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23Figure C2.1 Bite wounds to the pectoral fin of a female bullnose ray (Myliob...Figure C2.2 Barrier to prevent fish from jumping out of the system. The pane...Figure C2.3 Lateral line depigmentation in a northern sea robin (Prionotus c...Figure C2.4 Goiters presenting as a ventral opercular mass in a grunt (Haemu...Figure C2.5 Ultrasound images of cystic ovaries (a) and mucometra (b) in a s...Figure C2.6 Severe coelomic distension due to egg retention in an oyster toa...Figure C2.7 Corneal lipidosis in a green moray (Gymnothorax funebris).Figure C2.8 Obese grunt (Haemulon sp.) on necropsy showing excess fat throug...

      23 Chapter 24Figure C3.1 Carp pox (Cyprinid herpesvirus‐1) lesions on the skin and fins o...Figure C3.2 Koi herpes virus (cyprinid herpesvirus‐3) gill lesions in koi (C...Figure C3.3 Typical necropsy findings of viral hemorrhagic septicemia in rai...Figure C3.4 Koi (Cyprinus carpio koi) recumbent on the substrate due to carp...Figure C3.5 Plaques due to lymphocystivirus in a blue hamlet (Hypoplectrus g...Figure C3.6 Signs of vacuolation (*) and necrosis (arrowheads) on histology ...

      24 Chapter 25Figure C4.1 Cytologic appearance of curved Gram‐negative bacilli, consistent...Figure C4.2 Gross appearance of columnaris lesions on a grouper (EpinephelusFigure C4.3 Typical appearance of Streptococcus spp. on Gram stain showing c...Figure C4.4 Severe granulomatous renomegaly due to bacterial kidney disease ...Figure C4.5 Mycobacterial lesions: cutaneous ulceration in mummichogs (Fundu...Figure C4.6 Long, branching, acid‐fast rods consistent with Nocardia sp. on ...Figure C4.7 Nodules due to epitheliocystis on direct microscopy of a gill bi...

      25 Chapter 26Figure C5.1 Oomycete infection on a cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi);...Figure C5.2 Cytologic appearance of Exophiala sp. under wet mount (a) and on...Figure C5.3 Cytologic appearance of characteristic sickle‐shaped macroconidi...Figure C5.4 Microsporidial xenoma in the muscle of a shorthorn sculpin (Myox...Figure C5.5 Mesomycetozoea infection in a cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axel...

      26 Chapter 27Figure C6.1 Ichthyophthirius multifiliis infection producing white spots in ...Figure C6.2 Cryptocaryon irritans trophont on a gill biopsy under direct mic...Figure C6.3 Chilodonella sp. ciliate on skin scrape under direct microscopy ...Figure C6.4 Brooklynella sp. ciliates under direct microscopy of a skin scra...Figure C6.5 Scuticociliates under direct microscopy of skin scrapes at ×40 (...Figure C6.6 Trichodinid ciliates under direct microscopy of skin scrapes (a ...Figure C6.7 Direct, bright‐field microscopy of sessile ciliates: Ambiphrya s...Figure C6.8 Cryptobia (Trypanoplasma) sp. on a blood smear; Leishman and Gie...Figure C6.9 Ichthyobodo sp. from a gill biopsy under direct microscopy (a) a...Figure C6.10 Abundant Hexamita sp. under direct microscopy of an intestinal ...Figure C6.11 Amyloodinium sp. and increased mucus on a gill biopsy under dir...

      27 Chapter 28Figure C7.1 Prolific egg production by a capsalid monogenean (a) and skin sc...Figure C7.2 Life cycle of Neobenedenia spp.Figure C7.3 Benedeniella posterocolpa on the ventrum of a cownose ray (Rhino...Figure C7.4 Life cycle of Dactylogyrus spp.Figure C7.5 Life cycle of Gyrodactylus spp.Figure C7.6 Dendromonocotyle sp. on direct microscopy of a skin scrape at x1...Figure C7.7 Dermophthirius penneri from a blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limba...Figure C7.8 Polyopisthocotyles tightly embedded in gill tissue (a); examinat...Figure C7.9 Diagram of the life cycle of digenes with fish as the definitive...Figure C7.10 Eggs from blood flukes on direct microscopy of a gill biopsy at...Figure C7.11 Turbellarians on direct microscopy of a gill biopsy (a) and fol...Figure C7.12 Cestodes on direct microscopy of a squash prep of a hake fry (M...Figure C7.13 Leeches visible in the oral cavity of a cownose ray (Rhinoptera...Figure C7.14 Live anisakid larva seen in a monkfish (Lophius americanus) fil...Figure C7.15 Camallanid nematodes on direct microscopy of a coelomic sample....Figure C7.16 An adult female philometrid nematode being removed from the ret...Figure C7.17 Anguillicolid nematodes on necropsy (a) and radiography (b) of ...Figure C7.18 Black linear tracts on the skin of a sandbar shark (Carcharhinu...Figure C7.19 Pentastomid larvae on direct examination of a serosal scrape fr...Figure C7.20 The acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis in the gastrointestin...Figure C7.21 Parasitic copepods: unidentified copepods on the skin of a sand...Figure C7.22 Free‐living copepod on direct microscopy of a gill biopsy.Figure C7.23 Isopod distending the operculum of a killifish (Fundulus sp.); ...Figure C7.24 Argulus sp. on a giant gudgeon (Oxyeleotris selheimi) on examin...

      28 Chapter 29Figure C8.1 “Typical” myxozoan spores with two polar capsules seen on impres...Figure C8.2 Enteromyxum sp. spores on direct cytology of the gastrointestina...Figure C8.3 Bright‐field microscopy of Henneguya creplini myxospores from a ...Figure C8.4 Spores from a Myxobolus sp. on impression smear using Dif‐Quik® ...Figure C8.5 Spores from Ceratonova shasta on histology of the intestines of ...Figure C8.6 Polycystic kidneys in a goldfish (Carassius auratus) infected wi...Figure C8.7 Histology image of spores from a Kudoa sp. in the muscle of a bu...Figure C8.8 Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) caused by Tetracapsuloides br...Figure C8.9 Spores from Eimeria southwelli sp. on bright‐field microscopy of...Figure C8.10 Cryptosporidium oocysts on acid‐fast staining of the gastrointe...


      1  Cover Page

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Preface

      5  Acknowledgments

      6  List of Contributors

      7  Table of Contents

      8  Begin Reading

      9  Appendix 1 Conversions

      10  Appendix 2 Common Disinfectants

      11  Appendix 3 Fish Diagnostic Laboratories in the United States

      12  Appendix 4 Veterinary Training Programs in Aquatic Animal Medicine

      13  Index

      14  Wiley End User License Agreement


      1  iii

      2  iv

      3  xiii

      4  xiv

      5  xv

      6  xvi

      7  1