
Различные книги в жанре Биология

Climate change and agriculture

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Provides a more holistic approach by combining research both on the impacts of climate change on agriculture and the contribution of agriculture to climate change Highlights advances in ways of predicting the effects of agriculture and climate change on one another Builds on this foundation to outline key mitigation strategies to achieve a more ‘climate-smart’ agriculture

Achieving sustainable cultivation of ornamental plants

Группа авторов

Strong focus on environmental physiology, abiotic stress and breeding more abiotic stress-resistant varietiesReviews range of advanced marker-assisted breeding techniques, including gene editingDiscusses key advances in the value chain to improve resource use for more sustainable production

Bauman, Elias and Latour on Modernity and Its Alternatives

Sandro Segre

‘Bauman, Elias and Latour on Modernity and Its Alternatives’ provides a synopsis of and comparison between the conceptions of modernity and its alternatives, as found in the works of Bauman, Elias and Latour. Bauman and Elias share a few relevant features bearing on their conceptions of modernity and its possible alternatives; Latour, on the other hand, when compared to these sociologists, is a maverick thinker. The set of alternatives is as follows: modernity vs. post-modernity (Bauman); civilization vs. barbarity (Elias) and successful vs. unsuccessful hybrids (Latour). Bauman’s and Elias’s conceptions of modernity differ in some important respects. The constitutive elements of modernity are, according to Bauman, cognitive order, regulation, stability of relations and identities, and the role of intellectuals as legislators. In Elias’s view, pacification and civilization are the hallmarks of modernity. Both Bauman and Elias maintain, despite their differences, that a condition of barbarity indicates the absence of civilization, but not of modernity. According to Latour, the scientific usefulness of the concepts of modernity and, by implication, of non-modernity is questionable. If hybrids are defined as heterogeneous associations between humans and non-humans such as instruments and machines, by virtue of their great number they produce a variety of ways in which distinct and incompatible modes of knowledge may be interpreted, defined, and linked. This occurs by means of mediators. A hybrid condition characterizes the modern world; hence, non-humans are relevant for investigating the modern world as they mediate between nature and society. The latter is a contraposition which Latour rejects, along with those between actor vs. system, science vs. society, nature vs. culture, and humans vs. non-humans. As for this last contraposition, Latour argues that this very distinction results from a process of purification, since humans and non-humans may be actors that form an integrated whole. Modernity therefore results from the two related but opposed processes of hybridization and purification. Much as the very concept of modernity is of questionable usefulness, the concept of non-modernity should also be relinquished. The existence of hybrids makes modernity and non-modernity impossible. In this sense, Latour has contended that we have never been modern. The joint product of human and non-human activities, as resulting in hybrids, may be a failure due, according to Latour, to the mismatch between the human and non-human actors.

Гардероб наизнанку. Как индустрия моды уничтожает планету и для чего нужно вывернуть свой шкаф

Анастасия Приказчикова

Быстрая мода, потогонные производства, мусорный след… Скорее всего, вы не раз слышали эти термины, но знаете ли вы, сколько на самом деле стоят вещи из вашего шкафа? Анастасия Приказчикова, @imorganicblog, журналист и экоблогер, расскажет о том, как наша одежда убивает планету и почему именно мы способны в корне изменить ситуацию и повлиять на политику мировых брендов. Эта книга поможет вам легко и без ограничений создать свой позитивный гардероб.

'n Luiperd in my bed

Annelize Slabbert

"Met die middagson kom die lugspieëlings wat aan die vallei sy naam gegee het: Deception Valley. Dan skuil alles wat asemhaal in die koelte van 'n matjarra, rug na die wind gedraai. In die lang geelwit gras lê die leeus uitgestrek en slaap. Net die vlakvarke draf stertorent nader vir 'n modderbad…" Annelize Slabbert was 'n joernalis in Johannesburg en haar man, Gerard, 'n apteker. Doodgewone stedelinge. Toe word hulle moeg vir die lewe in die stad, die spitsverkeer en die gejaag, en verhuis sak en pak na Botswana. Hier, in die son en sand van die Sentraal-Kalahari, gaan hulle 'n luukse vierster-lodge bestuur. Min het hulle geweet wat wag. Tussen die luiperdwyfie in die slaapkamer, die dansende Russe en «wilde diere» in die swembad, sal hierdie boek jou laat lê van die lag … en jou twee keer laat dink voor jy jou eie landelike idille aandurf.

Tot die dood ons skei

Schalk Schoombie

Wat dryf iemand om sy vrou of lewensmaat te vermoor? Hoe is dit moontlik dat ons, ná meer as ’n eeu van vroueregte, steeds daagliks hoor van skynbaar doodgewone mans wat hul vroue aanrand, vermink en vermoor? Bekende joernalis en skrywer Schalk Schoombie kyk indringend na die verskynsel van «intieme vrouemoord», iets wat in Suid-Afrika krisis-afmetings aanneem. Aan die hand van talle gevallestudies maak hy skokkende bevindings, waaronder dat jy nooit te oud is om deur jou man aangerand of vermoor te word nie, en dat nie eers swangerskap vrouemoord verhoed nie. Enigiets, selfs skroewedraaiers, word as moordwapen gebruik, en vrouelyke word selfs in vate en tasse versteek. Tot die dood ons skei is 'n skokkende oopvlek van 'n misdaad wat skrikwekkend algemeen geword het.

Narsiste, psigopate, stalkers en sadiste

André le Roux

Jy’t vandag – niksvermoedend verby minstens een psigopaat geloop. Hy’t moontlik saam met jou in die hysbak geklim. En vanaand wag daar dalk ’n narsis of ’n sadis op jou. By die huis. Wie is hierdie ongure, gevaarlike mense? Wat gaan in hul koppe aan? En waar ís hulle? Tussen ons … Die skrywer André le Roux het uitgebreide navorsing oor dié wolwe in skaapsklere gedoen. Met die jongste inligting en talle gevallestudies – van Daisy de Melker tot Oscar Pistorius – maak hy hulle werklik en uitkenbaar. Sodat jy hulle kan verstaan, hanteer of vermy – en jouself beskerm.

Грязная правда. Уберись на планете или убирайся с нее

Эшли Пайпер

Это первое руководство по переходу к более доброй, здоровой, сознательной и устойчивой жизни без купюр. Эшли Пайпер, популярный журналист, эксперт по экологичному образу жизни, проведет вас через простые, но впечатляющие изменения в образе жизни. Каждый может жить и становиться лучше день за днем, в доме (на кухне, в гардеробе, в уходе за собой) и снаружи (в общественной жизни, на работе, за границей). Пришло время меняться. На этот раз точно!

Poems And Rhymes Exploring Animals, Politics, Soldiers, Faith, Love, Addiction And Insanity

Perry BSL Ritthaler

Poetry and Rhymes – Over 50 Beautiful Full Color Illustrations That Will Serenade the Sole of the Caring-Valiant and selfless men and women have fought and died for our country for centuries &ndash; and they continue to fight for us today. This book of poetry and rhymes exemplifies Perry Ritthaler thoughts of insanity, addiction and also politics connected to life overseas at war, but it also gives a voice to soldiers who cannot air their views on the military situation in Iraq for fear of retribution. Perry Ritthaler shows us with his gentle, kind, loving words the courage, patriotism, and the painful challenges to overcome for these men and women who have defended our country.<br>With his evocative words and smooth pentameter, Perry Ritthaler Poetry to Caress the Soul does just that, as well as warming the heart, pleasing the eyes, and soothing the mind. The language of poetry, the sensitivity, the evocative imagery, the tender and descriptive phrases and words about faith, love and animals, translates easily from any language the world over, and nowhere is this more evident than in, &quot;Poems And Rhymes Exploring Animals, Politics, Soldiers, Faith, Love, Addiction, And Insanity.&quot;