
Различные книги в жанре Биология

The Future of Amazonia in Brazil

Marcílio de Freitas

The Future of Amazonia in Brazil: A Worldwide Tragedy is a study on the importance of protecting Amazonia, constructing its sustainable development and its articulations with worldwide socioeconomic processes. It analyzes the main contemporary polemics from the perspective of culture and the nature sciences. The authors present the importance of Amazonia and the sustainability to mankind and the planet’s future. They warn governments, politicians, teachers, students, environmentalists and societies in general that its ecological destruction is ongoing. This book shows that the predatory capitalism has no heuristic reach to build peace, and at the same time exploit the resources of nature preserving its biomes and the natural cycles. Political actions to make Amazonia into patrimony of mankind start to gain predictable contours. The authors present new ways for Amazonia and mankind.

Spaces of New Colonialism

Группа авторов

Spaces of New Colonialism is an edited volume of 16 essays and interviews by prominent and emerging scholars who examine how the restructuring of capitalist globalization is articulated to key sites and institutions that now cut an ecumenical swath across human societies. The volume is the product of sustained, critical rumination on current mutations of space and material and cultural assemblages in key institutional flashpoints of contemporary societies undergoing transformations sparked by neoliberal globalization. The flashpoints foregrounded in this edited volume are concentrated in the nexus of schools, museums and the city. The book features an intense transnational conversation within an online collective of scholars who operate in a variety of disciplines and speak from a variety of locations that cut across the globe, north and south. Spaces of New Colonialism began as an effort to connect political dynamics that commenced with the Arab spring and uprisings and protests against white-on-black police violence in US cities to a broader reading of the career, trajectory and effects of neoliberal globalization. Contributors look at key flashpoints or targets of neoliberalism in present-day societies: the school, the museum and the city. Collectively, they maintain that the election of Donald Trump and the Brexit movement in England marked a political maturation, not a mere aberration, of some kind—evidence of some new composition of forces, new and intensifying forms of stratification, ultimately new colonialism—that now distinctively characterizes this period of neoliberal globalization.


Kurian George

Indigenous Epistemology

Marva McClean

Indigenous Epistemology problematizes the self-reflexive inquiry between two researchers engaged in transnational collaboration that asserts experiential pedagogy as a tool to decolonize research methodology and honor the inter-generational stories that empower Indigenous people across the globe. The authors demonstrate the direct connection between Black Lives Matter, SOSBlakAustralia and the Maroons of Jamaica as examples of contemporary Indigenous people disrupting hegemony through agentive action that inspires global awareness and pushes for systemic change. In elevating the critical epistemologies of the ancient cultures of the Aboriginals of Australia and the African Diaspora, the authors assert that the legacies and current operations of colonialism must be disrupted and replaced with an emancipatory epistemology.

Ain't Misbehavin'

Dick Wolfsie

Затерянный мир Дарвина. Тайная история жизни на Земле

Мартин Брезиер

Еще полвека назад палеонтологов и биологов озадачивали огромные толщи “молчащих” пород без следов многоклеточной жизни и ее внезапное – по геологическим меркам – появление в кембрийском периоде (так называемый кембрийский взрыв). Но потом стало ясно, что и нежнейшие организмы оставляли отметки в геологической летописи. Ученые, сообразившие, что и где следует искать, теперь активно исследуют “заговоривший” докембрий – настоящий “затерянный мир”, населенный оригинальными организмами, не похожими на современные.