Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy - The Original Classic Edition. Fleming John

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Название Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Fleming John
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486412792

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that there must be a perfectly free egress and ingress for the electrons leaving or entering the aerial, so that nothing hinders their access to the conducting surface over which the wave travels. There must be nothing to stop or throttle the rush of electrons into or out of the aerial wire, or else the lines of strain cannot be detached and and travel away.

       We may next consider more particularly the energy which is available for radiation and which is radiated. In the original form of sim-ple Marconi aerial, the aerial itself when insulated forms one coating or surface of a condenser, the dielectric being the air and ether around it, and the other conductor being the earth. The electric energy stored up in it just before discharge takes place is numerically equal to the product of the capacity of the aerial and half the square of the potential to which it is charged.

       If we call C the capacity of the aerial in microfarads, and V the potential in volts to which it is raised before discharge, then the energy storage in joules E is given by the equation,


       Since one joule is nearly equal to three-quarters of a foot-pound, the energy storage in foot-pounds F is roughly given by the rule . For spark lengths of the order of five to fifteen millimetres, the disruptive voltage in air of ordinary pressure is at the rate of 3,000 volts per millimetre. Hence, if S stands for the spark length in millimetres, and C for the aerial capacity in microfarads, it is easy to see that the energy storage in foot-pound is

       [Pg 14]

       If the aerial consists of a stranded wire formed of 7/22 and has a length of 150 feet, and is insulated and held vertically with its lower end near the earth, it would have a capacity of about one three ten-thousandths of a microfarad or 0*0003 mfd.[6] Hence, if

       it is used as a Marconi aerial and operated with a spark gap of one centimetre in length, the energy stored up in the wire before each discharge would be only one-tenth (0*1) of a foot-pound.

       By no means can all of this energy be radiated as Hertzian waves; part of it is dissipated as heat and light in the spark, and yet such an aerial can, with a sensitive receiver such as that devised by Mr. Marconi, make itself felt for a hundred miles over sea in every direction. This fact gives us an idea of the extremely small energy which, when properly imparted to the ether, can effect wireless telegraphy over immense distances. Of course, the minimum telegraphic signal, say the Morse dot, may involve a good many, perhaps half-a-dozen, discharges of the wire, but even then the amount of energy concerned in affecting the receiver at the distant place is exceedingly small.

       The problem, therefore, of long-distance telegraphy by Hertzian waves is largely, though not entirely, a matter of associating sufficient energy with the aerial wire or radiator. There are obviously two things which may be done; first, we may increase the capacity of the aerial, and secondly, we may increase the charging voltage or, in other words, lengthen the spark gap. There is, however, a well-defined limit to this last achievement. If we lengthen the spark gap too much, its resistance becomes too great and the spark ceases

       to be oscillatory. We can make a discharge, but we obtain no radiation. When using an induction coil, about a centimetre, or at most

       a centimetre and a half, is the limiting length of oscillatory sparks; in other words, our available potential difference is restricted to

       30,000 or 40,000 volts. By other appliances we can, however, obtain oscillatory sparks having a voltage of 100,000 or 200,000 volts,

       and so obtain what Hertz called "active sparks" five or six centimetres in length.

       Turning then to the question of capacity, we may enquire in the next place how the capacity of an aerial wire can be increased. This has generally been done by putting up two or more aerial wires in contiguity and joining them together, and so making arrangements called in the admitted slang of the subject "multiple aerials." The measurement of the capacity of insulated wires can be

       easily carried out by means of an appliance devised by the author and Mr. W. C. Clinton, consisting of a rotating commutator which alternately charges the insulated wire at a source of known electromotive force and then discharges it through a galvanometer. If this galvanometer is subsequently standardised, so that the ampere value of its deflection is known, we can determine easily the capacity

       C of the aerial or insulated conductor, reckoned in microfarads, when it is charged to a potential of V volts, and discharged n times a second through a [Pg 15] galvanometer. The series of discharges are equivalent to a current, of which the value in amperes A is given by the equation

       and hence, if the value of the current resulting is known, we have the capacity of the aerial or conductor expressed in microfarads, given by the formula

       A series of experiments made on this plan have revealed the fact that if a number of vertical insulated wires are hung up in the air and rather near together, the electrical capacity of the whole of the wires in parallel is not nearly equal to the sum of their individual capacities. If a number of parallel insulated wires are separated by a distance equal to about 3 per cent. of their length, the capacity of the whole lot together varies roughly as the square root of their number. Thus, if we call the capacity of one vertical wire in free space unity, then the capacity of four wires placed rather near together will only be about twice that of one wire, and that of twenty-five wires will only be about five times one wire.

       Fig. 8.--Various Forms of Aerial Radiator. a, single wire; b, multiple wire; c, fan shape; d, cylindrical; g, Conical.

       This approximate rule has been confirmed by experiments made with long wires one hundred or two hundred feet in length in the open air. Hence it points to the fact that the ordinary plan of endeavouring to obtain a large capacity by putting several wires in parallel and not very far apart is very uneconomical in material. The diagrams in Fig. 8 show the various methods which have been employed by Mr. Marconi and others in the construction of such multiple wire aerials. If, for instance, we put four insulated stranded

       7/22 wires each 100 feet long, about six feet apart, all being held in a vertical position, the capacity of the four together is not much more than twice that of a single wire. In the same manner, if we arrange 150 similar wires, each 100 feet long, in the form of a coni-


       cal aerial, the wires being distributed at the top round a circle 100 feet in diameter, the whole group will not have much more than twelve times the capacity of one single wire, although it weighs 150 times as much.

       The author has designed an aerial in which the wires, all of equal length, are arranged sufficiently far apart not to reduce each other's

       capacity. [Pg 16]

       As a rough guide in practice, it may be borne in mind that a wire about one tenth of an inch in diameter and one hundred feet long, held vertical and insulated, with its bottom end about six feet from the ground, has a capacity of 0*0002 of a microfarad, if no other earthed vertical conductors are very near it. The moral of all this is that the amount of electric energy which can be stored up in a simple Marconi aerial is very limited, and is not much more than one-tenth of a joule or one-fourteenth of a foot-pound, per hundred feet of 7/22 wire. The astonishing thing is that with so little storage of energy it should be possible to transmit intelligence to a distance of a hundred miles without connecting wires.

       One consequence, however, of the small amount of energy which can be accumulated in a simple Marconi aerial is that this energy is almost entirely radiated in one oscillation or wave. Hence, strictly speaking, a simple aerial of this type does not create a train of waves in the ether, but probably at most a single impulse or two.

       Fig. 9.--Marconi-Braun System of inducing Electromotive Force in an Aerial, A. B, battery; K, key; I, induction coil; S, spark gap; C, Leyden jar; E, earth plate; ps, oscillation transformer.

       We shall later on consider some consequences which follow from this fact. Meanwhile, it may be explained that there are methods by which not only a much larger amount of energy can be accumulated in connection with an aerial, but more sustained oscillations created than by the original Marconi method. One of these methods originated with Professor Braun, of Strasburg, and a modification was first described by Mr. Marconi in a lecture before the Society of Arts of London.[7] In this method the charge in the aerial is not created by the direct application to it