The Spoilers / Juggernaut. Desmond Bagley

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Название The Spoilers / Juggernaut
Автор произведения Desmond Bagley
Жанр Классическая проза
Издательство Классическая проза
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007347674

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hell!’ The American looked at his watch. ‘I guess I’ve gotta eat, anyway. See you around.’

      As he left, Tozier came up to the bar with his drink in his hand. ‘Who’s your friend?’

      ‘A lonely drunk.’

      ‘I’ve seen your man,’ said Tozier. ‘He looks like another drunk. What now?’

      ‘Now we don’t lose him.’

      ‘And then?’

      Warren shrugged. ‘Then we find out what we find out.’

      Tozier was silent for a while. He pulled out his cigarette case, lit a cigarette and blew out a long plume of smoke. ‘It’s not good enough, Nick. I don’t like acting in the dark.’

      ‘Sorry to hear it.’

      ‘You’ll be even sorrier when I pull out tomorrow.’ Warren turned his head sharply, and Tozier said, ‘I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but you can’t run this operation by keeping everything under wraps. How the hell can I do a job if I don’t know what I’m doing?’

      ‘I’m sorry you feel that way about it, Andy. Don’t you trust me?’

      ‘Oh, I trust you. The trouble is that you don’t trust me. So I’m pulling out, Nick – I’ll be back in London tomorrow night. You’ve got something on Johnny Follet, and you might have something on Ben Bryan for all I know. But I’m clean, Nick; I’m in this for honest reasons – just for the money.’

      ‘So stay and earn it.’

      Tozier shook his head gently. ‘Not without knowing what I’m getting into – and why. I told you once that I like to have something to shoot back with if someone shoots at me. I also like to know why he’s shooting at me. Hell, I might approve of his reasons – I might even be on his side if I knew the score.’

      Warren’s hand tightened on his glass. He was being pushed into a decision. ‘Andy, you do jobs for money. Would you smuggle dope for money?’

      ‘The problem has never come up,’ said Tozier reflectively. ‘Nobody has ever made the proposition. Are you asking me, Nick?’

      ‘Do I look like a dope smuggler?’ said Warren in disgust.

      ‘I don’t know,’ said Tozier. ‘I don’t know how a dope smuggler behaves. I do know that the straightest people get bent under pressure. You’ve been under pressure for quite some time, Nick; I’ve watched you struggling against it.’ He drained his glass. ‘Now that the question has arisen,’ he said, ‘the answer is no. I wouldn’t smuggle dope for money. And I think you’ve turned into a right son of a bitch, Nick; you’ve tried to con me into this thing and it hasn’t worked, has it?’

      Warren blew out his cheeks and let the air escape in a long sigh. Internally he was cheering to the sound of trumpets. He grinned at Tozier. ‘You’ve got the wrong end of the stick, Andy. Let me tell you about it – around the corner out of the sight of Speering.’

      He took Tozier by the arm and steered him to a table and in five minutes had given him the gist of it. Tozier listened and a slightly stupefied expression appeared on his face. He said, ‘And that’s all you have to go on? Have you gone out of your mind?’

      ‘It’s not much,’ admitted Warren. ‘But it’s all we have.’

      Suddenly, Tozier chuckled. ‘It’s just mad enough to be interesting. I’m sorry if I got things wrong just now, Nick; but you were being so bloody mysterious.’ He nodded ruefully. ‘I can see the position you were in – you can’t trust anyone in this racket. Okay, I’m with you.’

      ‘Thanks, Andy,’ said Warren quietly.

      Tozier called up a waiter and ordered drinks. ‘Let’s get practical,’ he said. ‘You were right in one thing – I wouldn’t let a breath of this leak out to Johnny Follet. If there’s any money in it Johnny will want to cut his share, and he won’t be too particular how he does it. But all the same, he’s a good man to have along, and we can use him as long as you keep that stranglehold tight. What have you got on him, anyway?’

      ‘Does it matter?’

      Tozier shrugged. ‘I suppose not. Now, what are your ideas on Speering?’

      ‘He’s come here to extract morphine from opium, I’m fairly sure of that,’ said Warren. ‘That’s why he went to a wholesale pharmaceutical firm yesterday. He was ordering supplies.’

      ‘What would he need?’

      ‘Pharmaceutical quality lime, methylene chloride, benzene, amyl alcohol and hydrochloric acid, plus a quantity of glassware.’ Warren paused. ‘I don’t know if he intends transforming the morphine into heroin here. If he does he’ll need acetic acid as well.’

      Tozier frowned. ‘I don’t quite understand this. What’s the difference between morphine and heroin?’

      The drinks arrived and Warren did not reply until the waiter had gone. ‘Morphine is an alkaloid extracted from opium by a relatively simple chemical process. Heroin is morphine with its molecular structure altered by an even simpler process.’ He grimaced. ‘That job could be done in a well-equipped kitchen.’

      ‘But what’s the difference?’

      ‘Well, heroin is the acetylated form of morphine. It’s soluble in water, which morphine is not, and since the human body mostly consists of water it gets to the spot faster. Various properties are accentuated and it’s a damned sight more addictive than morphine.’

      Tozier leaned back. ‘So Speering is going to extract the morphine. But where? Here in Iran? And how is the morphine – or heroin – going to get to the coast? South to the Persian Gulf? Or across Iraq and Syria to the Mediterranean? We have to find out one hell of a lot of things, Nick.’

      ‘Yes,’ said Warren gloomily. ‘And there’s one big problem I can’t see past at all. It’s something I haven’t even discussed with Hellier.’

      ‘Oh! Well, you’d better spit it out.’

      Warren said flatly, ‘There’s no opium in Iran.’

      Tozier stared at him. ‘I thought all these Middle East countries were rotten with the stuff.’

      ‘They are – and so was Iran under the old Shah. But this new boy is a reformer.’ Warren leaned his elbows on the table. ‘Under the old Shah things went to hell in a bucket. He was running Iran on the lines of the old Roman Empire – in order to keep in sweet with the populace he kept the price of grain down to an artificial low level. That was a self-defeating policy because the farmers found they couldn’t make a living growing grain, so they planted poppies instead – a much more profitable crop. So there was less and less grain and more and more opium.’ He grimaced. ‘The old Shah didn’t mind because he created the Opium Monopoly; there was a government tax and he got a rake-off from every pound collected.’

      ‘A sweet story,’ said Tozier.

      ‘You haven’t heard the half of it. In 1936 Iranian opium production was 1,350 metric tons. World requirements of medicinal opium were 400 tons.’

      Tozier jerked. ‘You mean the old bastard was smuggling the stuff.’

      ‘He didn’t need to,’ said Warren. ‘It wasn’t illegal. He was the law in Iran. He just sold the stuff to anyone who had the money to pay for it. He was on to a good thing, but all good things come to an end. He pushed his luck too far and was forced to abdicate. There was a provisional government for a while, and then the present Shah took over. Now, he was a really bright boy. He wanted to drag this woebegone country into the twentieth century by the scruff of its neck, but he found that you can’t have industrialism in a country where seventy-five per cent of the population are opium addicts. So he clamped down hard and fast,