Clinical Guide to Fish Medicine. Группа авторов

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Название Clinical Guide to Fish Medicine
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119259848

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Ceratonova and Ceratomyxa spp. Bibliography Hoferellus spp. Bibliography Kudoa spp. Bibliography Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae Bibliography Eimeria spp. Bibliography Cryptosporidium spp. Bibliography

      10  Appendix 1: Conversions Distance/Area Weight Volume Concentration Temperature Energy

      11  Appendix 2: Common Disinfectants

      12  Appendix 3: Fish Diagnostic Laboratories in the United States

      13  Appendix 4: Veterinary Training Programs in Aquatic Animal Medicine Veterinary Schools with Aquatic Animal Courses Veterinary Student Programs and Volunteer Opportunities Veterinary Internships and Fellowships Veterinary Residencies Conferences and Courses that Include Fish Medicine Job Opportunities

      14  Index

      15  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table A1.1 Obligate and facultative air‐breathers.Table A1.2 Fluid and electrolyte balance in freshwater and marine bony fish.Table A1.3 Examples of sexual dimorphism in bony fish.Table A1.4 Ovarian types in fish.Table A1.5 Example of reproductive modalities in bony fish.Table A1.6 Reproductive methods of elasmobranchs

      2 Chapter 2Table A2.1 Common advantages and disadvantages of different water sources.Table A2.2 Possible water quality parameters for some common species and grou...Table A2.3 Fraction of the total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) that is present as un...

      3 Chapter 4Table A4.1 Approximate diet composition for some model fish species.Table A4.2 Total lipid and fatty acid composition of seafood items commonly f...Table A4.3 Dietary vitamin requirements for teleosts and elasmobranchs.Table A4.4 Dietary mineral requirements for teleosts and elasmobranchs.Table A4.5 Nutrient parameters of seafood items commonly fed to fish.Table A4.6 Nutrient parameters of crustaceans commonly fed to fish.Table A4.7 Nutrient parameters of mollusks commonly fed to fish.Table A4.8 Nutrient parameters of other invertebrates commonly fed to fish.

      4 Chapter 6Table A6.1 Important questions when obtaining the history of an aquatic patie...Table A6.2 Common venomous fish species.Table A6.3 Zoonotic diseases that may be acquired from fish or water through ...

      5 Chapter 7Table A7.1 Standard and specialized bacterial media and their uses.Table A7.2 OIE‐listed fish diseases in 2019.

      6 Chapter 9Table A9.1 Gram‐stain characteristics of common fish bacteria.Table A9.2 Organisms that may stain acid‐fast positive.Table A9.3 Commonly used cytology and histology stains.

      7 Chapter 12Table A12.1 Marine fish and invertebrate groups that may show increased sensi...Table A12.2 Proposed doses for emergency drugs in fish.

      8 Chapter 13Table A13.1 Chemicals where impact on biological filtration has been shown, b...Table A13.2 Chemicals where reports have suggested no impact on biological fi...

      9 Chapter 14Table A14.1 Recommended bag sizes for individual fish.

      10 Chapter 15Table A15.1 An example of a risk assessment for koi going into an established...Table A15.2 An example of a risk assessment for neon tetras going into a new ...Table A15.3 An example of a risk assessment for marine Indo‐Pacific tropical ...Table A15.4 An example of a risk assessment for bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna ti...Table A15.5 An example of a risk assessment for Nile tilapia in a culture fac...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure A1.1 Coeliotomy in a porcupinefish (Diodon holocanthus) showing the c...Figure A1.2 Radiograph of an Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber) showi...Figure A1.3 Leakage of drug with green marker following intramuscular inject...Figure A1.4 Intact (a) and incised (b) swim bladder of a bluestriped grunt (Figure A1.5 Swim bladder variations including two lobes in a spangled grunte...Figure A1.6 Eyelid on a crevalle jack (Caranx hippos).Figure A1.7 Otoliths visible on lateral radiograph of a red drum (Sciaenops ...Figure A1.8 Computed tomography of the skull of a moray