The Path to Myself. Gennady Brin

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Название The Path to Myself
Автор произведения Gennady Brin
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006425927

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the rapid development of subsequent events is precisely related to the search for myself. I didn’t associate this with spirituality or philosophy. I needed to understand who Gennady is.

      Questions were becoming more and more:

      Why am I here?

      What is my calling?

      What are my talents?

      What are my blocks and fears?

      Why do I make certain decisions in certain situations?

      That’s how sources of information began to open up. There was a need for knowledge, which I received from Joe Dispenza, Alexander Palienko, Napoleon Hill, and other popular authors and bloggers. Most of the information came through YouTube. Every free minute from work and household duties, I consumed information. Thanks to Alexander Palienko, I learned to be grateful, which significantly reduced the level of life stress. He has such a practice where you thank absolutely everything: for every breath of air, for the sky being blue, for everything, including lessons in the form of troubles. Immersing myself in the practice, I began to feel like both a man and a woman, and at the same time whole. That’s how I managed to switch my mood from problems and negativity to positivity.

      The path to consciousness didn’t actually happen at the snap of fingers. It was long and thorny. And it continues to this day.

      Each person has their own individual path in finding themselves. Interest is important here. And this is the most powerful realization. Any interest is already a path. And it definitely leads a person to themselves. Of course, you can go to yourself through struggle. This road will also lead to the goal. Only it will be much longer than going through interest.

      It became possible to feel the flow of energy. And when we are in such an emotional tone, many ideas open up to us. It was in this state in 2019 that I found myself on a business trip to Brazil. There I met a woman whom I had created in my imagination. I was charmed. She didn’t need to be saved. She didn’t need to be pitied. And I allowed myself to have this woman in my life. There were a thousand reasons why this meeting should not have taken place. But I turned off logic and closed my mind. That’s why such a woman appeared in my life. I opened my heart, which became the launching pad for all subsequent events.

      Everyone who remembers the youthful state of being in love will confirm how in this period a continuous flow of energy is felt and what role emotional tone with butterflies in the stomach plays in solving any other life tasks.

      Subsequent events developed very rapidly. I fully realized my life. Now there were no doubts – until now I had not been myself, I had always adapted.

      When this opened up to me, I climbed out of this box, or like an actor took off the mask, and opened my soul to another person. This was the most powerful decision at that moment. After all, we know many examples when in response to such an action you can hear “I don’t need this”. Then a person closes up – it hurts them. In our case, it was a vibrational match. Elisa, that’s my woman’s name, turned out to be a conscious person too. She doesn’t speak English; I don’t know Portuguese. But we mutually opened up to each other. We started communicating. And it turned out that in our manifestations we were creating each other. This happened almost simultaneously: after divorcing my wife, I was sitting in my apartment in San Francisco and thinking about what kind of woman I would like to meet in a Brazilian bar, and she in Brazil was creating the image of a man like me. Moreover, as it turned out, Elisa had been dreaming of a man like me since childhood.

      Our relationship lasted four days. I returned to America, and the business trip romance, according to common templates, should have ended. But in our case, the usual patterns didn’t work. Everything happened exactly the opposite. I felt my woman close even being at a huge distance from her. The desire to communicate didn’t disappear for a minute. We arranged business trips for ourselves. We met either in Bali or in Singapore. Either she came to me in California, or I went to her in Brazil again.

      In the process of rapid development of relationships, I continued to open up, learn Portuguese. I noticed that sentence construction in Portuguese grammar is very similar to the Russian version. And since we communicated every day, Portuguese words began to come out of me on their own. The effect of understanding each other with half a word was facilitated by sensory perception: her look, voice, tone of voice. I enjoyed every second and dissolved in this state.

      I understood that now I’m living my own life. Doing my own things, being 1000 miles away, I constantly feel this person nearby. I can talk to her out loud, for example, before going to sleep. And in the morning, she calls me and says that she felt how I came and literally conveys all my words. This is sensory perception.

      It was 2019. COVID. First there was a job loss. Then by the end of the year, a transition to a new job. And all this time I felt huge support from this person. Elisa is a spiritual and positive person. She is Catholic and deeply religious. But this doesn’t mean that she didn’t miss a single service. I don’t remember why I was imposed with an assumption back in the day when my mother, during our life in Moldova, said that I could visit any mosques except a Catholic church. However, when Elisa was with me and suggested choosing one of the Sundays to dedicate it to visiting a Catholic church, I didn’t doubt for a minute and went there with her. This event impressed me with cool energy, silence and calmness. Elisa participated in the prayer service, and I practically meditated: I closed my eyes and thanked for being with this person, that I can breathe, that I have a family, that my children are well provided for, I thanked the sky and the sun. At the end of the service, we thanked each other and returned to our business.

      Elisa went through a very interesting positive but difficult path in life. She grew up in a large family. At 16—17 years old, when she became pregnant, her family turned away from her for some religious Catholic reasons. Taking responsibility for herself and her future, the girl raised her child without any help, and got an education. Now she is a cool specialist in the field of dentistry and beauty.

      At that moment, I felt a powerful flow of energy. And thanks to the incredible round-the-clock support of my woman, energy was gushing. Time itself slowed down: I performed a bunch of things in short periods and didn’t feel tired. There was such a feeling that nothing exists. There is only our world and in it only two people as one whole. Everything was interesting together: communicating, eating, dancing, walking and even being silent. We were in such a fulfilled state almost all the time.

      After the end of the pandemic, nothing more prevented us. And the last New Year I allowed myself to meet in Brazil. For three weeks I was in the jungle with her family, none of whom speak English. When everyone has winter, Brazil has summer. Therefore, New Year there is paradise with an abundance of fruits, paradise in the circle of now close people, where they accept you as a relative, and when seeing off, they even cry. Rapid transformation captured everyone then. Incredible realizations about life began to come, I began to resonate more with my children. I no longer did any business on autopilot – everything was only consciously.

      And here in February-March I am driving to the airport which is nine hours away, with YouTube turned on. I’m listening to Alexander Palienko. The first video ends and a new one with Vladimir Belyaev starts. I feel that it resonates with me. I don’t switch. And so, I listened to him for all nine hours.

      Having reached the place, I immediately wrote to Vladimir’s team that I want to talk with him. Vladimir also immediately noted my energy. I already felt this myself and by this time I already had experience in conducting free sessions in English. There, more than 80 people came to me at the same time. But I didn’t teach anyone, I just shared my experience. People listened with interest. And there were cool reviews. Only all the knowledge gained remained in theory – no one did anything more. I called people, and they all thanked, realized everything. They said that everything I told them was unique and helps in something, but nothing happened further.
