Личностный рост

Различные книги в жанре Личностный рост

Simple Meditation & Relaxation

Joel Levey

Joel and Michelle Levey reveal their tools for leading a conscious life. Their technique allows readers to put aside distractions while gaining greater energy, health, and contentment.

Краткое содержание книги: Принцип «черного ящика». Как снизить риск неудач и непоправимых ошибок. Мэтью Сайед

Smart Reading

Этот текст – сокращенная версия книги Мэтью Сайеда «Принцип „черного ящика“. Как снизить риск неудач и непоправимых ошибок». Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. О книге В 1912 году в армии США было всего 14 пилотов, и в течение года восемь из них погибли в авариях (смертность выше 50 %). Век спустя, в 2013 году, из 3 млрд людей, которые воспользовались услугами пассажирского авиасообщения, погибли 210 человек (смертность 0,000007 %). В том же 2013-м из-за ошибок в диагностике, назначении и введении лекарств, при операциях, послеоперационном уходе и проведении манипуляций погибли более 400 тысяч человек. Это эквивалентно ежедневным катастрофам двух больших аэробусов. В чем причина такой разницы в сферах, близких по степени риска и ответственности перед людьми? Ответ на этот вопрос дает британский журналист Мэтью Сайед в своей книге «Принцип „черного ящика“. Как превратить неудачи в успех и снизить риск непоправимых ошибок». Если коротко – причина в разном подходе к ошибкам. Если в авиации принято воспринимать неудачи как неизбежную часть процесса развития, оперативно их анализировать, делать выводы и менять подходы, то в медицине ситуация кардинально иная. Как и в судебной системе. «Принцип „черного ящика“» – книга о том, как относиться к ошибкам, чтобы эффект был как у летчиков. Ошибки и неудачи – очень ценная часть обучения и прогресса. Те, кто их «не совершает», раз за разом наступают на те же грабли. Реальные истории опыта конструктивного использования (и неиспользования) потенциала ошибок в этой книге настолько потрясающи, что после ее прочтения уже никогда не захочется быть «безгрешным». Зачем читать • получить принципиально новый подход к ошибкам и право их совершать; • обрести стойкость в преодолении неудач и перестать их бояться; • освоить надежные инструменты для превращения промахов в этапы развития. Об авторе Мэтью Сайед – известный британский журналист, колумнист The Times, ведущий теле- и радиопрограмм BBC, лектор TED, приглашенный спикер в Goldman Sachs, BP, Rolls Royce и Оксфордском университете. Сайед с отличием окончил Оксфорд со специализацией в области социальных наук и более десяти лет представлял Великобританию в спорте, став трехкратным обладателем Кубка Содружества и дважды участником Олимпийских игр в качестве игрока в настольный теннис. Сайед – обладатель множества наград за журналистскую деятельность, один из самых влиятельных экспертов по развитию сложных социально-экономических систем, автор ряда книжных бестселлеров.

Stepping Stones

Lisa Hammond

Take 48 steps toward your dream. The cards in this attractive deck invite you to stop, look, and listen to your heart. Write down its whispers. Take another step toward fulfilling your life’s mission. When Lisa Hammond, founder and CEO of Femail Creations, wrote Dream Big, thousands of women responded to the Stepping Stones, simple ideas she shared about how she began and kept at her dream. Now each of the 48 ideas is presented on its own card along with an inspirational quote. With advice from Gertrude Stein, Barbara Walters, George Eliot, and many more, you’ll learn to appreciate the little things in life and reach for the bigger ones.

The Woman's Book of Resilience

Beth Miller

Beginning years ago with her work with women in grief, Beth Miller has helped hundreds of people in her therapeutic practice to learn to be resilient and survive life crises to become deeper, more powerful, and authentic human beings. Packed with information and exercises, The Woman's Book of Resilience is a smart, often funny, book that can help any woman thrive amid life's ups and downs. When we cultivate resilience, we mine the awful, or merely annoying, experiences in life to find meaning and purpose.The Woman's Book of Resilience is an accessible, practical guide to bouncing back. «We know that resiliency reigns because we survive to tell our tales of misfortune, trauma, abuse. Indeed, we are built to be able to go to the edge of life and come back with heart and soul elevated… We are built to be resilient, to be able to take sure and steady steps over rocky terrain.»Miller offers 12 qualities that help women develop and learn resilience.Readers learn to:1. Admit and embrace vulnerability2. Practice and increase the ability to connect3. Find manageable parts of the problem4. Discover their needs and get them met5. Recognize their gifts and talents6. Develop the ability to say no and set limits and boundaries7. Practice transforming resentment and forgiving8. Use their sense of humor9. Use the power of staying and leaving10. Find meaning in crisis11. Endure suffering through crisis12. Stand aloneEach of the twelve is a chapter with case histories, stories, and plenty of try this, this, or this–exercises to turn to again and again. With a foreword by June Singer.

Giving Heart

M. J. Ryan

Gratitude and generosity go hand in hand–the more we appreciate our lives, the more we want to give to others. In A Grateful Heart, M. J. Ryan provided tools for expressing thanks. In the best-selling Attitudes of Gratitude, she taught us the inner work of realizing the many blessings we take for granted. Now, in The Giving Heart, she presents her latest examination of the virtues we need to cultivate for the twenty-first century and takes a look at generosity: what creates it, what blocks it, and what the practice of generosity can bring to our lives.In a series of short, heart-felt essays, Ryan encourages us all to stop living from what she calls «the ledger sheet mentality» of obligatory gifting, and to begin giving from the overflow of a loving heart. She asks readers to consider where and how they are stingy as well as where they are meant to give, and to contemplate all the types of possible generosity, because the giving of time, energy, kind words, loving gestures, and forgiveness may ultimately matter more than any amount of money.In her down-to-earth, accessible style, Ryan takes us to the heart of what it means to truly give, and what that giving can do not only for the recipient, but for ourselves, as well.As the current economic boom brings attention to altruism and «giving back» The Giving Heart shows us how to experience joy, peace, and fulfillment when we live from a place of generosity.

Lemons to Lemonade

Addie Johnson

It's what we do with the life's bummers, how we look at setbacks, what we make of the lemons that counts. And in this lighthearted, spirited book, Addie Johnson invites us to make a myriad of different things from those metaphorical lemons.When you're stuck in a difficult time you can change your outlook and your circumstances, you can stay healthy and surround yourself with love, you can seek out and find the hidden treasure to all around you in everyday things, and, perhaps most important, you can figure out how to be grateful for anything and everything that comes your way. You never know, maybe all it will take is a little water, sugar and ice before you're feeling much better. 

Courage Doesn't Always Roar

Mary Anne Radmacher

This little book is a winning combination of original art and hand-lettered words created to celebrate accomplishments and inspire courage. «Courage does not always roar. . .» is the all-time best-selling Mary Anne Radmacher art poster. And now she's created a book that celebrates and promotes courage in our everyday lives."Courage does not always roar" is Radmacher's bestselling aphorism, and is in the Oxford Book of Quotations.For the first time Radmacher combines her signature artwork with her unique aphoristic talents in a small and appealing, full-color gift format.Courage Does Not Always Roar is an inspiring any-occasion gift book – great for graduation, Father's Day, the perfect present for someone starting a new job or going through a hard time.

Giving Thanks

M. J. Ryan

An illustrated guide to gratitude. MJ Ryan has taught us that everything goes better with gratitude! In 1999, she wrote Attitudes of Gratitude, a popular, best-selling book that extols the benefits of living with a grateful heart. When we let ourselves feel and express our appreciation, we feel happier, younger, and healthier. Now Ryan has taken the essence of living a grateful life from the original book and paired it with beautiful and evocative images in Giving Thanks. From the book:Gratitude connects us to others and feeling gratitude allows us to be our best selves – in good times and in hard times. When we are truly grateful, we can count on living the life we want. With the «gratitude movement» sweeping the country – from left to right, from conservative to progressive, from mainstream to alternative – people are looking for ways to express their gratitude. This impeccable book is a colorful map of the geography of gratitude, and it offers a wonderful opportunity for readers to learn a variety of ways to be grateful. It is also a beautiful «thank you» gift in itself.

The Courage to Give

Jackie Waldman

A collection of heartrending and heartwarming stories of people, both famous and unknown, who have suffered great emotional or physical hardship and went beyond their pain to help others.

Serene Makeover Inner Edition: Feng Shui Your Life from the Inside Out

Ariel Joseph Towne

In his first book, Serene Makeover Inner Edition: Feng Shui Your Life from the Inside Out, author and environmental design guru Ariel Joseph Towne shows just how vital paying attention is to create a life in which you truly have it all. Towne’s fresh take is a how-to manual that combines ancient secret Hawaiian Huna principles and traditional feng shui teachings to make paying attention first priority, and the results are astounding.