Личностный рост

Различные книги в жанре Личностный рост

Як людина мислить

Джеймс Аллен

«Як людина мислить» – ця невелика за обсягом книга Джеймса Аллена стала наріжним каменем усієї подальшої великої і наростаючої частини нон-фікшн: «мотиваційної літератури», книг із саморозвитку людини. З 1902 року, коли була опублікована «Як людина мислить» («Людина мисляча»), вона вважається класичною і основоположною книгою з саморозвитку. Основна ідея книги така, що думки формують людську особистість: благородні думки створюють шляхетну людину, ганебні думки роблять людину ницою. Переклад з англійської Юлії Шматько.

Как человек мыслит

Джеймс Аллен

«Как человек мыслит» – эта небольшая по объему книга Джеймса Аллена стала краеугольным камнем всей последующей обширной и все разрастающейся «мотивационной литературы» – книг по саморазвитию человека. С 1902 года, когда она была опубликована, «Как человек мыслит» («Человек мыслящий») считается классической и основоположной книгой по саморазвитию. Основная идея книги такова, что мысли формируют человека: благородные мысли создают благородного человека, низкие мысли делают человека низким. Перевод с английского Юлии Шматько.

Who You Were Meant to Be

Lindsay C. Gibson

Are you happy with your life? Are you where you want to be? Are you doing what you want to do? What holds you back: your family, work, your relationships, yourself?This inspiring book touches a chord which is universal: the desire to find one's purpose and fulfill it. It aims to help us understand the fears, frustrations and loyalties that sabotage our dreams and best efforts at personal growth. Dr. Gibson reveals the reasons why we doubt and defeat ourselves. «Too often,» she states, «the urge to fulfill our destiny is stopped short by the needs of others – our parents, employers, partners – and is waylaid by financial and/or emotional constraints. That's why many of us turn ourselves into whatever somebody else needs us to be.»Among the topics Dr. Gibson covers are: how to find out what you really want to do with your life, why growth can be so hard, what you can do when the going gets tough, and what to do to change your life and become your best self. Most importantly, Gibson provides a practical road map out of old habits and shows how to forge a new path on which each of us can redefine our identity and become the person we want to be.

What to Do to Retire Successfully

Martin B. Goldstein

Seventy-seven million baby boomers are slated to retire over the next twenty years: this boils down to approximately 10,000 daily (The Fiscal Times). Many are inadequately prepared, emotionally as well as financially. In What to Do to Retire Successfully, Goldstein lays out a step-by-step approach to achieving a successful and content retirement.Dr. Goldstein taps into his financial and psychiatry background as he explores the potential pitfalls of life after career's end, while providing helpful, proven solutions for a feasible and effective adjustment into retirement. He also analyzes how diverse personality types cope with retirement and suggests necessary modifications, as well as probing the unique problems of those forced into early retirement.In the financial realm, Dr. Goldstein offers specific formulas for continuance of comparable standard of living, steps for saving and investing, as well as tips for handling retirement resources. The lifestyle sections explore creating a dynamic plan for retirement living, the importance of setting up routines, keeping your mind engaged, daily exercise and making the necessary preparations needed to facilitate a successful transition into retirement living.What to Do to Retire Successfully is an englighting blend of actual retirement scenarios, intermingled with healthy, practical advice from a respected neuropsychiatrist, who is a fellow retiree, with a wonderfully optimistic glass half full philosophy towards living a fulfilling retirement life.

Cheating Parents

Dennis Ortman

David Petraeus, Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Edwards, and Bill Clinton: these powerful and famous men were caught having affairs and fell from grace. The media reported their fall and the humiliation and outrage of their spouses, and the nation watched the drama with fascination, feeling sympathy for the betrayed. Conspicuously absent from the media attention was the impact of the infidelity and ensuing publicity on the cheating parents' children. Dennis Ortman, Ph.D., gives a voice to these silent sufferers, the children, the walking wounded, who may appear to function normally for years, but often experience dysfunction when they attempt to commit to intimate relationships as adults. Some feel compelled to betray their partners, and others marry someone who cheats on them or remain emotionally disengaged in their relationships. Without knowing it, many repeat the faults of their parents’ marriage, playing out their roles in new tragedies, often exhibiting symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder. Cheating Parents explores the long-term impact of parental infidelity on children's self-esteem and provides pathways toward healing and forgiveness.

Mom Loves You Best

Cathy Cress

Up from Down

Eric Pfeiffer M.D.

The Academic Job Search Handbook

Jennifer S. Furlong

The Academic Job Search Handbook is the comprehensive guide to finding a faculty position in any discipline. Building on the groundbreaking success and unique offerings of earlier volumes, the fifth edition presents insightful new content on aspects of the search at all stages. Beginning with an overview of academic careers and institutional structures, it moves step by step through the application process, from establishing relationships with advisors, positioning oneself in the market, learning about job openings, preparing CVs, cover letters, and other application materials, to negotiating offers. Of great value are the sixty new sample documents from a diverse spectrum of successful applicants. The handbook includes a search timetable, appendices of career resources, and a full sample application package. This fifth edition features new or updated sections on issues of current interest, such as job search concerns for pregnant or international candidates, the use of social media strategies to address CV gaps, and difficulties faced by dual-career couples. The chapter on alternatives to faculty jobs has been expanded and presents sample résumés of PhDs who found nonfaculty positions. For more than twenty years, The Academic Job Search Handbook has assisted job seekers in all academic disciplines in the search for faculty positions at different kinds of institutions from research-focused universities to community colleges. Current faculty who used the book themselves recommend it to their own students and postdocs. The many new first-person narratives provide insight into issues and situations candidates may encounter such as applying for an international job, combining parenting with an academic career, going from an administrative job to a faculty position, and seeking faculty positions as a same-sex couple.

Приключения во Внутреннем Мире. Психология для старшеклассников

Игорь Вачков

Эта книга – увлекательная фантастическая история о Внутреннем Мире человека. Мальчик Динг попадает в удивительное Королевство Волшебницы Психики, где с ним происходят невероятные приключения: встреча с Воображением, борьба Осознанных и Неосознанных Мотивов, погоня за Забыванием, охота на Птицу Интуицию и многое другое. Книга адресована старшеклассникам, интересующимся психологией и желающим лучше узнать себя. Школьные психологи могут эффективно использовать ее на уроках и факультативах по психологии. Она будет интересна также студентам первых курсов факультетов педагогики и психологии и педагогических колледжей.