Tom’s Daily Plan: Over 80 fuss-free recipes for a happier, healthier you. All day, every day.. Tom Daley

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Название Tom’s Daily Plan: Over 80 fuss-free recipes for a happier, healthier you. All day, every day.
Автор произведения Tom Daley
Жанр Кулинария
Издательство Кулинария
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008212308

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      1 For the salsa, put the tomatoes, spring onion, pepper, tomato purée and oil into a small blender and whizz to chop the veg finely and make a nice chunky mixture.

      2 Tip half the salsa into a bowl and season well, then stir in the kidney beans. You can store the rest of the salsa in a sealable container in the fridge for up to 4 days.

      3 Lay the tortillas on a board and put a slice of ham on each. Add a spoonful of yoghurt, then top with the bean mixture and sprinkle over the cheese. Season again.

      4 Roll the burritos up, then wrap each one in foil. Heat a frying pan, place the foil parcels in it and toast the burritos for a couple of minutes all over.



      Scramble an egg in a separate pan and spoon it on to the ham instead of the yoghurt. Follow the rest of the recipe as before.



      Cook 2 rashers of back bacon, trimmed of any fat, in a pan until golden. Lay the bacon rashers on the tortilla, instead of the ham and Greek yoghurt, then follow the rest of the recipe as before.


       SERVES 2


      I’m happy to eat this warm and comforting breakfast dish at any time of day, but it is a perfect brunch. It’s usually made with smoked haddock, but my version uses salmon instead and tastes amazing. Including some grated courgette means you don’t need so much rice and keeps this low carb.

      200g salmon fillet

      1 tbsp olive oil

      2 large spring onions, sliced into small rings

      ¾ tsp curry powder

      ¼ tsp turmeric

      good pinch of chilli flakes

      75g brown basmati rice

      275ml hot vegetable or chicken stock

      1 small courgette, finely grated

      60g frozen peas, thawed

      2 eggs

      2 tbsp parsley, plus extra to garnish

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      1 Preheat the grill. Season the salmon fillet with salt and pepper and grill it for about 10 minutes until cooked. Set the fish aside until it’s cool enough to handle, then flake it into large chunks.

      2 Heat the oil in a saucepan and stir-fry the spring onions for 2–3 minutes until softened. Stir in the spices and season well, then continue to stir-fry for a minute or so to cook the spices.

      3 Stir in the rice and cook for 1 minute to coat it in the spices. Pour the hot stock over the top and put a lid on the pan. Bring the stock to the boil, then turn the heat down low and cook for 20–25 minutes.

      4 Take the lid off the pan and quickly spoon the grated courgette and peas on top of the rice. Cover the pan again and continue to cook for 3–5 minutes longer until all the water has been absorbed and the courgette and peas are tender.

      5 Meanwhile, bring a small pan of water to the boil and cook the eggs for 6 minutes. Drain well and cover the eggs with cold water, then carefully peel off the shells.

      6 Fluff up the rice and stir in the parsley and salmon flakes, then divide the kedgeree between 2 bowls. Halve the eggs, arrange them on top and scatter over a little more parsley if you like before serving.


       SERVES 2


      I love a good fry-up and this hearty full English, with a few changes to cut the fat, will help you build strength, keep hunger at bay and make the most of a weekend morning. Make sure you remove all visible fat from the bacon and use high-meat-content sausages.

      2 sausages

      2 rashers of bacon

      drizzle of olive oil

      2 eggs

      1 plum tomato, halved

      ½ quantity home-made beans (see here) or ½ can baked beans


      1 tsp olive oil

      200g sweet potato, grated

      2 spring onions, chopped

      1 large egg, beaten

      2 tbsp freshly chopped parsley

      couple of splashes of Worcestershire sauce (optional)

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      1 Heat a large frying pan (or use a Master Pan) until hot and add the sausages. Cook them for about 15 minutes, turning them regularly until golden brown. Add the rashers of bacon to the pan after about 10 minutes and cook them until they’re golden and crisp.

      2 Add a drizzle of oil to the pan and fry the eggs, trying to keep the white to one side only and leaving space for the tomato. Cook until the whites are set and the yolks are done to your liking. You may find it useful to put a lid on the pan at this stage to help the eggs cook. Add the tomato, cut-side down, tucking it in around the sausages and bacon. Heat the baked beans in a separate pan.

      3 While the sausages and bacon are cooking, make the rosti. Heat the oil in a separate medium frying pan. Mix together the grated sweet potato, spring onions, egg, parsley and Worcestershire sauce, if using, and season well. Spoon the mixture into the heated frying pan and squash it down with the back of a spoon until it covers the base. Cook for about 4 minutes until the mixture is golden underneath.

      4 Slide the rosti on to a plate, then flip it over and back into the pan to cook the other side. If you find this difficult, just flip pieces of rosti over in the pan and squash them back together again. Cook for a further 4 minutes, again until golden underneath. Alternatively, divide the mixture roughly into 4 and cook as smaller rostis, following the method above.

      5 Slice the rosti in half and put half on each plate. Serve the sausages, bacon, tomatoes, eggs and beans too and tuck in.