
Различные книги в жанре Биология

Himmler's Island

Richard G. Buchanan PhD

A mysterious secretive Foundation, perhaps middle European, has funded a project in a luxurious resort on a Caribbean Island where highly intelligent couples have been lured to come to begin the breeding of more intelligent offspring in a Eugenics program hoping to have a generation that has a statistically significant greater intelligence. Word has leaked out about the project leading to the Foundation's arranging with three cable news networks to send supposedly naïve reporters to visit the resort and report on the project, which will be edited, to correct the supposed misconceptions about the project. One reporter, not quite as naïve as the Foundation thinks she is, uncovers disturbing aspects of the project. With the help of the project's Clinical Psychologist, they blow the lid off the project in a nationwide cable news broadcast.

Surviving Out of Your Backpack

David Skipworth

This book helps to prepare your backpack with essentials that will give you the advantage needed to survive. It will show you how to use these important essentials in time of need. This book explains different animals for food, cooking and preservation. It explains hunting skills, trapping, skinning and field dressing game meat for the nutrition needed to survive. It explains how to build shelters, fires and how to beat the elements of harsh weather. This book explains how to dress and clean game, how to cut up the game meat and how to preserve the meat for long term usage. This book explains how to tan hides to be used for clothing and shelters. This book talks about animals and what to look for to prevent sickness or disease. It shows tracks of important animals and what they look like for tracking. This book discuses animals from the southern part of North America to Canada and Alaska.<br><br>Being a simple guide for a &quot;Bug out Bag&quot; is not the purpose of this book. However, having such a bag is of great importance when talking about survival for you and your family. This book goes much farther than helping you to transform a simple backpack into a life saving instrument of necessity. &quot;Surviving out of your Backpack&quot; is a survival guide that will sustain you and your family&#39;s life when all else fails.<br><br>&quot;Surviving out of your Backpack&quot; is more than just a quick fix for survival; it is for sustaining life as long as you need it.<br><br>This book was intentionally written to be short and compact for the purpose of carrying in your backpack without causing a lot of weight. This book is like a stick of dynamite; it&#39;s small but packs a lot of power. The main focus of this book is to SURVIVE! It is a MUST HAVE BOOK!

Understanding the Language of Silence - Sleep, Sleep Behavior and Sleep Disorders

Dr. Amrit Lal

UNIQUE SOLUTIONS TO GET EVERYONE TO RESTORATIVE SLEEP.<br><br>This book is on SLEEP, but not to &quot;sell sleep&quot; because everyone wants a good night sleep – &quot;a divine nap.&quot; Human beings spend one-third of their lives in sleep; they take sleep for guaranteed as a natural gift of life as air and water to enable realize their potential, and, not as a luxury. <br>Sleep is one&#39;s life greatest pleasure that enriches virtually every aspect of our being – from our mood to the functioning of our organs. This being so, this presentation treats sleep not as an altogether passive state of quiescence but as an active and vibrant phase of life with inroads into psycho-social and neurological avenues of sleep while unraveling many aspects of sleep which include pathology of sleep disorders which are on the rise perhaps as a price for modernity.

The Vinyl Enigma

Robert Love

MIT engineering professor Evan Blake has discovered a strange object in London. It looks like a vinyl LP record, yet plays a seemingly unlimited amount of jazz, which appeals to Evan as a jazz musician. The previous owner, cellist and composer Nigel Thompson, had heard classical music coming from the same disc. Evan examines the device and finds highly advanced nanotechnology at work. He concludes it must be of extraterrestrial origin, designed to resemble an object familiar to humans, and meant to relay some sort of message. While in Paris, he shares his evidence with biochemistry professor Jeanette Menard, who becomes his partner in the study. <br><br>Soon news spreads of an object that would assure its owner an unprecedented technological advantage, and a French crime ring begins pursuing the couple. Meanwhile, an obscure Russian sect, sworn to protect the disc ever since its arrival in that country a century ago, seeks repossession at any cost. Evan and Jeanette struggle against these forces, and eventually travel deep into Siberia. Here, they unravel the disc&#39;s secret, which has profound implications for human history, and for the role of music in the human experience.

Answers to World Problems

Butch Biendara

This book covers answers to seven major problems that effect millions of people around the world.<br><br>Each topic: Global Warming, High-Speed transit, Welfare poverty, Renewable Clean Energy, Coastline Stabilization, Taxing Calories, and Economic Democracy, is addressed separately.<br><br>Some of the issues will take years to fully implement the answers while some could be started right away with immediate results in any small endeavor.<br><br>It is not a full cookbook down to the final details but does give a broad approach to each topic with significant insights into what the problems are and how to go about making things better.

Leashes and Lovers - What Your Dog Can Teach You About Love, Life, and Happiness

Sheryl Matthys

Unleash the Secrets to a Better Life… with the help of your dog!<br><br>You&#39;ll discover inside LEASHES AND LOVERS <br>How to… <br>* Find your right match<br>* Strengthen relationships with a lover, friends, and family <br>* Explore your Dog-itude<br>* Launch a new relationship<br>* Create deeper and more real relationships <br>* Explore what&#39;s missing from your life and make it whole<br>* Make the best of a break-up and decide who gets the dog<br>* Tackle jealousy <br>* Manage your emotions when others aren&#39;t into your dog<br>* Handle grieving over a beloved dog<br><br>Attract the life you want with the help of your dog! <br><br>Sheryl Matthys, The Dog Expert shares tips and stories with dog lovers like you as well as from celebrities like Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan, Tennis star Monica Seles, Access Hollywood&#39;s Maria Menounos, Shock Jock Howard Stern, and TV host Rachael Ray. <br><br>Sheryl Matthys is The Dog Lovers Matchmaker and she specializes in helping dog lovers (singles and couples) with struggling relationships that may be robbing your life of joy and the fulfillment you deserve.

The Doctrine of Presence

Benjamin Vance

The Doctrine of Presence introduces the reader to honest men and women challenged with half-truths and false accusations during their attempts to expose animal abuse among wildlife cinematographers in Kenya. A bewildering transition from benign exposition to bloody manhunts places them on a poacher kill list. The novel demonstrates how stubborn resolve and evoked skills can meet any challenge; individually or governmentally fabricated.<br><br>There are no heroes in The Doctrine of Presence; only normal people disgusted with the waste of Earth&#39;s beauty and innocence. It promotes active participation in the rescue and elevation of life rather than the current apathetic crawl toward gradual destruction of natural life for the sake of false religious dogmas and personal wealth. <br><br>The novel exposes the true evil of poaching and shines a white light on at least two of its root causes. It also heralds the efforts of animal rescue organizations and poacher hunters worldwide. The pace, depth and empathy invite the reader along for the ride to sweet revenge.

How to Raise a Healthy and Happy Dog: The Perfect Dog Care Book

Dawn Michael

In this eBook, we talk about a main topic that is further broken down into multiple topics. Our main topic is how to care for your dog, hence the name of the book. Inside, on these pages, we talk about what things you need to know to take care of your dog as well as how to make sure they are healthy and happy. <br><br>Every owner wants the best for their dog and wants to be able to give their dog the best possible food, and keep them in the best health possible. After all, dog is man&#39;s best friend. <br><br>You may think that you know everything there is to know about taking care of your dog, but even an old dog can learn new tricks, as they say. <br><br>This is also a great book for new owners who need to known the basics, and everything there is to know about their dogs, and taking care of your dog. It contains great, informative information about basically everything that you want and need to known having to do with your dog&#39;s health, exercise, and safety.

Jason and Elihu

Shelley Fraser Mickle

As soon as Jason hears the legend of Elihu, he knows he must catch the great fish. But Old Snout, the gator, guards Elihu. Legend says, too, that whenever Elihu is hooked, the bass whispers a secret. This novel also features two foster children looking for a home; Sundance, the miniature horse with a craving for peppermints; and a young girl who edits her dream of becoming an ice-skater as she recovers from a brain tumor that has robbed her balance.

Puppy Training Guide: Tips and Tricks to Training and Housetraining Your New Puppy

David Inc. Christopher

Anybody who has ever owned a puppy can tell you that puppies are cute, energetic bundles of fun and that they can be a handful! If you already own a puppy and are not sure how to go about training your puppy the right way, this is the book for you. <br><br>If you are about to get a puppy and have never owned one before and are not sure what you need to buy for the puppy and what to do after you get the puppy home, this book is also for you. <br><br>This book will help you puppy-proof your house, cutting down on the frustration of finding your shoes chewed up daily. We will also go over your puppies basic needs with you. Housebreaking your puppy can be a challenge and so this book will take the hassle and headache out of puppy training for you. This book will help you get your puppy on the way to being a well behaved dog.