The Divine Comedy - The Original Classic Edition. Dante Dante

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Название The Divine Comedy - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Dante Dante
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486410293

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The rest were not an hundredth part so great. E'en thou wentst forth in poverty and hunger To set the goodly plant, that from the vine,

       It once was, now is grown unsightly bramble." That ended, through the high celestial court Resounded all the spheres. "Praise we one God!" In song of most unearthly melody.

       And when that Worthy thus, from branch to branch, Examining, had led me, that we now

       Approach'd the topmost bough, he straight resum'd; "The grace, that holds sweet dalliance with thy soul, So far discreetly hath thy lips unclos'd

       That, whatsoe'er has past them, I commend. Behooves thee to express, what thou believ'st, The next, and whereon thy belief hath grown."

       "O saintly sire and spirit!" I began,

       "Who seest that, which thou didst so believe, As to outstrip feet younger than thine own, Toward the sepulchre? thy will is here,

       That I the tenour of my creed unfold;

       And thou the cause of it hast likewise ask'd. And I reply: I in one God believe,

       One sole eternal Godhead, of whose love

       All heav'n is mov'd, himself unmov'd the while.


       Nor demonstration physical alone, Or more intelligential and abstruse,

       Persuades me to this faith; but from that truth

       It cometh to me rather, which is shed

       Through Moses, the rapt Prophets, and the Psalms. The Gospel, and that ye yourselves did write,

       When ye were gifted of the Holy Ghost. In three eternal Persons I believe,

       Essence threefold and one, mysterious league

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