Tom’s Daily Plan: Over 80 fuss-free recipes for a happier, healthier you. All day, every day.. Tom Daley

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Название Tom’s Daily Plan: Over 80 fuss-free recipes for a happier, healthier you. All day, every day.
Автор произведения Tom Daley
Жанр Кулинария
Издательство Кулинария
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008212308

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and freshly ground black pepper

       TO SERVE

      2 tbsp plain yoghurt

      1 tsp wholegrain mustard or a squeeze of lemon juice

      1 Heat the oil and butter in a frying pan over a medium heat. Add the shallot and cook it for 3 minutes until it starts to soften.

      2 Stir in the spinach, kale and peas, season well and add a little grated nutmeg. Cook for 2 more minutes until the greens start to wilt down.

      3 Make 4 holes in the spinach mixture and crack an egg into each hole. Put a lid on the pan, turn the heat down low and leave the eggs to cook until the whites are set but the yolks are still soft.

      4 Whisk the yoghurt and the mustard or lemon juice with a tablespoon of water and season with salt and pepper. Serve the eggs and greens on to plates, then spoon the yoghurt dressing on top. Eat at once!


       SERVES 2


      I have to confess that when I’m in the mood for a bacon sarnie, nothing else will do. Here’s a healthy twist on the classic butty that really hits the spot.

      1 tbsp mixed seeds, such as pumpkin and linseed

      2 rashers of back bacon, trimmed of fat

      2 plum or medium beef tomatoes, halved

      ½ large avocado

      pinch of chilli flakes

      good squeeze of lemon juice

      2 slices of sourdough bread

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      1 Toast the seeds in a dry frying pan until golden, tossing them frequently.

      2 Preheat the grill until hot and grill the bacon and tomatoes until the bacon is cooked, turning it once, and the tomatoes have softened.

      3 Mash the avocado flesh in a bowl, then stir in the chilli and lemon juice. Season well and mix again.

      4 Toast the bread, then divide the avocado between the slices. Top with tomatoes and bacon, sprinkle over the seeds and serve.


       TOM’S TIP

      This recipe is for open sandwiches, but if you’re really hungry – like me – add another slice of toast on top! This will add about 100 extra calories.

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      I love beans for breakfast and they’re packed full of energy. This recipe makes a generous amount of beans for two but could stretch to four with extra side dishes. The eggs are cooked in a non-stick pan with water so they steam rather than fry.

      1 tsp olive oil

      1 shallot, finely chopped

      400g can of chopped tomatoes

      200ml hot vegetable or chicken stock

      1 sprig of rosemary

      1 bay leaf

      1 tbsp sun-dried tomato paste

      400g can of cannellini beans, drained

      2 eggs

      2 slices of sourdough bread


      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      1 Heat the oil in a saucepan and cook the shallot over a medium heat for 3–4 minutes until softened.

      2 Add the chopped tomatoes, stock, herbs and tomato paste to the pan and bring to the boil. Season with salt and pepper, then stir everything together and simmer for 12–15 minutes until the sauce has reduced and thickened.

      3 Stir in the cannellini beans and continue to simmer for a couple of minutes to warm them through.

      4 Heat 2 tablespoons of water in a non-stick frying pan. As soon as the water is boiling and has reduced by about half, add the eggs. Turn the heat down low and cover the pan with a lid. Cook the eggs for about 3 minutes until the whites have set and the yolks are still soft.

      5 Toast the slices of sourdough bread and spread them with a little butter. Put the toast on plates, divide the beans between them and carefully place an egg on top of each serving.


       images BREAKFAST BURRITOS images

       SERVES 2


      These breakfast burrito bundles are a real feast and give you an energy-filled start to the day. They’re good with ham, or see my tips for egg or bacon burritos here. The salsa is really good and goes brilliantly with my fabulous fajitas too (see here).

      ½ can of kidney beans, drained

      2 wholemeal tortilla wraps

      2 slices of ham (about 60g)

      2 tbsp Greek yoghurt

      20g mature Cheddar cheese, grated

      salt and freshly ground black pepper


      2 tomatoes (about 100g), deseeded and chopped

      1 spring onion, chopped

      ¼ pepper, deseeded and chopped

      1 tsp tomato purée
