Disarmament and Decommissioning in the Nuclear Domain. Jean-Claude Amiard

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Название Disarmament and Decommissioning in the Nuclear Domain
Автор произведения Jean-Claude Amiard
Жанр Техническая литература
Издательство Техническая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119855514

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      17  End User License Agreement

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. The United Nations organization. For a color version of this figure,...Figure 1.2. The various UN bodies working on non-proliferation and disarmament. ...Figure 1.3. The various regional treaties banning nuclear weapons. For a color v...Figure 1.4. Organizational structure of the South African nuclear program accord...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. Various types of atomic bombs. For a color version of this figure, s...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. The various phases in the life of a basic nuclear installation (sour...Figure 3.2. The various stages of the decommissioning and dismantling of a nucle...Figure 3.3. The three phases of a nuclear facility: operation, transition and de...Figure 3.4. The decommissioning and dismantling process of nuclear facilities in...Figure 3.5. Diagram of the decommissioning phases according to the Swedish licen...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Overview of the estimate by calculating the cost of decommissioning ...Figure 4.2. Example of a probability versus impact diagram (source: [IAE 19c]). ...Figure 4.3. Decommissioning operations and environmental and health impact asses...Figure 4.4. Risks associated with the various phases of decommissioning (source:...Figure 4.5. Relationships between the parties involved in the decommissioning an...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Internal zone problems with the various study areas and contaminants...Figure 5.2. Main elements of the Hanford clean-up completion framework, the Rive...

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 2Table 2.1. Strategic forces bomb vectors in January 2018 [SIP 18]. * The first n...Table 2.2. Components of nuclear power and number of nuclear warheads in 2017Table 2.3. Temporal changes in nuclear weapons stockpiles in 2009, 2013, 2017 an...Table 2.4. Stocks of highly enriched uranium (in tonnes) at the end of 2012 (sou...Table 2.5. World stock of enriched uranium in 2017 (source: [KÜT 19])Table 2.6. Stocks of plutonium (in tonnes) at the end of 2012 (source: [FEI 14])Table 2.7. Global stockpile of military and civilian plutonium (source: [KÜT 19]...

      2 Chapter 3Table 3.1. Duration of decommissioning of several nuclear power reactors (source...Table 3.2. Selected decommissioning projects (source: [LAR 18a])Table 3.3. Russian nuclear facilities in decommissioning stage (source: [NEA 18b...

      3 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Contribution (%) of decommissioning and waste management phases to th...Table 4.2. Decommissioning costs (in US dollars per installed kWe) of reactors b...Table 4.3. Quantity of nuclear waste (in tons per installed MWe) by reactor type...Table 4.4. US Department of Energy 2018, 2019 and 2020 Nuclear Budgets in thousa...Table 4.5. Estimated life cycle financial data for each UK site (based on [NDA 0...Table 4.6. Evolution of NDA cost estimates for the decommissioning and cleanup o...Table 4.7. Quantities and fate of nuclear waste from the decommissioning of the ...Table 4.8. Quantities of material that can be released (based on [SEL 12])Table 4.9. Proposed EURATOM release thresholds as a function of mass activity (b...Table 4.10. Example of a probability scale for the use of risk analysis (modifie...Table 4.11. Example of an impact scale for the use of risk analysis (source: [IA...Table 4.12. Soil release thresholds for US sites (NRC Derived Concentration Guid...Table 4.13. Prescribed site release thresholds adopted by Germany [STR 01]. The ...Table 4.14. Performance of various cutting techniques (source: [STE 12]). *EDM: ...Table 4.15. The different “products” according to the life cycle of a nuclear in...

      4 Chapter 5Table 5.1. Closures of military uranium enrichment plants (source: [FEI 14])Table 5.2. Military enrichment plants in operation in 2013 (source: [FEI 14]). C...Table 5.3. American plutonium-producing reactors at the Hanford site (source: [F...Table 5.4. US plutonium-producing reactors at the Savannah River site (source: [...Table 5.5. Closures of military reprocessing plants (source: [FEI 14])Table 5.6. Worldwide military reprocessing plants in operation in 2013 (source: ...Table 5.7. Environmental contamination in the United States from nuclear facilit...Table 5.8. Dates and measures for cleaning waste in the tanks (source: [USD 13])Table 5.9. Nuclear facilities undergoing decommissioning in various areas of the...Table 5.10. Quantities of cesium-137 and iodine-131 present in various structure...Table 5.11. Russian fuel fabrication and research and development (R&D) faciliti...Table 5.12. Cost in millions of US dollars for the inactivation and decommission...Table 5.13. Gamma radiation (γ) and beta radiation (β) contamination levels on t...Table 5.14. Russian submarines shut down and being decommissioned in 2001 (sourc...Table 5.15. Northern fleet submarines shut down and stored in 1997 (source: [ØLG...Table 5.16. Composition of liquid radioactive wastes according to their location...

      5 Chapter 6Table 6.1. The main nuclear power reactor systems (modified from [NAU 08, AMI 13...Table 6.2. French nuclear power reactors (UNGG, Uranium Naturel Graphite Gaz) wi...Table 6.3. Graphite Moderated Gas-Cooled Reactors (GCR) in the British nuclear p...Table 6.4. Decommissioning of UK facilities (source: [NDA 19]) LLWR: Low-Level W...Table 6.5. Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) in shutdown and in the process of b...Table 6.6. Shutdown nuclear power reactors of the WWER-type (source: [BAE 12, NE...Table 6.7. Concrete masses of WWER reactor buildings (source: [BAE 12])Table 6.8. Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) shut down and decommissioned...Table 6.9. Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) shut down and decommissioned (source: [...Table 6.10. List of damaged reactors (source: [LAR 12a, WNN 19l, AMI 19a]) a: pr...Table 6.11. Volume of nuclear waste produced at the end of 2015 in Fukushima, af...Table 6.12. The official and planned shutdown of Belgian nuclear reactors (sourc...Table 6.13. The official and scheduled shutdown of Japanese nuclear reactors (so...Table 6.14. The official and scheduled shutdown of South Korean nuclear reactors...Table 6.15. The official and planned shutdown of Taiwan’s nuclear reactors (sour...Table 6.16. Official and scheduled shutdown of US nuclear reactors (source: [SCH...

      6 Chapter 7Table 7.1. Number of French nuclear facilities at the end of 2013 (based on [NEA...Table 7.2. Status of research reactors (according to [AIE 20])Table 7.3. Power of research reactors (from [IAE 06])Table 7.4. Age of research reactors in operation (based on [IAE 06])Table 7.5. Final status at the end of the decommissioning of research reactors (...Table 7.6. Classification of research reactors (based on [IAE 06])Table 7.7. Prototype of fast and power reactors permanently shut down around the...Table 7.8. Main prototype and power reactors of the high-temperature reactor typ...Table 7.9. Major prototype reactors and power reactors from various sectors (fro...Table 7.10. Number of nuclear fuel cycle facilities at various stages of their l...Table 7.11. Examples of effluent concentration limits (source: [NEA 02])Table 7.12. Civilian reprocessing plants worldwide (source: [FEI 14]). *Civil an...

      7 General ConclusionsTable C.1. Decommissioning status of nuclear reactors in 11 states at the end of...


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title Page
