
Различные книги в жанре Биология

The Soul of the White Ant

Eugène N. Marais

"A new edition of this important work which was first published in 1937 and which was the result of Marais’s ten year study of the habits of termites, or white ants.
In his fascinating investigations into the psyche of the ants, their strangely rich inherited memory of instinct, Marais makes challenging assertions about the group soul of the termite colony – the cause and result of the termites’ ceaseless, automatic activity for their community. His extraordinary theory is that the termite colony is, in fact, a separate composite animal at a certain stage of its development. The queen, emanating from her secret chamber the mystical motivating and unifying power for the community, is the brain, while the soldiers, workers and flying termites perform the vital functions of the body, and the remarkable fungoid gardens provide the digestive system.
The Soul of the White Ant is an absorbing and exciting study of an astonishing insect capable of building, grain by grain, an earth structure weighing 11,750 tons.

Увлекательная анатомия

Алексей Пахневич

Книга Алексея Валентиновича Пахневича «Увлекательная анатомия» откроет тайну устройства человека и многих животных, так не похожих на нас и удивляющих своими супер-способностями. Например, знаешь ли ты, кто умеет дышать руками, а слушать ногами? Или выращивать новые клешни, зубы или хвост взамен утерянных? Из этой книги ты узнаешь, почему у людей кровь красная, а у осьминогов синяя; как работают жабры и легкие; какие микробы живут у нас в кишечнике; для чего нужна поджелудочная железа и многое-многое другое. Для среднего школьного возраста.

The Scout's Guide to Wild Edibles

Mike Krebill

In The Scout’s Guide to Wild Edibles , renowned forager Mike Krebill profiles 40 widely-found edible wild plants and mushrooms of North America, in a guide small enough to fit right in a pocket. The author offers clear color photos and positive-ID tips for each plant, along with DIY activities and recipes for all skill levels. [i]The Scout’s Guide>/i> will help foragers locate, identify and safely enjoy wild edibles.

The Genial Dinosaur

John Russell Fearn

Clifford Brooks and his wife Joan believe that 'Herbert,' the frisky dinosaur who'd saved their lives in A THING OF THE PAST, has been lost forever in the Earth's underworld. But to their amazement, he returns to the surface of the Earth–and immediately raises once again all of the complicated problems attendant upon trying to house a fearsome, 80-ton prehistoric beast in the midst of modern society. He's eventually condemned to death as a menace to the community, but somehow he–or his owners–always managed to circumvent the final sentence. Which is just as well, since it appears that Herbert’s appearance is almost providential. When aliens from another star arrive to Earth bent on denuding the planet of one of its natural resources, only Herbert can save the day! Another delightful SF adventure from the pulp paperback era.

9 Wild Horses

S Carol Johnson

In this true story you can learn how one unsuspecting lady accidently found a way to save some of America's magnificent wild horses. While wild horses are a great subject for political debates wild horses are being destroyed every day. After years of watching a wild herd Carol has learned that the wild horses don't need to be destroyed to reduce their numbers. They just need to be managed. This story follows Carol as she retired and moved to the Okanogan Highlands in north central Washington State. Shortly after relocating from Seattle, she unintentionally became part of a small herd of wild horses. She watched them, lived by them, fed them, found homes for babies and guarded them against two legged predators that would do them harm. This story follows her journey through all the trials, challenges, friendships and sadness that comes from living with a herd of wild horses. You will see how this herd has been stalked, rustled, shot at, attacked by cougars and through it all stayed true to their family, their freedom and Carol. It is quite a journey and unlike any you may have heard about anywhere else. Carol has always had a love of animals, but none of those animals included horses. She grew up on a farm outside of Spokane, WA and spent most of her adult life in and around Seattle, WA. She retired to the Okanogan Highlands to enjoy country life and the peace and quiet it brings. The horses were never part of the plan.

Global Warming

Duncan G. Ewing

The topic of global warming is interesting in that it determines what is happening to our climate today. We don't know why it is so strange in weather due to our inability to comprehend what is happening. However, as the globe heats up and the disaster effects start to surface, it seems evident that the threat is very real.


Jan Murray

"Afraid, but not too afraid if it meant recovering his board and his little brother, Zoran shook his head to clear the fog and crept closer and closer to the hollow log.”<br /><br />Ugject Development wants to build a bridge across to the beautiful island community of Glencairn. No Way! Five friends decide to fight it. With help from the mysterious sea captain and his cat, Pi*Wakitt. Weird, totally weird!

Stolen Rain

Tony Mount

Two centuries of World deforestation have warmed cleared coastal soils that stole the rain, once borrowed by their trees, to further wet their land and raise their run-off. Roads and roofs and runways have sealed more land and drained more stolen rain into our rising seas. Rain stolen from our lowest inland falls so even less is left to feed our inland rivers as they dry.

(101 things to know when you go) ON SAFARI IN AFRICA

Patrick Brakspear

On Safari in Africa is unlike any other travel guide to Africa. This is not a “where to go, where to stay, what to see” style of travel guide, rather, it is more a travel companion that aims to pick up where your Africa Travel Specialist leaves off (and even acts as your safari guide along the way). Along with pre-departure information, packing and travel tips it is also a comprehensive insight into the wildlife, landscapes, people and issues that surround the safari world.<br />Aimed at both first time travellers to Africa as well as those who have been on safari before, On Safari in Africa is prefaced on the notion that the more you know about a subject the more you will come to fully appreciate it – the more you learn, the more your fascination grows. On Safari in Africa seeks to heighten that fascination, and in so doing, enhance the safari experience.<br />On Safari in Africa has been designed to illustrate just how you can get more out of your safari to Africa. The process starts with some background on Africa; provides a check list of what you need to do before you leave home; takes you through what to expect on safari, including safari jargon and your safari guide; teaches you the nuances of learning to observe and question all that you see and hear; explains what we know about the habitats and animals you will encounter, their behaviour and physiology; provides you with a wealth of interesting facts about the wildlife; and introduces you to many other aspects of an African safari including birding, trees, insects and wild flowers and the night sky. A reference section discusses the people’s of Africa, photographic tips and finishes with a comprehensive glossary of safari terms and definitions.<br />On Safari In Africa picks up where your travel agent leaves off. With your safari itinerary and air tickets in hand, it is time to purchase your copy of On Safari In Africa.

A Physical Principle of Universal Order

Jaime S. Carvalho

Born from biology, Unitary Field Theory is a true general theory of space and time applicable to all realms – physical, biological, psychological, and sociological. It is an explicit process theory that takes the environment and the basic field into consideration. It recognizes that there is a pervasive ordering process in the universe.