Cutting the Ties of Karma. Phyllis Krystal

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Cutting the Ties of Karma

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9783948177621

Автор произведения Phyllis Krystal

Жанр Религия: прочее


Издательство Readbox publishing GmbH

This third book of the Cutting the Ties That Bind series shows you, how to free yourself from old outdated attitudes, habits and concepts, which you might have brought with you from the past. We can learn from the many divers aspects of our lives, which gives us a chance to detach from our past actions. Phyllis Krystal’s teaching and wisdom can help you to understand that your past doesn’t have to bind you to your future and how to complete some of the unfinished business from past lives. She also explains, how to reduce adding additional karma by being more and more in contact with our Higher Consciousness.