Want be a scientist? Read it!. Сергей Владимирович Зайцев

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Название Want be a scientist? Read it!
Автор произведения Сергей Владимирович Зайцев
Жанр Юмор: прочее
Издательство Юмор: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785449854476

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ей Владимирович Зайцев

      © Сергей Владимирович Зайцев, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-4498-5447-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      The summary

      Would you like to do science?

      To survive in a scientific (like any other) environment, it is necessary to constantly trick. But how it is concrete? This question is answered by the author using his life experience and the experience of comrades, graduates of MEPhI and subsequently, military engineering academy. Many «pitfalls» that are not visible to a young man planning to become a researcher have been unearthed. Familiarity with these facts can significantly influence a young man’s choice of his way. If anything, his choice will be more conscious.

      Perhaps some of the thoughts expressed in this book will be unpleasant, and will raise objections from readers, but it would be quite boring if everyone thought the same.

      The theme mentioned in the given book is so serious, that without jokes to manage it was not possible.

      For a narrow circle of beginners pseudoscientific quasi-scientists.


      It is protected by the law on the copyright. Infringement of the restrictions imposed by it on reproduction of this book or its any part, including registration, is pursued in a judicial order.

      The maintenance

      Scientists: We discovered electricity for you, invented the Internet, cured many previously deadly diseases.

      Society: Thank you, but we will give most of the money to those who kick the ball well, get their fingers on notes or pretend to be other people.

      «The talent is not present – Take brevity»


      «On all a cause of peace to see their person, it is necessary to look from a wrong side».


      «We know too little and badly study, therefore we should lie».


      «Absolutely without fraud it is impossible».

      Brave soldier Shvejk

      «Searching for true – the liar. He searches for happiness, instead of true».

      De Kassere

      «True love that it is useful. Therefore to true prefer advantage».


      «What use in the book to the one who does not possess own mind?»

      «Madness of units – an exception, and madness the whole groups, parties, the people – A rule».


      So, my way in a science is finished. When I in 16 years old entered the institute, first, in general a little that thought, has given in to a gregarious instinct, and, secondly, in those days there was no place to go. Or on factory to the machine tool to go? Then in army that there over me scoffed? Studying at institute (MEPhI prepares science officers, instead of engineers), I dreamt to get for work to any big scientist to follow his instructions, and gradually grow in the scientific plan. The validity has appeared another. As I tried to change work places, me not the elk to be attached to the present scientist —«locomotive». As a rule, even if would be glad me to take, the reason consisted that there is no vakancy! Well here you will do? Freedom of scientific creativity in engineering science is very strongly complicated in difference, for example, from painting. There take a paper with a pencil, and draw, that you want. And here the weight of objective material factors, moreover and principles of a social system, to put it mildly, do not promote it. So, when I have arrived in MEPhI we «as rams» have distributed at faculty on specialities, not having thought at all to ask our consent. My «supervisors of studies» not only did not help, and on the contrary, constantly tried to insert a piece from my dissertation into his. Affairs when your supervisor of studies himself not yet has protected the doctor’s are especially bad. Then he is ready to take all from your dissertation. Well, and «You then somehow». If you are dissatisfied with it, the reptile is you, and in any way he! At first I thought, that it to me so does not carry, but has then come to conclusion, that practically everywhere so …. To put it briefly, there is no better a saying approaching for the given case, than: whether «you have ceased to hope for others?». Only after I have acquired this true, and have started to work over the dissertation at own discretion, not paying attention to opinion and instructions of «supervisor of studies», deals, at last, have gone. As a rule, «supervisor of studies» competitors (not post-graduate students) practical participation in work does not accept. Certainly, if efficient thoughts throws up, the price to it is not present. However more often his instructions – empty room on the set theme. But if competitors receive interesting results, without it in any way.

      The vicious circle – while is not present the scientific equipment necessary to you, will not receive powerful results, and without them nobody will give money for the equipment. The results already confirmed with experiment use demand basically only. Thus, to tell a new word in a science it is practically impossible. If only it is casual. If you have appeared near to the corresponding standing idle equipment. Also it is necessary to make a work body quickly and imperceptibly that the heads have not guessed in what business, and that will immediately appropriate all merits. And, the important law consists that in overwhelming majority of cases theoretical a prediction even very clever people are not justified. Examples set. Here on my eyes the person did very serious dissertation where certain crystals should grow. Absolutely under all theories they well have been simply obliged to grow. Instead of grow also all here! It was necessary to throw this theme. How people leave a similar situation? Simply all go from other end. If it is casual in experiment will find out any the interesting law then turn all inside out, and represent business so, that they ostensibly have theoretically predicted this effect, (write a heap of plausible formulas) and already then experimentally it have confirmed! And on this principle the overwhelming majority of scientific works is constructed. As they say, when do not reach wished, pretend, that wished they reached.

      My opinion – a science is effective for very well financially secure person who has possibility can be engaged only, not thinking of «daily bread», on the means and at own discretion to buy the necessary equipment, materials, to engage employees. (If money is not present hectares plans, those become dream). Not used equipment it should have possibility immediately to sell and buy the necessary. And the most important thing – to change subjects of the work not asking permissions. Otherwise – one torture and time waste. All forces and time leave in sand. Laboratory premises appear are filled up by not used equipment which, probably, is very necessary for someone. And that to you now it is necessary – is not present. But on the other hand, at good means and the purpose are not necessary. While it is still live, yes at money it is necessary to have fun.

      Often I so was lead up by «heads» petty greed, that I for own beggarly salary bought radio components necessary for work, materials or tools. I considered it, more cheaply to me will manage, than to write a heap of demands, something to prove, collect signatures, the press, to wait months, and that, can, will not give anything. And even if you will wait, by then need in the equipment, probably, already will disappear. Even earlier there was a shop of chemical substances where it was possible to buy without problems their small quantities for experiments. But now from fear before terrorists all process of purchase extremely have complicated.

      According to United Nations recommendations, the payment below 3 dollars at an o’clock is inadmissible. At such money the person loses stimulus to work and inevitably starts to steal. Therefore the