The autopilot of Superposition. Selected poems. Zamirbek Osorov

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Название The autopilot of Superposition. Selected poems
Автор произведения Zamirbek Osorov
Жанр Поэзия
Издательство Поэзия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005043139

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by waves of Schrodinger’s

      are getting down to destruction.

      Who will tolerate too long

      such negligible fools and doodles

      and such civilization

      based on designing, inventing and mass-production

      lies and cheetings

      in so great quantity and quality?

      The Sparticles of peace, love and eternity

      Please, dance with the democratic values

      as often as possible, play with them, imitate and love

      the countries with  staunch and stable democratic institutions,

      stick tightly to them, entreating them to be with you

      or even cry out if democracy don’t understand you,

      be strong and merciless with the any attempt and trend

      toward dictatorship and violence

      but be limitless merciful and careful with the democracy,

      which often acted against herself,

      if you want establish the real safety

      and prosperity for your country and children

      you must deeply respect and love this strange woman.

       Don’t believe for any other sort and kind of ideologies and state structure,

      especially elude religious believers and claims

      and so called founder of sovereign models of democracy,

       which only camouflaged  the  most hideous and atrocious

       intend and content of corruptive comrades,

       terrorists and bandits and maniacs.

       Play with crystal-clear and marvelously pure and fresh

      water of  democracy

      constantly reviving and refreshing

      milk of honesty, justice and peace and prosperity.

      Play with marvelous sparticles

      going as deep as possible

      to that mysterious  game in  family, in love, in police

      in local level

      and in entire community and worldwide,

       universe itself has  born and grown with  her dance and sparklings.

      The deep secret

      Our world was born from one genuine strong intention,

      pressed in simple sentence, one astonishing spelling out

      the magical composed phrase

      that deeply stressed frozen black matters

       and born and expanded our Universe with myriads bright stars and galactics,

       as a one wholly composure,

      (where invisible and unmeasurable part and game hundred time more really and value

      then what we could fixed),

       have drifted to eternal motion and come eventually to that unusual existence

      with limitless secrets and powers in micro and macro realities

      teeming inside and around us in close and great distances,

       with perfectly worked and tuned physical constants and laws

      as truly witnesses about all ambassadors and heralds of our transendence from Quantum world

      these omnipresent and magical micro particles —

      electrons, neutrinos, protons, quarks and their anti-parts.

      Try to do the same on his small level.

      Love also has its hidden formula, cod and mission,

      if you have a strong power and great passion

      you might able to do it relive and save for life the dear one

      who look now maybe as the world before its born.

      Or try to resurrect our people and country

      that too long suffered from lack of perfect knowledge and love

      for creating sustained and stable community,

       pressed out by abundant black will,

       jealous and hatred

      on the base of dark ignorance.

      Messier Sagittarius of airy kisses

      To Santa Johanson

      I kiss you, regardless of huge distances in space and time

      that divided us

      since your departing,

      my lips break all known physical laws,

      they became like Black Hole,

      as the God of our Galaxy,

      which pulls to itself all and creats worlds and spaces,

      messier Sagittarius,

      supporting all our distances, sunrises and sunsets,

      who twists and turns as he wished all our past, present and future,

      oh yeah, my lips were able to reach you, my joy,

      select you out from this continuum of continuous decay,

      increasing entropy and old age,

      returning us to the most wonderful evergreen years —

      they are by some miracle

      found you

      beating thousands of kilometers at once

      and exactly fit in and stick tightly to your lips

      when you are walking among the streets of your city,

      like some sucker of supergiant space tentacles,

      as antennas of an interstellar ship

      which locate and investigate unknown void of space,

      so densely packed by high energies

      and made up the exact calculation of your coordinates

      come down to you from heaven,

      while all the other parts of my body and soul

      remained there – far behind

      and have no idea where you are and what doing now and did before,

      my lips like hungry hypersensitive leeches,

      having made this mind-blowing plunge and breakthrough,

      tightly pressed against your tender lips

      creating this amazing bridge

      between our continents, countries and worlds.

      I want to be this powerful Electron

      Yes, I want to be this powerful Electron, which can instantly reach you in time and space – maybe in that cherished reality where we both were in a better form – younger, healthier and full of life, hopes and joys – not so tired, helpless and faded from the rough grasp and harsh face of this life.

      Electron, my tiny immortal friend, knows how to do this and how to change our past and correct its grave mistakes, tragic consequences and retreats, how to update our present and make our near future so fascinatedly moving towards endless happiness and joy.

      Yes, of course, my