How to harness inspiration for successful, long-term innovation Why does real innovation elude so many companies, including the biggest corporations with top resources? The problem, in all cases, is that they are lacking inspiration. In Look At More, Andy Stefanovich outlines inspiration as a discipline and a systematic approach for innovation that when applied consistently, brings long-term, sustainable results. It is about learning to think differently and getting others to do the same. By focusing on the front end of the Inspiration?Creativity?Innovation continuum, Look at More brings a fresh perspective to a popular conversation that is experiencing fatigue. Inspiration is the most effective way of unleashing innovation and this book shows you how. Introduces Play's LAMSTAIH process, which stands for Look At More Stuff; Think About It Harder, a systematic approach for harnessing inspiration Outlines the five key drivers for finding new ideas that lead to innovation–Mood, Mindset, Mechanisms, Measurement, Momentum Filled with strategies, tactics, insights, and cases that show how to instill inspiration at all levels CEOs, managers and entrepreneurs alike will find Look At More an invaluable tool for navigating the ever-hungry innovation mandate and turning inspiration into a strategic competitive advantage.
A comprehensive look into the world of index funds from the top name in the business Index funds are a growing segment of the investing world, due in part to their higher average returns and a virtual certainty of achieving target index. An Insider's Guide to Index Funds fully describes the ins and outs of this investment tool that gives investors the benefit of individual stocks and lower costs associated with mutual funds. The scope of this guide includes everything from a description of various index funds to building a sensible fortfolio to saving on taxes to the risk associated with index funds. Seasoned veterans as well as novices will benefit from the depth of knowledge and proven advice that only can provide.
Katya Andresen, a veteran marketer and nonprofit professional, demystifies winning marketing campaigns by reducing them to ten essential rules and provides entertaining examples and simple steps for applying the rules ethically and effectively to good causes of all kinds. The Robin Hood rules steal from the winning formulas for selling socks, cigarettes, and even mattresses, with good advice for appealing to your audiences’ values, not your own; developing a strong, competitive stance; and injecting into every message four key elements that compel people to take notice. Andresen, who is also a former journalist, also reveals the best route to courting her former colleagues in the media and getting your message into their reporting. Katya Andresen is Vice President of Marketing at the charitable giving portal Network for Good, which was founded by AOL, Yahoo! and Cisco. Before joining Network for Good, she was Senior Vice President of Sutton Group, a marketing and communications firm supporting non-profits, government agencies, and foundations working for the social good. Previously she was a marketing consultant overseas, promoting causes ranging from civil society in Ukraine to ecotourism in Madagascar. She also worked for CARE International. She has trained hundreds of causes in effective marketing and media relations, and her marketing materials for non-profits have won national and international awards. In addition to writing Robin Hood Marketing: Stealing Corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes, Katya was featured in the e-book, Nine Minds of Marketing. She is also a co-author of a chapter in the book, People to People Fundraising – Social Networking and Web 2.0 for Charities. Fundraising Success Magazine named her Fundraising Professional of the Year in 2007. Katya traces her passion for good causes to the enormous social need she witnessed as a journalist prior to her work in the non-profit sector. She was a foreign correspondent for Reuters News and Television in Asia and for Associated Press, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Dallas Morning News in Africa. She has a bachelor's degree in history from Haverford College. Visit her blog to learn more…
In this book Michael P. Leiter and Christina Maslach, the leading experts on job burnout prevention and authors of the landmark book The Truth About Burnout, outline their revolutionary new program for helping everyone in the workplace overcome everyday stress and pressures and achieve their career goals. Banishing Burnout includes the authors’ unique and highly effective Work Life self-assessment test and a customized plan for action that will help transform the individual’s relationship with work and overcome job burnout. The authors outline their proven action plan, which shows how to establish core values, set a personal direction, engage other people, initiate a realistic plan of action, make an impact, and achieve career goals. The book is filled with illustrative case examples from a wide variety of organizations, including corporations, health care institutions, universities, and nonprofit organizations. Each case demonstrates how the use of the Work Life self-survey and the individualized action plan can result in dramatic changes in the daily workplace experience and advance career development.
Marketing's undisputed doyen offers an unbeatable guide on what not to do As the cost of marketing rises, its effectiveness is in decline. CEOs want a return on their marketing investment, but can't be sure their marketing efforts are even working. Truly, marketers have to shape up or watch their business go south. In this clear and comprehensive guide, renowned marketing expert Philip Kotler identifies the ten most common-and most damaging-mistakes marketers make, and how to avoid them. But these ten mistakes are much more than simple mess-ups; they're glaring deficiencies that prevent companies from succeeding in the marketplace. In Ten Deadly Marketing Sins, Kotler covers each sin in-depth in its own chapter and offers practical, proven guidance for reversing them. Marketers will learn how to stay market-focused and customer-driven, fully understand their customers, keep track of the competition, manage relationships with stakeholders, find new opportunities, develop effective marketing plans, strengthen product and service policies, build brands, get organized, and use technology to the fullest. Covering crucial topics every marketer must understand, Ten Deadly Marketing Sins is a must-have for anyone who want to remain competitive in an increasingly challenging marketplace. Packed with the kind of marketing wisdom only Kotler can provide, this is an indispensable resource for every company-and every marketer-who wants to develop better products, better marketing plans, and better customer relationships. Ten Deadly Marketing Sins is an unbeatable resource from the most respected thinker in modern marketing. Philip Kotler (Chicago, IL) is the S. C. Johnson Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at Northwestern University's Kellogg Graduate School of Management and the author of 15 books, including Marketing Insights from A to Z (0-471-26867-4) and Lateral Marketing (0-471-45516-4), both published by Wiley.
Beginning with a basic primer on reverse engineering-including computer internals, operating systems, and assembly language-and then discussing the various applications of reverse engineering, this book provides readers with practical, in-depth techniques for software reverse engineering. The book is broken into two parts, the first deals with security-related reverse engineering and the second explores the more practical aspects of reverse engineering. In addition, the author explains how to reverse engineer a third-party software library to improve interfacing and how to reverse engineer a competitor's software to build a better product. * The first popular book to show how software reverse engineering can help defend against security threats, speed up development, and unlock the secrets of competitive products * Helps developers plug security holes by demonstrating how hackers exploit reverse engineering techniques to crack copy-protection schemes and identify software targets for viruses and other malware * Offers a primer on advanced reverse-engineering, delving into «disassembly»-code-level reverse engineering-and explaining how to decipher assembly language
Discover what makes a winner in the trading game Direct access to the markets has changed how individuals trade. It is now possible to compete on a much more level playing field with the pros, knowing who is buying, who is selling, and at what price. Electronic Trading Masters takes traders to the next level by providing advice straight from the mouths of the newest market wizards. The author interviews top traders in today's direct access markets and uncovers their strategies.
"I've been using AutoCAD for 22 years and have written a hundred books on the subject. I reviewed many CAD books back in the days when book reviews were common in CAD publications; some were innovative, others were just sad. But for nearly a decade, it's been mostly silence on the book review front. Then earlier in the summer, a book arrived in the mail from Sybex: AutoCAD Secrets Every User Should Know by Dan Abbott. Reading it, I got excited: here's a book for every AutoCAD user, even old-timers like me." – Ralph Grabowski, Editor, The Business of CAD Learn the «why» behind the «how» in this one-of-a-kind reference packed with tips and techniques from award-winning AutoCAD expert Dan Abbott. This info-packed guide reveals some of the best kept AutoCAD secrets on technical standards, AutoLISP programming, DOS functions, scripts, 3D, and everything in between. Based on his popular «Things Every AutoCAD User Should Know» session at Autodesk University and other industry events, Dan gives you the answers to frequently asked AutoCAD questions in his direct and entertaining style while using real-world case studies to put your skills into practice. Read it cover to cover or dive right in to the sections you need most, then get ready to improve your productivity, save more time, and become an AutoCAD all-star.
The common language of genius: Eureka! While the roads that lead to breakthrough scientific discovery can be as varied and complex as the human mind, the moment of insight for all scientists is remarkably similar. The word «eureka!», attributed to the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes, has come to express that universal moment of joy, wonder-and even shock-at discovering something entirely new. In this collection of twelve scientific stories, Leslie Alan Horvitz describes the drama of sudden insight as experienced by a dozen distinct personalities, detailing discoveries both well known and obscure. From Darwin, Einstein, and the team of Watson and Crick to such lesser known luminaries as fractal creator Mandelbrot and periodic table mastermind Dmitri Medellev, Eureka! perfectly illustrates Louis Pasteur's quip that chance favors the prepared mind. The book also describes how amateur scientist Joseph Priestley stumbled onto the existence of oxygen in the eighteenth century and how television pioneer Philo Farnsworth developed his idea for a TV screen while plowing his family's Idaho farm.
Income Investing Today Income Investing Today details a safe alternative to the downside risks inherent in the stock market–income securities that can provide a 7% to 8% annual cash income. With this book, fixed income expert Richard Lehmann outlines income investing concepts you need to understand, various investment vehicles, and investment strategies that will help you build a safe, diversified portfolio of investments. The investment vehicles he explains range well beyond traditional fixed income securities or creditor instruments such as bonds, to include hybrids, REITs, mutual funds, and more. He shows that the key to building a steady, growth-oriented income portfolio is to diversify over a variety of securities that depend on different drivers–that is, portfolios that are not vulnerable to any one specific economic factor such as interest rates. The ideal guide for individual investors saving for retirement and seeking more safety in their portfolios, Income Investing Today shows how a diversified collection of income securities can equal or exceed the returns from common stock with much lower risk.