The Path to Myself. Gennady Brin

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Название The Path to Myself
Автор произведения Gennady Brin
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006425927

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time, after staying in San Francisco for three months, Elisa had left. Now staying alone, I continued to be in a state of euphoria. And on this rise, I continued to know myself: I found fears, resentments, guilt. I began to understand what it means to love oneself. I learned from Vladimir that the most important and beloved person in this world is I. I am the only one in this world. Only “I” am one – all the rest are my mirrors.

      Transformation lessons with Victoria and Vladimir were very interesting. More and more realizations came. Energy was gushing. Practices began to work: we worked through fears, resentments, guilt with Victoria and Vladimir. I still didn’t fully believe in myself, but when something started to work out, it became more and more interesting.

      For example, I found some fear of mine, named it, realized that it exists, said “Get lost!”. I began to check in sensations whether the fear was gone or not and found that it was no longer there. That is, I’m really not afraid anymore. So, it worked.

      Then I wrote about this experience of mine in a closed transformation Telegram chat. And since these experiences were becoming more and more, I got so carried away that I continued to share about each of my transformation results with colleagues in this game. From the number of realizations, I couldn’t even sleep. I continuously recorded my realizations in voice messages and sent them to the chat. No one stopped me.

      I’m grateful to Victoria and Vladimir for allowing me to pour out my realizations in batches in messages. Among the colleagues in this game was Slava. He even began to get angry when in the morning before work, trying to read something important, he saw a huge stream of messages in all closed chats, and they were all from me. But I didn’t do this on purpose. And I realized that if I had taken a pen in my hand then, nothing would have worked out at all. I practically didn’t sleep, and I had no need for sleep. I was on an incredible rise. Energy didn’t go anywhere, I felt great. When I asked Vladimir and Victoria what was happening to me, they said: “Congratulations, you’ve connected to the flow”.

      I began to realize the present Moment as well. Everything I felt, I checked in the Moment. Let’s say I noticed stress.

      “Okay. One second”.

      I listen to myself.

      “Exactly – stress”.

      I realized the state, went and drank water. No stress! It works in one-two-three. That’s how I constantly tracked my states. Then I began to share the experience.

      At the same time, realizations from the field of psychology began to open up. I began to understand that we are our own creators. And since I am the Creator, then everything – both good and bad – I create myself. And this means that I can change everything myself. If I find the reason, realize it, work it out and use the opportunity to change the scenario. Everything I worked out on myself had a positive effect. And I wanted to try this with people from my environment. Friends, neighbors, and even a homeless person became like my guinea pigs. I continued to share the results of my experiments with people.

      Then calls slowly began. A real example: a person has been lying for 10 years, doesn’t get up – after talking with me, improvement begins. We communicate remotely. I ask if she has something in her surroundings. For example, a parrot or a dog. I say to look at the parrot, imagine that it’s me, and that we are communicating and you are receiving a message for healing. That’s how a positive outcome happened – the woman got out of bed. Although it was still painful, but the progress was huge. And I continued to play with psychological tools. But this was no longer just theory – everything was confirmed by practice. Sometimes something didn’t work out. Well, this is just the beginning. But, in principle, if a person masters this information, everything will be subject to them. They will become the master of their life. And this is very cool.

      Motivating people is not even help. I realized that when you change yourself, help yourself, then the environment changes, which means life changes, the Planet changes, the whole World changes. It’s very important to share experience and information. However, there should be no imposition in this matter. Even the most interesting and incredible experience may not be accepted if it is imposed on a person who is not ready to accept it. This was the case, for example, with my younger brother, with whom I have had the best relationship since childhood of all people on the planet. Due to the incorrectly presented information by me, when I excitedly told him how life can be changed, my brother, after listening to me, asked:

      “You speak cool. But did you ask if I need to change my life? Maybe I’m satisfied with everything I have. Maybe I’m already happy. If I needed this, I would have come to you for help”.

      And this was a cool moment. It was a hard landing and an important realization that not everything that is useful to me can be useful to other people. First of all, a person must be ready for this. Only they can take responsibility for their life. When I realized this, I chose a new format for presenting information. And now I share only my own experience, and the choice always remains with the person.

      Everything is individual. Since I am an emotional person, with a huge amount of energy, even the coolest information is perceived differently by everyone. Then a powerful realization came to me at that moment that the coolest transmission of information is silence.

      It’s like a form of meditation. Some realizations come to us, we can use various messages. That is, we kind of program ourselves, using manifestations to fulfill our desires. But in the same way, with the help of silence, any information can be transmitted to another person. It was with the use of this technique that Slava appeared in my life. This is my partner in the transformation game who was annoyed by the flow of my realizations in the chat. The appearance of Slava in my life became confirmation of the version that coincidences are not accidental. Literally three weeks later, Slava, my colleague in online transformation with Vladimir Belyaev, appeared in my apartment in California.

      Since we found ourselves in a pair with the same degree of awareness, completely new worlds have opened up to us. Thanks to this tandem, we constantly find confirmation of everything that happens to us. For example, we can smell the same scent that is emitted at a distance from us. With the help of sensory perception, many facts have been revealed when we confirmed each other’s versions of various cases. When two people have identical versions of what is happening, when one’s assumptions are confirmed by another, it is no longer fantasy. This is such an extraordinary reality. For example, on the way to a certain place, we could already describe it in quite detail, down to the geometry and landscape of the area. And when we got close, we got convinced of our version 100%. So the game began to become reality.

      And when you start sharing this information with friends, they laugh, say it’s cool, a cool anecdote, a cool story, you made it up cool. But in our case, when there is a person nearby who is experiencing exactly the same experience, we no longer need to prove anything to anyone. This is how faith comes. Faith would have come in any case to me alone. But without Slava, it would have taken much longer.

      This is how the realization came to share my experience on a larger scale. There was a huge desire to improve the lives of people all over the Planet.

      After some time, I realized that the rocket on which I was rushing headlong at the beginning of the transformation had landed a bit. The energy is still there, the sensory perception is there too, relationships with people remain, but I have become a more integral figure, a more conscious person.

      And each reader, already while reading this manual, can get closer to awareness by experiencing in practice any described tool, and right in the moment create for themselves, for example:

      · A joyful state.

      · Quickly cope with stress and any life difficulties.

      · Learn to find their talents and abilities faster.

      Sensory perception alone is