As well to see the Vessell that's come in,

       As to throw-out our eyes for braue Othello, Euen till we make the Maine, and th' Eriall blew, An indistinct regard

       Gent. Come, let's do so;

       For euery Minute is expectancie

       Of more Arriuancie. Enter Cassio.

       Cassi. Thankes you, the valiant of the warlike Isle, That so approoue the Moore: Oh let the Heauens Giue him defence against the Elements,

       For I haue lost him on a dangerous Sea

       Mon. Is he well ship'd?

       Cassio. His Barke is stoutly Timber'd, and his Pylot

       Of verie expert, and approu'd Allowance; Therefore my hope's (not surfetted to death) Stand in bold Cure

       Within. A Saile, a Saile, a Saile

       Cassio. What noise?

       Gent. The Towne is empty; on the brow o'th' Sea

       Stand rankes of People and they cry, a Saile

       Cassio. My hopes do shape him for the Gouernor

       Gent. They do discharge their Shot of Courtesie, Our Friends, at least

       Cassio. I pray you Sir, go forth,

       And giue vs truth who 'tis that is arriu'd

       Gent. I shall. Enter.

       Mon. But good Lieutenant, is your Generall wiu'd? Cassio. Most fortunately: he hath atchieu'd a Maid That paragons description, and wilde Fame:

       One that excels the quirkes of Blazoning pens, And in th' essentiall Vesture of Creation,

       Do's tyre the Ingeniuer. Enter Gentleman.

       How now? Who ha's put in?

       Gent. 'Tis one Iago, Auncient to the Generall

       Cassio. Ha's had most fauourable, and happie speed: Tempests themselues, high Seas, and howling windes, The gutter'd-Rockes, and Congregated Sands,

       Traitors ensteep'd, to enclogge the guiltlesse Keele, As hauing sence of Beautie, do omit

       Their mortall Natures, letting go safely by

       The Diuine Desdemona

       Mon. What is she?

       Cassio. She that I spake of: Our great Captains Captaine,

       Left in the conduct of the bold Iago,

       Whose footing heere anticipates our thoughts, A Senights speed. Great Ioue, Othello guard,

       And swell his Saile with thine owne powrefull breath, That he may blesse this Bay with his tall Ship,


       Make loues quicke pants in Desdemonaes Armes,

       Giue renew'd fire to our extincted Spirits.

       Enter Desdemona, Iago, Rodorigo, and Aemilia.

       Oh behold,

       The Riches of the Ship is come on shore: You men of Cyprus, let her haue your knees. Haile to thee Ladie: and the grace of Heauen, Before, behinde thee, and on euery hand Enwheele thee round

       Des. I thanke you, Valiant Cassio,

       What tydings can you tell of my Lord?

       Cas. He is not yet arriu'd, nor know I ought

       But that he's well, and will be shortly heere

       Des. Oh, but I feare:

       How lost you company?

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