The Divine Comedy - The Original Classic Edition. Dante Dante

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Название The Divine Comedy - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Dante Dante
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486410293

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       A third time thus it spake; then added: "There

       So firmly to God's service I adher'd,

       That with no costlier viands than the juice

       Of olives, easily I pass'd the heats

       Of summer and the winter frosts, content

       In heav'n-ward musings. Rich were the returns And fertile, which that cloister once was us'd To render to these heavens: now 't is fall'n

       Into a waste so empty, that ere long Detection must lay bare its vanity Pietro Damiano there was I yclept: Pietro the sinner, when before I dwelt Beside the Adriatic, in the house

       Of our blest Lady. Near upon my close

       Of mortal life, through much importuning I was constrain'd to wear the hat that still From bad to worse it shifted.--Cephas came; He came, who was the Holy Spirit's vessel,

       Barefoot and lean, eating their bread, as chanc'd,

       At the first table. Modern Shepherd's need

       Those who on either hand may prop and lead them, So burly are they grown: and from behind

       Others to hoist them. Down the palfrey's sides Spread their broad mantles, so as both the beasts Are cover'd with one skin. O patience! thou

       That lookst on this and doth endure so long." I at those accents saw the splendours down

       From step to step alight, and wheel, and wax,

       Each circuiting, more beautiful. Round this


       They came, and stay'd them; uttered them a shout

       So loud, it hath no likeness here: nor I

       Wist what it spake, so deaf 'ning was the thunder.


       Astounded, to the guardian of my steps

       I turn'd me, like the chill, who always runs Thither for succour, where he trusteth most, And she was like the mother, who her son Beholding pale and breathless, with her voice

       Soothes him, and he is cheer'd; for thus she spake, Soothing me: "Know'st not thou, thou art in heav'n? And know'st not thou, whatever is in heav'n,

       Is holy, and that nothing there is done

       But is done zealously and well? Deem now,

       What change in thee the song, and what my smile

       had wrought, since thus the shout had pow'r to move thee. In which couldst thou have understood their prayers,

       The vengeance were already known to thee, Which thou must witness ere thy mortal hour, The sword of heav'n is not in haste to smite, Nor yet doth linger, save unto his seeming, Who in desire or fear doth look for it.

       But elsewhere now l bid thee turn thy view;

       So shalt thou many a famous spirit behold."


       Mine eyes directing, as she will'd, I saw

       A hundred little spheres, that fairer grew

       By interchange of splendour. I remain'd,

       As one, who fearful of o'er-much presuming, Abates in him the keenness of desire,

       Nor dares to question, when amid those pearls, One largest and most lustrous onward drew, That it might yield contentment to my wish; And from within it these the sounds I heard.

       "If thou, like me, beheldst the charity

       That burns amongst us, what thy mind conceives, Were utter'd. But that, ere the lofty bound

       Thou reach, expectance may not weary thee, I will make answer even to the thought, Which thou hast such respect of. In old days, That mountain, at whose side Cassino rests, Was on its height frequented by a race Deceived and ill dispos'd: and I it was,

       Who thither carried first the name of Him, Who brought the soul-subliming truth to man. And such a speeding grace shone over me, That from their impious worship I reclaim'd The dwellers round about, who with the world Were in delusion lost. These other flames,

       The spirits of men contemplative, were all

       Enliven'd by that warmth, whose kindly force

       Gives birth to flowers and fruits of holiness.

       Here is Macarius; Romoaldo here:


       And here my brethren, who their steps refrain'd

       Within the cloisters, and held firm their heart."

       I answ'ring, thus; "Thy gentle words and kind, And this the cheerful semblance, I behold

       Not unobservant, beaming in ye all, Have rais'd assurance in me, wakening it Full-blossom'd in my bosom, as a rose

       Before the sun, when the consummate flower Has spread to utmost amplitude. Of thee Therefore entreat I, father! to declare

       If I may gain such favour, as to gaze

       Upon thine image, by no covering veil'd."

       "Brother!" he thus rejoin'd, "in the last sphere

       Expect completion of thy lofty aim,

       For there on each desire completion waits, And there on mine: where every aim is found Perfect, entire, and for fulfillment ripe.

       There all things are as they have ever been: For space is none to bound, nor pole divides, Our ladder reaches even to that clime,

       And so at giddy distance mocks thy view. Thither the Patriarch Jacob saw it stretch

       Its topmost round, when it appear'd to him

       With angels laden. But to mount it now

       None lifts his foot from earth: and hence my rule

       Is left a profitless stain upon the leaves;

       The walls, for abbey rear'd, turned into dens,


       The cowls to sacks choak'd up with musty meal. Foul usury doth not more lift itself

       Against God's pleasure, than that fruit which makes

       The hearts of monks so wanton: for whate'er

       Is in the church's keeping, all pertains.

       To such, as sue for heav'n's sweet sake, and not

       To those who in respect of kindred claim,

       Or on more vile allowance. Mortal flesh

       Is grown so dainty, good beginnings last not From the oak's birth, unto the acorn's setting. His convent Peter founded without gold

       Or silver; I with pray'rs and fasting mine; And Francis his in meek humility.

       And if thou note the point, whence each proceeds,

       Then look what it hath err'd to, thou shalt find The white grown murky. Jordan was turn'd back; And a less wonder, then the refluent sea,

       May at God's pleasure work amendment here."

       So saying, to his assembly back he drew: And they together cluster'd into one,

       Then all roll'd upward like an eddying wind.

       The sweet dame beckon'd me to follow them:

       And, by that influence only, so prevail'd Over my nature, that no natural motion, Ascending or descending here below,

       Had, as I mounted, with my pennon vied.


       So, reader, as my hope is to return

       Unto the holy triumph, for the which

       I ofttimes wail my sins, and smite my breast,

       Thou hadst been longer drawing out and thrusting

       Thy finger in the fire, than I was, ere

       The sign, that followeth Taurus, I beheld, And enter'd its precinct. O glorious stars! O light impregnate with exceeding virtue! To whom whate'er of genius