The autopilot of Superposition. Selected poems. Zamirbek Osorov

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Название The autopilot of Superposition. Selected poems
Автор произведения Zamirbek Osorov
Жанр Поэзия
Издательство Поэзия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005043139

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f Superposition

      Selected poems

      Zamirbek Osorov

      © Zamirbek Osorov, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-0050-4313-9

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      The Eurocentric Humanity

      To Franziska Steiner

      Of course, Europeans

      have known much more

      about our world  and Universe.

      They much more respected

      not only children, minorities, women rights and rights of disables

      and predisposed morally and lawable

      to do  all these  marvelous things and obliges

      but also – look for the beautiful garden of this dear Frau —

      how she can respect lovely and tenderly

      not only completely odd and unknown visitors and guests

      from far East, but every flower, tree

      and even just green grass

      growing up between cracks of concrete.

      I was be happy to  live a week in this neat cottage

      now I look like ghost

      which lost his paradise

      and even tempted by growing jealousy

      to the ant and grasshopper

      which crawling and sprung in that garden

      and to nice chamomiles and red poppies

      which blossoming in this nice spot,

      so carefully watering and keeping

      by lovely hands and soul and heart

      of quite unknown for me

      dear Franziska Steiner —

      I have simple not found any words

      for express my gratitude

      for such credence, respect and hospitality.

      I just thought

      Europe and Switzerland

      informed much  much more

      about deepest secrets of our soul, heart and world.

      Make a brilliant choice

      From now onward,

      dear comrades,

      in this remarkable age of information

      when ignorance might be fatal choice,

      we are all can be blessed by a brilliant destiny and excellent life,

      because we are absolutely all

      have a free access to internet,

      to the best universities,

      to the all financial institutions,

      to the all cutting-edge achievements,

      to the money-keeping banks

      and to the genetic banks also,

      and knowing, how edit and correct mistakes

      and enliven and empower ourselves,

      and we are coming close as never before

      through modern math, physic, cosmology, psychology

      to understand who we are and where come from

      and where will go?

      So absolutely every one of us

      from now onward

      have not any right for complaining, depressing and failures,

      because every one of us

      have a brilliant childhood, excellent past, education

      and went on through

      the best practice in all matters, all aspects and attitudes

      that need for you for creating marvelous achievements.

       Just take all these staff and vibes now

      and wear on yourself

      like smoking of luckiest person

      and make own, put into own conscientiousness and sub-conscientiousness —

      if you do everything with right way,

      you will ride the tsunami of success

      as never before in our past

      when ignorance had ruled and defined us.

      Why lie and liars are so dangerous?

      For get over or through the so called great obstacle or filter,

      our world must have pressed out lies and liars and rid from,

      until our pathological false humankind

      spoiled by corrupt politics

      from both hemispheres,

      rotten from top to down,

      not tossed out in abyss of total destruction.

      Why any lie so harmful in our life and reality?

      To Bayan Jumagulova

      If we want

      as a humankind

      go on through The great filter

      and avoid total destruction,

      we must suppress and wipe out completely

      this habit to tell the lie each other

      and ourselves and all around us

      thoroughly rid of

      from such mentally deepened hard-wiring,

      all the day cheeting someone, fooling, lying.

      The civilization of liars

      has not any chances for surviving.

      Because every lie is an act

      prepared for covering or distorting a truth,

      thats why its so unnatural and harmful:

      such things are simple not existed,

      you can not find any marks of lie

      throughout entire Universe.

      Where everything,

      all physical constants

      atoms and their tiniest particles

      have been created and made all fastest moves

      and transformations

      with the greatest precision and perfection,

      where impossible even microscopically false, lie and incorrectness,

      even for million part of jot.

      Just imagine after all

      how awful, rude and monstrous looks our lie

      under scope of such harmony and perfection?

      Of course the society of liars

      that cannot in time rid from this pathology

      will be soon terminated wholly

      or tossed into eternal fire.

      So every lie so caustic and harmful

      when a man lied to other one,

      not only for him

      but for entire world and universe.

      or even something much bigger

      will shaken