Дао Де Цзин, «Книга шляху і гідності» – основне джерело вчення і одна з найвидатніших пам'яток китайської думки, що вона зробила величезний вплив на культуру Китаю і всього світу. Основна ідея цього твору – поняття дао – трактується як природний стан речей, який не припускає стороннього втручання, адже це «небесна воля» або «чисте небуття». Старокитайською цей твір Лао Цзи вважається поезією, але цей переклад адаптований (що велика рідкість!) для сучасного читача. Переклад з традиційної китайської Ірини Костанди.
Many readers have been encouraged to dream big and believe that with the help of God, that they too, can make a difference in their world. Ann Kiemel dares to be utterly transparent, trusting God with seemingly impossible situations.
A great book is no longer enough. An author platform is the most powerful key to success in today’s saturated market, and increasingly, publishers are demanding that new authors come to them with an existing audience of interested followers. Authors who are self-publishing have an even bigger need to build an engaged audience.Social media makes building the writer platform easier than ever, but, unfortunately, most authors struggle to get it right. How can authors create their unique platform, connect with followers, write a manuscript, and grow their business?In Build Your Author Platform: The New Rules, top literary agent Carole Jelen and tech expert Michael McCallister apply their combined 35 years of expertise to outline 14 practical, hands-on steps to create a presence that will produce high book sales and expanded audience.From pre-publication through book launch and beyond, authors will learn how to:• Define goals and a unique brand• Employ successful website strategies, content, social presence, media authority, and training• Secure positive reviews• Attract viewers efficiently without costFilled with detailed lessons, examples, success stories, and techniques used by marketing departments at major publishers, Build Your Author Platform is an indispensable guide for anyone looking for insight into publishing, promoting, and marketing books.
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