The autopilot of Superposition. Selected poems. Zamirbek Osorov

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Название The autopilot of Superposition. Selected poems
Автор произведения Zamirbek Osorov
Жанр Поэзия
Издательство Поэзия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005043139

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every sober and clever community

      has urgently learned

      how to track down, detect early

      the threat of coming despotia and dictatorship,

      doing that through establishing and nurturing

      the very strong immunity

      in society and policy

      that can prevent such fallouts and tragedies

      which able imprisoned nations

      for decades and even centuries of suppressions

      and humiliations.

      Between two options of the worlds end

      Who knows

      what will happen with our universe

      in the end of ends,

      either our world will freezing to death,

      stretching out into limitless emptiness

      by the unstoppable explosion of Big Bang

      or vice-versa

      our universe through the inward implosion,

      through the accelerating squeezing, crunching, munching and frying

      will collapse into total nothingness?

      No one knows certainly

      which one of the tendencies

      win, but I know firmly

      that I love you and my love survive this tragedy

      and dying universe

      can not wipe out this eternal fire and tenderness,

      which again will rewake in new world and reality

      and define and tune them

      with the great precision of love.

      Ode to John Lennon

       This music has really transformed our world.

       It stressed greatly the Central Asia (previous part of USSR) also,

      in the time of Cold War and Iron Fences,

       when our old fathers-communist leaders, rotten in power and ruling by Soviet empire till the death,

       fighting with freedom, capitalism and Beatles also

      as with “the decadence and poisoning art of dying West”,

      until USSR itself collapsed down from stupid governance

      and violence and suppressing of  human rights.

       By the way for our olders had been known

      that according with an ancient Kyrgyz prophesy

      every millennium bring to world the singer,

      who might to crumble mountains and great evil empires

      just with his stunning powerful songs.

      Now we are going to understand

      what kind of person had been John Lennon.

      Thank forever, bard of millennium,

      singer with Irish-Kyrgys root,

       the modern Ossian,

       Orpheus who saved our world

      and presented freedom for prisoned East.

      You are deserved the deepest our respect and love for that

      from generation to generation

      as long as will sounded this silver melodies,

      this unusual music here and everywhere —

      Mind games, Stand by me, Imagine, Girl, Instant karma,

       Across the Universe.

      The time of epic fraud of infancy policy

      The time of our political infancy,

      and fraud and crime in epic scale and quantity,

      when dad and mom in power so devoted to family values,

      ready to sell out the entire country

      for their own dear toddlers, for their milk and nurture,

      for that and this

      and bank account in UK or Swiss.

      Our leaders naive and childish themselves simply didn’t understand

      what is the worst business and crime —

      to selling out our freedom and future.

      The fatal deadlock

      We are all dying

      with the same manner and reason

      as our planet getting to extinction.

      Our body and soul become older and weaker,

      from pollution, disharmony

      from an awful lack of competence and coordination

      which created total messy

      in work of various part of them,

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