Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy - The Original Classic Edition. Fleming John

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Название Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Fleming John
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486412792

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in height--the oscillations in the

       primary circuit must have a frequency of one and a quarter million. This high frequency can only be obtained either by greatly reducing the inductance of the primary discharge circuit, or reducing the capacity. If we reduce the capacity, we thereby greatly reduce the storage of energy, and it is not practicable to reduce the inductance below a certain amount.

       Summing up, it may be said that there are three, and, as far as the writer is aware, at present only three, modes of exciting the electrical oscillations in an aerial wire. First, the aerial may itself be used as an electrical reservoir and charged to a high potential and suddenly discharged to the earth. This is the original Marconi method. The second method, due to Braun, consist of attaching the aerial to some point on an oscillation circuit consisting of a condenser, an inductance coil and a spark gap, in series with one another, and charging and discharging the condenser across the spark gap so as to create alterations of potential at some point on the oscillation circuit. The length of the aerial must then be so proportioned as above described that it is resonant to this frequency. Thirdly, we may employ the arrangement involving an oscillation transformer, in which the oscillations in the primary condenser circuit are made to induce others in the aerial circuit, the time-period of the two circuits being the same. This method may be called the Braun-Marconi method. Professor Slaby has combined together in a certain way the original Marconi simple aerial with the [Pg 23]resonant quarter-wave-length wire of Braun. He constructs what he calls a multiplicator, which is really a wire wound into a loose spiral connected at one point to an oscillation circuit consisting of a condenser inductance, the length of this wire being proportioned so that there is a great resonance or multiplication of tension or potential at its free end. This free end is then attached to the lower end of an ordinary Marconi aerial, and serves to charge it with a higher potential than could be obtained by the use of the induction coil directly attached to it.

       We have next to consider the appliances for creating the necessary charging electromotive force, and for storing and releasing this charge at pleasure, so as to generate the required electrical oscillations in the aerial.

       It is essential that this generator should be able to create not only large potential difference, but also a certain minimum electric current. Accordingly, we are limited at the present moment to one of two appliances--viz., the induction coil or the alternating current transformer.

       It will not be necessary to enter into an explanation of the action of the induction coil. The coil generally employed for wireless telegraphy is technically known as a ten-inch coil--i.e., a coil which is capable of giving a ten-inch spark between pointed conductors in air at ordinary pressure. The construction of a large coil of this description is a matter requiring great technical skill, and is not to be attempted without considerable previous experience in the manufacture of smaller coils. The secondary circuit of a ten-inch coil

       is formed of double silk-covered copper wire; generally speaking, the gauge called No. 36, or else No. 34 S.W.G. is used, and a length

       of ten to seventeen miles of wire is employed on the secondary circuit, according to the gauge of wire selected. For the precautions necessary in constructing the secondary coil, practical manuals must be consulted.[8]

       Very great care is required in the insulation of the secondary circuit of an induction coil to be used in Hertzian wave telegraphy, because the secondary circuit is then subjected to impulsive electromotive forces lasting for a short time, having a much higher electromotive force than that which the coil itself normally produces.

       The primary circuit of a ten-inch coil generally consists of a length of 300 or 400 feet of thick insulated copper wire. In such a coil the secondary circuit would require about ten miles of No. 34 H.C. copper wire, making 50,000 turns round the core. It would have a resistance at ordinary temperatures of 6,600 ohms, and an inductance of 460 henrys. The primary circuit, if formed of 360 turns of No. 12 H.C. copper wire, would have a resistance of 0*36 of an ohm, and an inductance of 0*02 of a henry.

       [Pg 24]

       An important matter in connection with an induction coil to be used for wireless telegraphy is the resistance of the secondary circuit. The purpose for which we employ the coil is to charge a condenser of some kind. If a constant electromotive force (V) is applied to the terminals of a condenser having a capacity C, then the difference of potential (v) of the terminals of the condenser at any time that the contact is made is given by the expression:


       In the above equation, the letter e stands for the number 2*71828, the base of the Napierian logarithms, and R is the resistance in se-ries with the condenser, of which the capacity is C, to which the electromotive force is applied. This equation can easily be deduced from first principles,[9] and it shows that the potential difference v of the terminals of the condenser does not instantly attain a value equal to the impressed electromotive force V, but rises up gradually. Thus, for instance, suppose that a condenser of one microfarad

       is being charged through a resistance of one megohm by an impressed voltage of 100 volts, the equation shows that at the end

       of the first second after contact, the terminal potential difference of the condenser will be only 63 volts, at the end of the second

       second, 86 volts, and so on.

       Since e-10 is an exceedingly small number, it follows that in 10 seconds the condenser would be practically charged with a voltage equal to 100 volts. The product CR in the above equation is called the time-constant of the condenser, and we may say that the condenser is practically charged after an interval of time equal to ten times the time-constant, counting from the moment of

       first contact between the condenser and the source of constant voltage. The time-constant is to be reckoned as the product of the

       capacity (C) in microfarads, by the resistance of the charging circuit (R) in megohms. To take another illustration. Supposing we

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