The Path to Myself. Gennady Brin

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Название The Path to Myself
Автор произведения Gennady Brin
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006425927

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Unattractive profile.

      · Bald spot.

      If you have as many complaints about yourself, then realize that in the mirror you look completely different, do you understand? In the mirror, you see the reflection of God, there you are practically Apollo, from whom Michelangelo simply had to paint a picture.

      If, looking at yourself on video and in the mirror, you see different things, then you definitely don’t love yourself.

      It’s very important to figure this out. Why don’t you love yourself? You understand, you won’t be able to love the whole world until you love yourself. Without self-love, all your possibilities are closed: in relationships, at work, in creativity, and in general, all resources and probabilities are closed. However, opportunities are everywhere, but until you love yourself, you can’t see them – you’re blind. And then you ask:

      · Why do I have such a big debt?

      · Why am I working at a job I don’t like?

      · Why don’t I have material resources?

      · Why do all people annoy me?

      · Why don’t I have friends?

      · Why does no one come to visit me?

      · Why does no one call me?

      There will be no answers here. But there will be new questions:

      · Why did you close yourself off from the whole world?

      · Why do you see yourself this way?

      Ask yourself these questions right now. And you will understand that reality is completely different – it’s in the mirror that you’re Apollo, but by closing yourself off from the world, you lost everything in an instant. Can you imagine what a pity for all of humanity? And it’s okay if we’re talking about the world losing Apollo, but here we’re talking about something else – never mind the bald spot – here the world has lost a whole individuality – You!

      Now look at what I did.

      First, I went into physical transformation. Before it, I weighed about 240 pounds, now – 188.

      And I thought about the bald spot. I looked at myself in the mirror again: I see that the bald spot is kind of lush. And I decided that I no longer need such hair. I took and shaved it off.

      When my ex-wife saw me, we were still living together then, questions and conclusions poured in:

      · What have you done?

      · Are you off your head?

      · I don’t like it.

      Here we go…

      “Well, what’s done is done, I’ve already shaved it, I’ll walk around like this for a while, but hair will grow back,” I say.

      And so, I live with this bald hairstyle. And I’m quite comfortable. I like it. I look at myself in the mirror – I see that I even look younger. And if at 45 I looked about 65, now I definitely looked about 55. And this was already progress.

      And now I understand my surroundings, my children and ex-wife.

      · First, I didn’t pay attention to the children.

      · Secondly, my wife wasn’t interested in being next to a sixty-five-year-old man who had absolutely no energy. And if there’s no energy, there’s no sex.

      · But I didn’t have friends either: I kind of avoided people, I didn’t go to anyone, and no one came to me.

      Now listen. Even if you like sex, but you’ve closed yourself off, and deprived yourself of this pleasure, then don’t expect anything good from life. After all, in sex there is everything: there’s health, there’s creativity, there’s success, self-confidence. It’s simply the stratosphere!

      In short, as soon as you close off these intimate relationships from yourself, you immediately cut off about 50 million dollars for yourself, at least. As soon as you open yourself up, you start to love yourself. Being with a loved one, you get pleasure, you become fulfilled. Getting intimate relationships, you get the most powerful energy, emotional charge, appetite. Your metabolism rises. Your skin rejuvenates. Can you imagine, there’s a sparkle in your eyes? You go out on the street, like a magnet, and women start to fall for you. Conversations begin, communication – and everything is in your hands.

      When I went to Brazil for the first time, I was already bald. Can you imagine, I could have gone there in that 65-year-old form with a belly. But now, after physical transformation, I was already different: I had gained muscle, lost excess weight, was satisfied with my bald hairstyle, looked not 45, but only 35 years old. There is confidence in me. And in all this there was an incredible drive. Thanks to confidence, it was very easy for me to create in my illusions such a woman as I want. And I drew her in my imagination. And then the most real hydrogen bomb happened! It was divine providence, I even freaked out then when I attracted exactly such a woman into my life.

      And I allowed her to become mine!

      Now, when I’m open to the world, new energy is gaining momentum and more and more new opportunities are opening up. It turns out that it’s so simple – to take and love yourself and let incredible resources and opportunities into your world. This is where real paradise begins!

      It turns out that for success, you don’t need to do anything! It turns out, it’s enough to just take and love yourself! And the first thing to do is to accept yourself as you are. Then ask yourself:

      · How would I like to live?

      · How would I like to feel?

      · How would I like to look?

      · How can this be better for me?

      · What can I do right now to make my life fulfilled?

      Sit in silence with these questions. Answers will definitely come. Believe! Just don’t miss them.

      And in the meantime, right now go back to the mirror, look at yourself for a few minutes. Learn to love your reflection just like that, for nothing, but for the fact that you exist. Here you are as you are. Praise yourself, looking into your eyes in the mirror reflection. And do at least the smallest thing for yourself. For example, treat yourself to something tasty, give yourself something from beautiful clothes, take yourself to a hairdresser or for a massage. Don’t lie down – move: take yourself to nature, feel the beauty, enjoy creativity – it’s everywhere, notice everything. And, having learned to notice even little things, you will see how your life will begin to become wonderful.

      Note that for all these powerful steps, neither resources nor opportunities are needed. Take and do! You understand?! Having done at least something from this list, you will instantly see the result.

      And here you are walking down the street, confident, a real Apollo.

      How will you feel with this knowledge of yourself? Neither more nor less than as God. Now you can create, bring to life any of your dreams! Well, anything you want! You understand? You are the Creator – create already, finally!

      Many are in search of self-love. And it is built from such simple little things, which absolutely do not need resources. Pay attention to the little things in your environment and everyday life:

      · hygiene;

      · the desire to always look great;

      · order in the house;

      · care for pets and household members;

      · clean comfortable clothes;

      · delicious food and love for cooking it;

      · expressing intention for cleanliness and order to all your surroundings;

      · orderly accounting and control of your finances;

      · daily routine and distribution of your precious time to real