Phyllis Krystal

Список книг автора Phyllis Krystal

    Cutting the Ties of Karma

    Phyllis Krystal

    This third book of the Cutting the Ties That Bind series shows you, how to free yourself from old outdated attitudes, habits and concepts, which you might have brought with you from the past. We can learn from the many divers aspects of our lives, which gives us a chance to detach from our past actions. Phyllis Krystal’s teaching and wisdom can help you to understand that your past doesn’t have to bind you to your future and how to complete some of the unfinished business from past lives. She also explains, how to reduce adding additional karma by being more and more in contact with our Higher Consciousness.

    Cutting more Ties That Bind

    Phyllis Krystal

    This is the sequel to «Cutting the Ties That Bind» and contains advanced information that can be used to release ourselves from more complex systems that programme behaviours. These include familial and national customs – things we do without even thinking about them – role playing, acting out of superstition, fear of unmentioned taboos, old prejudices and fears that we accept blindly. This is the book that will make us «see» what we are doing; it will help us to be the kind of parents we wish we had! This very important book is a textbook for eff ective self-awareness that opens the door to a lifestyle for self-assured and happy people.

    Die inneren Fesseln sprengen

    Phyllis Krystal

    Die Phyllis Krystal Methode ermöglicht es, sich von falschen Sicherheiten, überholten Verhaltensmustern und Einstellungen sowie von Abhängigkeiten zu befreien. Die Autorin beschreibt in diesem Buch Techniken, Rituale und Symbole, die solche negativen Konditionierungen aufheben und neue positive Botschaften im Unterbewusstsein einprägen können. So werden Veränderungen im Leben wesentlich besser möglich, als wenn nur auf der bewussten, kognitiven Ebene gearbeitet wird. Die Phyllis Krystal Methode befähigt uns, zu freien und ganzen menschlichen Wesen zu werden, indem wir uns zunehmend auf die Weisheit und Sicherheit unserer inneren Führung verlassen. Jeder von uns kann sich an diese innewohnende Quelle wenden.