Othello - The Original Classic Edition. Shakespeare William

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Название Othello - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Shakespeare William
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486413409

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and do attach thee, For an abuser of the World, a practiser

       Of Arts inhibited, and out of warrant; Lay hold vpon him, if he do resist Subdue him, at his perill

       Othe. Hold your hands

       Both you of my inclining, and the rest.

       Were it my Cue to fight, I should haue knowne it Without a Prompter. Whether will you that I goe To answere this your charge?

       Bra. To Prison, till fit time

       Of Law, and course of direct Session

       Call thee to answer

       Othe. What if I do obey?

       How may the Duke be therewith satisfi'd, Whose Messengers are heere about my side, Vpon some present businesse of the State, To bring me to him

       Officer. 'Tis true most worthy Signior,

       The Dukes in Counsell, and your Noble selfe, I am sure is sent for

       Bra. How? The Duke in Counsell?

       In this time of the night? Bring him away; Mine's not an idle Cause. The Duke himselfe, Or any of my Brothers of the State,


       Cannot but feele this wrong, as 'twere their owne: For if such Actions may haue passage free,

       Bond-slaues, and Pagans shall our Statesmen be. Exeunt.

       Scaena Tertia.

       Enter Duke, Senators, and Officers.

       Duke. There's no composition in this Newes, That giues them Credite

       1.Sen. Indeed, they are disproportioned; My Letters say, a Hundred and seuen Gallies Duke. And mine a Hundred fortie

       2.Sena. And mine two Hundred:

       But though they iumpe not on a iust accompt, (As in these Cases where the ayme reports,

       'Tis oft with difference) yet do they all confirme

       A Turkish Fleete, and bearing vp to Cyprus

       Duke. Nay, it is possible enough to iudgement: I do not so secure me in the Error,

       But the maine Article I do approue

       In fearefull sense

       Saylor within. What hoa, what hoa, what hoa. Enter Saylor.

       Officer. A Messenger from the Gallies

       Duke. Now? What's the businesse?

       Sailor. The Turkish Preparation makes for Rhodes, So was I bid report here to the State,

       By Signior Angelo

       Duke. How say you by this change?

       1.Sen. This cannot be

       By no assay of reason. 'Tis a Pageant

       To keepe vs in false gaze, when we consider Th' importancie of Cyprus to the Turke; And let our selues againe but vnderstand,

       That as it more concernes the Turke then Rhodes, So may he with more facile question beare it,

       For that it stands not in such Warrelike brace, But altogether lackes th' abilities

       That Rhodes is dress'd in. If we make thought of this, We must not thinke the Turke is so vnskillfull,

       To leaue that latest, which concernes him first,

       Neglecting an attempt of ease, and gaine

       To wake, and wage a danger profitlesse

       Duke. Nay, in all confidence he's not for Rhodes

       Officer. Here is more Newes.

       Enter a Messenger.

       Messen. The Ottamites, Reueren'd, and Gracious, Steering with due course toward the Ile of Rhodes, Haue there inioynted them with an after Fleete


       1.Sen. I, so I thought: how many, as you guesse?

       Mess. Of thirtie Saile: and now they do re-stem

       Their backward course, bearing with frank appearance

       Their purposes toward Cyprus. Signior Montano, Your trustie and most Valiant Seruitour,

       With his free dutie, recommends you thus, And prayes you to beleeue him

       Duke. 'Tis certaine then for Cyprus:

       Marcus Luccicos is not he in Towne?

       1.Sen. He's now in Florence

       Duke. Write from vs,

       To him, Post, Post-haste, dispatch

       1.Sen. Here comes Brabantio, and the Valiant Moore.

       Enter Brabantio, Othello, Cassio, Iago, Rodorigo, and Officers.

       Duke. Valiant Othello, we must straight employ you, Against the generall Enemy Ottoman.

       I did not see you: welcome gentle Signior,

       We lack't your Counsaile, and your helpe to night

       Bra. So did I yours: Good your Grace pardon me. Neither my place, nor ought I heard of businesse

       Hath rais'd me from my bed; nor doth the generall care

       Take hold on me. For my perticular griefe

       Is of so flood-gate, and ore-bearing Nature, That it engluts, and swallowes other sorrowes, And it is still it selfe

       Duke. Why? What's the matter?

       Bra. My Daughter: oh my Daughter!

       Sen. Dead?

       Bra. I, to me.

       She is abus'd, stolne from me, and corrupted

       By Spels, and Medicines, bought of Mountebanks; For Nature, so prepostrously to erre,

       (Being not deficient, blind, or lame of sense,)

       Sans witch-craft could not

       Duke. Who ere he be, that in this foule proceeding

       Hath thus beguil'd your Daughter of her selfe, And you of her; the bloodie Booke of Law, You shall your selfe read, in the bitter letter,

       After your owne sense: yea, though our proper Son

       Stood in your Action

       Bra. Humbly I thanke your Grace,

       Here is the man; this Moore, whom now it seemes

       Your speciall Mandate, for the State affaires

       Hath hither brought

       All. We are verie sorry for't

       Duke. What in your owne part, can you say to this?

       Bra. Nothing, but this is so

       Othe. Most Potent, Graue, and Reueren'd Signiors, My very Noble, and approu'd good Masters;

       That I haue tane away this old mans Daughter, It is most true: true I haue married her;

       The verie head, and front of my offending,

       Hath this extent; no more. Rude am I, in my speech, And little bless'd with the soft phrase of Peace;

       For since these Armes of mine, had seuen yeares pith,


       Till now, some nine Moones wasted, they haue vs'd

       Their deerest action, in the Tented Field: And little of this great world can I speake,

       More then pertaines to Feats of Broiles, and Battaile, And therefore little shall I grace my cause,

       In speaking for my selfe. Yet, (by your gratious patience) I will a round vn-varnish'd Tale deliuer,

       Of my whole course of Loue. What Drugges, what Charmes,

       What Coniuration, and what mighty Magicke, (For such proceeding I am charg'd withall)

       I won his Daughter

       Bra. A Maiden, neuer bold:

       Of Spirit so still, and quiet, that her Motion Blush'd at her selfe, and she, in spight of Nature, Of Yeares, of Country, Credite, euery thing