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The Adventures of Little E The Friendly Alien

Paul Hander

Show & Tell is the first book in a delightfully entertaining children's series that stars an endearing little alien who comes to Earth to befriend Earthlings. The series chronicles the many adventures this lovable extraterrestrial and his Earth friends encounter. The underlying message in this beautifully illustrated series focuses upon the greatness of all souls.

The Adventures Of Little E The Friendly Alien

Paul Hander

Trick Or Treat is the third book in a delightfully entertaining children's series that stars an endearing little alien who comes to Earth to befriend Earthlings. The series chronicles the many adventures this lovable extraterrestrial and his Earth friends encounter. The underlying message in this beautifully illustrated series focuses upon the greatness of all souls.

An Orange: A Child's Book of Awareness

Mark McGinnis

Helping a child to develop a sense of awareness may be one of the greatest gifts we can give. Awareness, presence, mindfulness, and stillness are gifts that improve and heighten our quality of life from the first steps to the final breath of life – and maybe beyond. It is a simple gift that is be best taught by frequent examples of awareness – by drawing the child’s attention to their sensory perceptions and allowing them to experience freely.
This book is inspired by the classic story of the Buddha teaching mindfulness to village children using tangerines. The book may be read to the child using the illustrations to convey the experience of the orange, or it may read be to the child as the child observes and handles an actual orange, or it may be recalled to the child the next time the child eats an orange or anything else for that matter. The slow and careful sensory experience encouraged by the book can be adapted to many situations and a child can begin to build the sense of awareness and presence that can be a staple of her or his life.

Business Intelligence con Microsoft® Excel® 2010 (Tomo I)

Boris Dalmau

El autor se enfoca exclusivamente en el uso de Microsoft Excel 2010 como instrumento de análisis y desarrollo de soluciones de inteligencia de negocios y busca resaltar su importancia como herramienta de apoyo para el control del logro de objetivos y toma de decisiones. El libro lo guía paso a paso, a que desarrolle de manera autodidacta las habilidades necesarias para construir en forma eficaz y efectiva sus propios cuadros de mando. Más que un libro teórico, es una guía, 80% visual, orientada a ayudar a implementar soluciones prácticas aplicables a toda actividad estratégica, operativa y/o de soporte de un negocio.Este libro está dirigido a profesionales, ejecutivos, gerentes, empresarios y todos aquellos que desean ser altamente competitivos, pro-activos y productivos.No necesita de conocimientos avanzados o ser un experto en sistemas. En el libro, se construyen cuadros de mando mediante el uso de instrucciones sencillas y que puede adaptarlos a su propia necesidad. En este primer tomo el autor desarrolla una parte del gran abanico de posibilidades que Microsoft Excel 2010 ofrece y que irá complementando en los siguientes tomos próximos a publicar.

No Ticks Please

Nancy Fox

“No Ticks Please” is a story that describes the life of a tick and how ticks interact with their environment. The purpose of “No Ticks Please” is to teach children steps to prevent contracting tick-borne diseases by avoiding areas where ticks may live and travel.

California Strawberry Commission Recipe Book ebook

David McClure

With more than 85 percent of the nation’s strawberries grown in California, it’s very likely the strawberries you’re eating are grown by these family farmers whose unmatched perseverance and commitment bring California strawberries to tables across the nation and around the world.

Where Do The Mondays Go?

Patricia Sloan

Do you know?
The ending reveals the answer to this title/question for children learning the days of the week.
A very important fact is learned when Super-Duper Monday is introduced zooming across the night sky under a bright big moon illustrated by Daniel Alexander.
Find out where the Mondays go as you venture through this unique story to their secret hiding place!

Photo Adventures in Cuba

Ph.D., PCC, Judy D. Krings

Around every corner in Cuba, adventure awaits. From the hustle bustle of cobblestone streets housing formerly luxurious mansions, to lush viridescent Viñales Valley vistas, to vibrant turquoise blue Varadero Beach, it's your turn to sample this magnificent country.
Through my camera lens, you'll view Cubans captured using their character strengths. I hope you'll laugh along with me, appreciating my fun and foibles, as you hear my strengths stories, too. My half a century quest with zany zest finally fulfilled.
Judy Krings, Ph.D, PCC, is a clinical psychologist and positive psychology personal and professional coach. She has served as a consultant for a myriad of agencies, businesses, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and the military. Judy created a nationally syndicated radio talk show, two local radio shows, and a TV show. Judy's trademark energy, humor, and passion reflect her mission to help others evolve their happiness and well-being. For more please visit

The Adventures of Homelessman

Jay Ess

The comic book tells the story of a homeless man, Jay Ess, that acquires super powers one night while sleeping in a dumpster.

Spencer's First Dollar

James Merritt

Spencer's First Dollar introduces your child to healthy money management. With vivid images and a unique story journey with Spencer as he learns that money is a TOOL not a Toy!