Clarissas Leben ist alles andere als leicht. Ihre Mutter wurde grausam ermordet, in der Schule wird sie gemobbt und dann erfährt sie auch noch, dass ihr Vater gekidnappt wurde. Um ihren Vater wieder zu sehen, muss sie das Vertrauen des attraktiven Cody Arrington gewinnen und ihn dem mysteriösen Entführer ausliefern.
Für die schüchterne Clarissa ist es alles andere als einfach überhaupt erst ein Gespräch mit dem gut aussehenden Jungen zu beginnen, der sie zudem auch noch bei jedem Versuch eiskalt abblitzen lässt. Doch um das Leben ihres Vaters zu retten, darf sie nicht aufgeben. Außerdem ist nun auch ihre Neugier geweckt, denn Cody hat ein Geheimnis, das er um jeden Preis zu schützen versucht …
»Clarissa – Der Auftrag« ist der Romantasy-Debütauftakt einer spannenden Dämonenwolf-Trilogie der Fantasyautorin Doreen Köhler
Für Romantasyleserinnen und -leser ab 14 Jahren, die Werwolfgeschichten mit Romantik lieben
This diary is my fourth book, a collection of twenty compositions representing the thought and certainties of our modern age. Tales about a not very distant past that could be identified with today's reality, the present not reviewed journalistically, people who do not have common public representations, too busy in a certain sense to think what they could never do, until what was taken away from them to not understand a contemporary good or evil. You also tell autobiographical stories like personal experiences with others or possessions, peace and pain, miracles, love and friendships. This diary is the fourth book written by me, a collection of twenty compositions representing the thought and certainties of our modern age. Tales about a not very distant past that could be identified with today's reality, the present not reviewed journalistically, people who do not have common public representations, too busy in a certain sense to think what they could never do, until what was taken away from them to not understand a contemporary good or evil. You also tell autobiographical stories like personal experiences with others or possessions, peace and pain, miracles, love and friendships. Do you declare yourself and the world as a hobby or sport or? You need to declare yourself and the world according to your own experiences in concrete human and material relationships. It is a diary written in a simple way, a phenotype of Christian and present feelings, it wants to represent a door to the future, a new party. The period of letters reaches from August 2010 to May 2013.
This diary is my third book, an exploration of urban and suburban environments to observe humans and modern objects. Representations in philosophical or mathematical form in order to find the right amount of motion, the proof that good is a higher feeling than an evil, the right repetition of always the same things to confirm that here one cannot say the false is even less realize it. This diary is the third book written by me, an exploration of urban and suburban environments to observe humans and modern objects. Representations in philosophical or mathematical form in order to find the right amount of motion, the proof that good is a higher feeling than an evil, the right repetition of always the same things to confirm that here one cannot say the false is even less realize it. A certain practicality that can be associated with a manual on socio-political rights, then the different forms of exit from a modern unhealthy or incorporeal being. The becoming of one's own experiences, of one's own dreams in their reality, without basic problems to confirm an overall human evidence, finally the transfer of social and anthropic material so much contested in these years after the year two thousand. The period of the twenty-one letters contained reaches from December 2008 to July 2010.
This book is the second handbook-an account of contemporary life and personal diary written by me. The real joy that our time gives back through experiences, not a rediscovery of new technologies but a function in different historical and geological periods, what has already created it according to explanations of events and their solutions. This book is the second handbook-an account of contemporary life and personal diary written by me. The real joy that our time gives back through experiences, not a rediscovery of new technologies but a function in different historical and geological periods, what has already created it according to explanations of events and their solutions. A walk in the light of the Sun of the facts and enchantments, sometimes never revealed, perhaps too new and unusual, in a community that already has long been in need, as a wider and more slender voice, a tool to better insist on the day, really is not in a dream. Diary written in a simple way for a textual artistic form to justify even an initial and uncultured experience today. In style James Joyce's Ulysses is a book of good as a form of life, of art of the present, fundamental to exist free, alive is for sure. The period of the sixteen letters contained reaches from April 2007 to October 2008.
Eu tinha acabado de dizer ao meu marido que ele nunca me levou estágio em que eu estremeceria querendo mais dele, tremendo com seus golpes suaves e movimentos lentos, para me fazer gritar seu nome em êxtase. Ele rapidamente saiu das minhas coxas e me acusou de ser infiel. ”Quem é o homem com quem você está dormindo?” Ele gritou para mim e me arrastou pelos cabelos da cama para a sala de estar. Ele exigiu que eu jurasse pela Bíblia Sagrada na mesa central que ele não estava me compartilhando com nenhum outro homem. Down Dusty Lonely Lanes and Other Stories é uma coleção de quinze contos cheios de intrigantes confrontos da sociedade moderna. Este enredo e histórias dirigidas por personagens retratam elementos intransigentes que envolvem a sociedade e as individualidades humanas. É uma sequência barulhenta de temas universais que acompanham as lutas humanas, a aceitação de valores e a renovação de normas. Os temas aparecem com partes de amor, raiva, frustração, cultura, arrogância, crime, denegrição humana, discriminação de gênero, esperança, sobrevivência, autodescoberta e crise de identidade, emancipação política e muito mais. O alívio cômico não se perde nesta coleção pensativa ininterrupta, ela serve de fonte de humor.
»Lass uns fahren?«
»Lass uns fliegen.«
Zusammen mit Atlas kehrt Lucy geschwächt und mit gebrochenem Herzen von der langen Reise durch die Zeit zurück – endlich im Besitz des Herzens der Zeit. Doch an Ruhe ist nicht zu denken. Der drohende Krieg mit den Nächtlichen Geschöpfen fordert eine präzise Vorbereitung und Stärke von jedem einzelnen Augenschönen. Glücklicherweise erhalten sie die versprochene Unterstützung der anderen Schleifenwesen und dann erscheint auch noch ein überraschender Gast …
Doch auch ein mordender Verräter treibt derweil in den Reihen der Augenschönen sein Unwesen und schließlich beginnt der gnadenlose Kampf gegen die Nächtlichen Geschöpfe, in dem zu viele den Tod finden …
Das Herz der Zeit ist der packende finale Band der romantischen Zeitreise-Urban-Fantasy-Trilogie Augenschön und ist als Taschenbuch und E-Book erhältlich für die Altersgruppe von 12 bis 99 Jahren.
Виктор Михайлович Мирошниченко
Победа ценой жизни. Насколько это было тяжело, горечь людей и новое поколение.