Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies. Группа авторов

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Название Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119808558

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crash. A declaration of subvention for three to six months was previously assessed, while an initial step toward defeating the COVID‐19 has received an overwhelming response. However, currently, harvesters are expecting clarification on the following questions: what shall be the source of income for the farmers? and will the money come from own sources? What is the solution to mitigate the issue of migrated labor? These issues are not addressed in the present plan. An extension of the lockdown shall allow generation of more factors, allowing further predictions of its impact on the economy of the farmers.

      The government of all countries should take strict and significant actions to keep up with the control of the virus. Socioeconomic decisions of the respective countries could significantly impact the final outcome and an alarming situation in the future could be predicted, because we have also considered these factors in our report. This study may assist the planners in India to take stringent actions to prevent further spread of the virus by developing timely strategies and effectuating their implementation based on the different levels of severities of COVID‐19 among the population of India presented here. It is highly desirable that other global regions take strict action to reduce exposure of their people for curtailing the spread of infection and provide timely support to facilitate the recovery of infected individuals.

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