Личностный рост

Различные книги в жанре Личностный рост

The Power Within Me

Dr. Annice E. Fisher

Power begins on the inside and you are about to tap into yours. Too often we feel powerless to address the tug-of-war going on inside us. Many people have heard the whispers from an inner voice saying, «you're not living up to your full potential.» Yet when we try to change, we get pulled back into the vortex of our status quo, leaving us feeling isolated, stuck, and like no one understands the «real me.» Repeatedly hearing this story from her coaching clients led conscious leadership expert and mindset coach, Dr. Annice E. Fisher to share her ground-breaking 4-step consciousness-raising process for reclaiming your power. For over 15 years she has led organizations through the change process, and discovered that the baseline for creating and sustaining change is the belief that you have power and choice in every situation. It is up to YOU to decide if you want to use them. Your guided path through this book will teach you how to get unstuck. Each power phase: asking, assessing, and accepting uses the 4-step process to bring you back home to live as the highest version of yourself. Let's introduce the real you to the world.

Awakening From Anxiety

Rev. Connie L. Habash, MA, LMFT

A Spiritual Guide to Anxiety Relief Do you find your usual approaches to anxiety (yoga, prayer, meditation) are not bringing the long-lasting, inner peace you truly desire?   Awakening from Anxiety  author and counselor, Connie Habash, has helped hundreds of spiritual people like you overcome fear and anxiety, regain happiness, and feel more calm within. Competent, spiritual people suffer from anxiety and depression too:  Spiritual people often find that their own expectations of living a life dedicated to a higher power makes them more susceptible to high-functioning anxiety. Sometimes, traditional relaxation techniques either do not work, don’t last, or, in some cases, actually increase their anxiety. The missing keys to managing anxiety:  Psychotherapist, yoga teacher, and interfaith minister Rev. Connie L. Habash shows us a way to transform our perceptions using mindful awareness, in order that we may live divinely inspired lives. In over 25 years as a counselor helping spiritual people overcome anxiety, Rev. Connie has taught that it takes more than chanting mantras, stretching, or relaxation techniques to calm anxiety. It requires a transformation in perception, moment-to-moment body awareness, and a conscious response to thoughts and emotions. Awakening from Anxiety  provides valuable psycho-spiritual tools to deepen spiritual awakening and calm fears: Learn what anxiety is and when it becomes a problemUnderstand the 6 mistakes spiritual people make that increase anxietyDiscover the 7 keys to a more calm, confident, courageous lifeKnow how to break through the old patterns of stress, worry, and fear into a new perception of your true selfExplore spiritual principles and yoga philosophy to cultivate inner peace If you enjoyed  Stop Anxiety from Stopping You  and  First, We Make the Beast Beautiful ,  Awakening from Anxiety  will take your healing and renewal from anxiety to the next level.

So geht Wein!

Jörg Höchstetter

Муж сводит меня с ума. Экспресс-помощь для тех, кто устал ругаться

Андрей Клеверин

В браке любящих друг друга людей ожидает множество испытаний: заедает рутина, угасает страсть, возникает недопонимание… А к этому часто прибавляются и финансовые проблемы, и забота о детях. А уж если супруг начинает флиртовать с другими женщинами или вместо общения предпочитает уткнуться в телефон, терпение оказывается на исходе. Андрей Клеверин, эксперт по семейным отношениям и популярный блогер, открывает мужской взгляд на брак, подсказывает пути решения конфликтов и рассказывает, как сохранить любовь. Самые актуальные рекомендации, которые помогут быстро преодолеть разногласия и укрепить отношения, взяты из бестселлера Андрея Клеверина «Ей о нем».

Как научиться оптимизму. Измените взгляд на мир и свою жизнь

Мартин Селигман

Динамично развивающийся современный мир не делает нам поблажек, и порой даже сильные духом люди сдаются под напором ежедневных задач и проблем. Мы все чаще причисляем себя к армии пессимистов и смиряемся с тем, что дальше будет только хуже. Мартин Селигман – живой классик психологии – утверждает, что пессимиста можно научить быть оптимистом, причем не легкомысленными приемами, а путем сознательного обретения новых навыков. Его методика помогла тысячам людей преодолеть свой пессимизм и депрессию, которая является спутником отрицательных мыслей, обрести свободу строить свою жизнь так, чтобы она приносила удовлетворение и вела к свершениям. Эта книга научит вас осознать ваш внутренний мир и то, как он влияет на вашу жизнь. Изменить свое настроение, избавиться от поражений. Помочь своим детям освоить образ мышления, который стимулирует оптимизм.

One Move at a Time

Orrin Checkmate Hudson

Learn to play chess the fun and easy way while you learn what it takes to be successful in life. One Move at a Time reveals twenty proven ways to succeed at the game of kings—or at anything else you desire. It uses kid- and teen-friendly language to teach you fun, simple ways to memorize how the game is set up and how the pieces move; the “smart start” that gains you a quick advantage from your first few moves; seven strategies to turn beginning players into fast winners; and how to go for “the big win”. Plus, you’ll learn twenty life lessons you can take from the chess board to make you a success at everything you do.

Hide & Seek

Karri Bruntz

You Reap What You Sow

Chris Widener

In the quest for success, the question of the day is why some hard working people are successful and some are not. In reality, this is an ancient question that has been asked by people like you and me for centuries. Best-selling author Chris Widener explores the answer to “What makes people successful?” in Reap What You Sow. In fact, in Chris’ studies he discovered that the new secret to success is actually an old secret! In this exploration of ancient wisdom, Chris clearly articulates 5 life principles which are fundamental to success and have been proven to be true by millions of people. This includes a look at interesting topics like your intellectual growth and your attitude towards money. You will even learn how to identify activities which unknowingly sabotage success. In this program, you will learn one simple truth that can make you a fortune. Pick up a copy today and start making intelligent changes on your road to success.

Stop Checking Your Likes

Susie Moore

A combined audience of more than 220,000 follow the author on several social media platforms More than 100,000 subscribers receive the author’s email newsletter The author has been featured more than 300 times in outlets including Oprah.com and the Huffington Post The author’s previous book, What If It Does Work Out? , debuted as a #1 Amazon bestseller in the Women and Business category Celebrities such as Kris Jenner, Paulo Coelho, and Arianna Huffington have retweeted or mentioned the author’s articles