A Companion to Australian Art. Группа авторов

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Название A Companion to Australian Art
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Изобразительное искусство, фотография
Издательство Изобразительное искусство, фотография
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781118767955

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and others more optimistic on the matter of authorship. Nostalgia for home was the prevailing driver, with scenic British landscapes predominating. The catalogue began with 102 works (paintings, prints and other media) contributed by the local grandee Joseph Archer of Panshanger, the vast majority of which also represented British scenery and rural activities, in tandem with most other lenders. The exhibition overall was dominated by the 42 works (including some on paper) by John Glover, the talented English “romantic” landscapist who had emigrated to Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania) late in life to join his sons, who had taken up land there, arriving in the colony in 1831 and remaining until his death in 1849. A smaller group of pictures by another local painter of merit, Robert Dowling, was also notable, with Dowling by then in London well on the way to establishing a serious professional reputation. Launceston took the view that it had something to celebrate in the field of fine art.

      As noted above, the new colony of Victoria, formally separated from New South Wales in 1851, was hugely enriched by the discovery in the same year of one of the world’s largest gold fields. In the succeeding decades, Melbourne grew to become one of the wealthiest cities of the British Empire, its citizens driven by a sense of opportunity and pride, and its rapid development can be compared to American cities like Chicago and San Francisco.

      The first official general exhibition in Melbourne, for which a dedicated building was constructed, took place in 1854, as a prelude to the colony’s contributions to the forthcoming 1855 Exposition Universelle in Paris. Mainly concerned with both natural history (especially mineral specimens) and colonial manufactures, it contained a small fine art section, to which local artists like Eugene von Guérard contributed, but it was something of an uninspiring pot-pourri. In contrast, the exhibition arranged in Geelong (a growing port town to the west of Melbourne), at its Mechanics’ Institute three years later, in 1857, contained a similar range of items, but the fine art element was on a larger scale, though still competing with apprentices’ models constructed of wood and cork, natural history specimen tables and colonial manufactures. The local landowner James Henty, one of Victoria’s first settlers, loaned a group of mainly Dutch and Flemish pictures of indeterminate quality and authenticity. The most notable contribution to this exhibition was Ludwig Becker’s 20 “Scenes in Tasmania”, with many representations of indigenous people, accompanied by 18 “Scenes in Victoria”, principally of the goldfields.

      These examples reinforce the seminal role played by local Mechanics’ Institutes in providing public access to loan collections of artworks made available by interested local residents. At this early stage, few could be described as committed collectors.

      The National Gallery of Victoria

      In 1863 the government appointed a Commission on the Fine Arts to “Inquire into the subject of the promotion of the Fine Arts in this our said Colony, and to … submit unto us a scheme for the formation, conduct and management of a Public Museum … and Schools of Art for our said Colony.” Six years after James Sheridan Moore had pleaded for the government of NSW to undertake something similar, to no avail, an ambitious project, to be funded by government, was launched in Melbourne. The eminent painter Sir Charles Eastlake, President of the Royal Academy and director of the London National Gallery, accepted the task of allocating the relatively modest sum of £2000 p.a. made available by the government of Victoria for acquisitions, and he sensibly advised that such a limited sum could only be effective if confined to acquiring contemporary works – and those not necessarily by the most distinguished and sought-after artists. The collections, however, began to grow, and new dedicated spaces for sculptures and pictures were constructed. In 1869 an Act of Parliament formally constituted The National Gallery of Victoria, including its School of Art, which opened in 1870. In due course, most of the public fine art galleries in the capital of each self-governing colony adopted the word “national” in its title, expressing the pre-Federation quasi-independent status of each colony, but also in conscious imitation of London, which had established its “National Gallery” in 1824.

      As the years passed, a kind of modus operandi evolved, given focus by the establishment of the National Gallery of Victoria School of Art (opened in 1870) which in its early years was seen as being at least as important as the art collection. The first Master of the Painting School, Eugene von Guérard, was thus also appointed curator of the collection, almost as a secondary role. Over the years acquisitive prizes and scholarships were created to support the student body, and those who had won prizes (especially the annual Travelling Scholarship