
Различные книги в жанре Биология

The Human Primer

James Taylor

The Human Primer illuminates our most basic common denominators for being human. Everything you will ever think, feel or do distills down to the same exact common denominators regardless of where you are being human on our planet. Location doesn&#39;t matter. Culture doesn&#39;t matter. Race, gender and age don&#39;t matter. We must all be human. Knowing how to be human is the greatest knowledge anyone can possess and it is identical for us all. If you are human, you might find it useful to know how you are being human. It is really that simple.<br><br>All the mainstream sciences have discovered the impact humans have on human biology, chemistry, DNA and the quantum level. When we make a decision (free will) we can now see and measure that impact. We have always been, always will be and currently are impacting ourselves and the planet. It is time we all learned HOW we are doing it. The Human Primer explains the &quot;How&quot; through a cast of characters. There is Grandpa, Mom, Cousin Gene, Bubba, Goober and a cast of party animals. All members of the &quot;The Atoms Family&quot; – your family. As you will see, your entire worldview changes when the Atoms Family shows up. <br><br>Discerning today&#39;s rhetoric, disinformation, propaganda and bias can be a daunting task. The Human Primer provides a new lens to distill your observation, assessment and buy-in skills down to a very simple filter.... by inviting the Atoms Family to the party. <br><br>When the Family shows up, you will realize all sources of persuasion asking you to adopt their views and ideas to hate, anger and fear are really asking you to throw your family under the bus tires! Should you buy into their negative disposition, you will cause your cells to stop reproducing, deteriorate your immune system, cause your DNA to react, affect your body chemistry and most importantly cause your own energy field to go negative which affects &quot;Mom&quot; – the electromagnetic field around the planet. This new lens illuminates the intended outcome and effect caused by the idea they are selling (bus tires)… so you simply opt out. <br><br>It will become obvious that every free-willed moment in your daily existence is either making MOM happy or not. &quot;If Mama ain&#39;t happy, ain&#39;t nobody happy&quot; is actually true. Seven billion people on the planet are doing exactly the same thing using their locally-sold justifications to throw their families under the bus and affect Mom… positively or negatively. The resulting demeanor of Mom&#39;s frequency is measurable. This is Human Primer knowledge. It is just the science underneath it all. It is time you met the Atom&#39;s Family.

Love For & From My 4-Legged Son: How an ordinary golden retriever became an extraordinary dog

Michael N Marcus

This is the story of the amazing Hunter J. Marcus (my &quot;four-legged son&quot;). Hunter lived for 15 years and three months. He was a golden retriever and the typical lifespan for a &quot;golden&quot; is 10-12 years, so he definitely had high mileage. His death was not sudden, violent nor unexpected&ndash;but was nonetheless very sad. <br><br>I could not be more miserable because of the loss of a human child. <br>I never thought of Hunter as a pet, and certainly not as a possession. He was a housemate, playmate, child, co-conspirator, fellow traveler and&ndash;most of all&ndash;my best buddy. He soared like an eagle, swam like a porpoise, ate like a shark and often thought like a human.<br><br>Hunter understood dozens of English words and was very obedient&ndash;when he chose to be. Golden retrievers are very smart, and very independent. Hunter always knew exactly what he was supposed to do in any situation, and sometimes he was willing to do what he was supposed to do. We rewarded bad behavior because anything a dog does is cute!<br><br>This book is a memorial, but it&#39;s fun, not morbid.<br>

Are We Awakened Yet?

Ilka Handshaw

We live in a diverse world.We have people who believe in science, read/learn to see what&#39;s going on and then act on what we need to do to help our planet heal. But there also those that still question it. What is it going to hurt if we make our Earth clean and green? But if we do nothing we will suffer the horrible consequences. Let&#39;s NOT gamble with our children&#39;s lives (and our own)!Taking any positive action can ONLY help our planet not hurt it.... Read my book to find out on alarming facts about our Earth and about those that make a positive difference for all of us!

Wolverine Photography in Finland: A Conservation Success Story

Sonja V. Thompson FRPS

A book of images of a Wolverine family deep in the forest of Northern Finland.<br><br>Some of these photographs show behaviour that has rarely been seen in the wild – a female Wolverine lactating, and feeding kits outside of the den, and that are already two thirds fully grown.This book is also a tribute to the Conservation efforts to bring this animal back from the brink of extinction in Finland.

The World's Most Dangerous Animals

Kevin Baker Baker

A look at the most dangerous animals from around the world, from Indian red scorpions, giant centipedes and venomous spiders to bull sharks and Asian giant hornets.<br>Animals that can all kill a human being in an unlucky encounter . . .

Взламывая мозг

Джон Тёрни

Наш мозг – удивительный орган и единственный известный живой объект во Вселенной, способный задумываться о самом себе. Долгое время его изучение приводило лишь к домыслам и предположениям. Революционные неинвазивные технологии позволили заглянуть внутрь мозга и многое понять о его работе, но и сегодня порой кажется, что вопросов больше, чем ответов. Эта книга подробно рассказывает о том, что мы сегодня знаем о нашем самом главном органе, и поможет приоткрыть завесу тайны, окружающую его.

A Girl and her Pit Bull

Aliette Silva

The story of a girl forming an unbreakable bond with a pit bull.

African Safari Adventures

Thomas Walsh

It was pure serendipity that we went on an African safari, but we are forever grateful that we did. We combined a visit with my brother and sister-in-law, a doctor and nurse volunteering at a hospital in Uganda with a safari to Rwanda, Kenya and Tanzania.<br><br>Enjoy reading about what it was like to volunteer at a hospital in a small town in southwestern Uganda and the excitement and adventure of trekking mountain gorillas in Rwanda, camel rides in the rugged northern frontier of Kenya, safaris in the magical &quot;Green Hills&quot; of Africa in southeast Kenya, the lost world of the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the mysterious shifting sands of Tanzania, close encounters with wild animals on the Serengeti Plain and the iconic Great Wildebeest Migration.<br><br>Meet the many different and interesting people we encountered on safari and learn about the fabulous eco-lodges we stayed at. Travel with us across East Africa in small planes and safari cars for the many wonderful experiences that made this the trip-of-a-lifetime for us and our friends.

Do As I Say, Not As I Did

Michael N. Marcus

LAUGH & LEARN <br><br>This bestselling book is a collection of amusing anecdotes and useful advice on a wide range of subjects: money, relationships, parenting, business, work, cars, food & drink, life & death, education, health, technology, media, aging, time, animals, baseball, sailing, sex, writing & publishing and law. <br><br>The book is the sad&mdash;and also humorous and helpful&mdash;story of what the author did wrong over a lifetime and what he learned from his mistakes, plus what he learned from observing other people, companies, animals and events.<br><br>Marcus often fantasizes about traveling back in time to warn himself not to make stupid mistakes.<br><br>He says, &quot;The ten-, twenty- and sixty-year-old me might have ignored the advice of parents, teachers, doctors and accountants&mdash;but not the advice of me. If I talk to myself I have to listen. While technology will not yet allow me to go back and talk to myself, I can warn and advise anyone else who&#39;s willing to pay attention. That&#39;s why I wrote this book. And maybe by looking back I can influence my own future.&quot;

JIN SHIN JYUTSU For Your Animal Companions

Adele Leas

Learn the basic techniques of the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu for use on animal companions to promote healing, health and harmony of body, mind and spirit. <br><br>The book is based on Mary Burmeister&#39;s Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help books 1 and 2, which are said to contain the essence of this &quot;Art of the Creator through Compassionate Man.&quot; <br><br>Includes step by step directions and color illustrations, showing the adaptations needed to easily work with different size species including: dogs, horses, cats, birds, rabbits, and hamsters.The pages are clear and accessible, with hands showing the location of each step. Flows are adapted as needed based on the relationship of the Safety Energy Locks (building blocks of the body) in different species, as well as attitudinal and physical differences needed to be able to work with domesticated animals.