The Terrestrial Macroinvertebrates of the Sub-Antarctic Iles Kerguelen and Ile de la Possession. Maurice Hulle

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Название The Terrestrial Macroinvertebrates of the Sub-Antarctic Iles Kerguelen and Ile de la Possession
Автор произведения Maurice Hulle
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119851219

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rights of Maurice Hullé and Philippe Vernon to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2021937387

      British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

      A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library

      ISBN 978-1-78630-760-6

      Photography: Bernard Chaubet (INRAE)

      Cartography: Damien Fourcy (INRAE)

      Species identification: Romain Georges (University of Rennes 1), Christelle Buchard (INRAE)

      Foreword 1

      The extraordinary American conservationist and thinker Aldo Leopold wrote: “To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering.” To keep every cog and wheel presupposes that each one of them is not only known but can also be identified. For most places, knowing the full diversity of life is only imaginable. And for most people, identifying that diversity is unthinkable. Yet, a few specially endowed naturalists seem to be able to do so. And because they are often too little valued in our modern scientific world, their knowledge passes with them into history. Thus, places and the people who value them frequently fall into a cycle of knowing and forgetting.

      Yet, every now and then, naturalists and writers come along who are determined to break that cycle. They recruit, through a combination of tenacity, charm and a fierce love for a place and its diversity, a host of helpers. Spurred on by the positive feedback that comes from enthusiasm, they recruit even more extensively. Eventually, they deliver a monograph of life. A record of a place’s diversity and the means for others to know it in all of its exquisite detail. In doing so, they make forever known a part of our world that would otherwise have remained trapped in that cycle of light and dark.

      Here, Maurice Hullé and Philippe Vernon have done just this for the larger invertebrates of the extraordinary sub-Antarctic islands of the Îles Kerguelen and the Île de la Possession.

      Such tenacity, a characteristic of the authors, results in a handsome reward, and this monograph of the larger terrestrial invertebrate life of these islands is just such a reward. How extraordinary to have this work. The question “I wonder what this is?” is answered readily. And with that question addressed, immediately others can be posed. What does it do? What is its history of abundance? What is its future? How do we mitigate further change?

      The sub-Antarctic islands are a global treasure. Most are recognized as such through their listing as World Heritage Sites. Here, we have a further record of the treasures of two of the most important island groups in the sub-Antarctic. As far as we can tell, and new genetic techniques are on the cusp of revealing, much of the terrestrial invertebrate diversity of the Indian Ocean sub-Antarctic islands originated here. In this respect, a history of accomplished French researchers, starting with René Jeannel, has been vital. These islands lie at the center of the evolutionary drama that is the sub-Antarctic. A drama that has captivated the minds of some of biology’s greatest thinkers. Knowing the islands’ diversity and being able to recognize it places that drama and its actors within everyone’s grasp. Being able to tell the carabid beetles Amblystogenium minimum from Amblystogenium pacificum is now as easy as telling a Macaroni from a Rockhopper penguin.

      The drama is not played out. The sub-Antarctic treasures face much difficulty because of introduced species, the local impacts of global climate change and what is now being increasingly documented as a positive effect of climate change on invasive species. If the play is not to end a tragedy, new actors are required; new actors with new parts. Parts that require thoughtful conservation action based on compelling evidence. In delivering this monograph, Maurice Hullé and Philippe Vernon have changed the nature of the auditions. They have broadened the talent pool to everyone who has a love of life as we know it. And they have extended the audience too. Even those who have never come close to the theatres that are these islands can take part by having the islands’ diversity revealed.

      Steven L. CHOWN

      Professor, Monash University

      President, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

      Melbourne, Australia

      September 2020

      Foreword 2

      When confronted with a book about invertebrates of sub-Antarctic islands, we might expect a boring list written in a 19th-Century fashion by museum experts about their identification… But the multidisciplinary state of the art of two modern field naturalists makes this book fascinating. Maurice Hullé and Philippe Vernon have indeed been remarkably successful in providing a story on biodiversity, with nice iconography, which started in 1830 and is still evolving today.

      It is also nice that this book provides a historical view, a well-deserved tribute to those pioneers who first described the remarkable endemic larger invertebrates of the sub-Antarctic Îles Kerguelen and the Île de la Possession (Eaton, Waterhouse, Jeannel, Dreux, Voisin, etc.) and on their expeditions (Challenger, Volage, Gauss, etc.). It was indeed the time of the first discovery and description of species. And also the time when similarities of these invertebrates were found with the remote wildlife of Africa and America. It raised puzzling questions on the way the invertebrates were once established on the islands.