The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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Название The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition
Автор произведения Urantia Foundation
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780911560190

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131:3.6 (1447.3)Jesus’ lesson regarding, 149:5.0 (1674.3–1675.1)Contestsearly beginnings of, 68:2.10 (765.7)educational, in the continental nation, 72:4.4 (812.6)Continence culteffect of, on Paul’s regard for women, 89:3.6 (977.1)origin of, 89:3.6 (977.1)Continent(s)extrusion of, above sea level, cause of, 58:5.6 (668.8)the first, 57:8.4 (660.6)number of, on the neighboring planet, 72:12.1 (819.5)sliding of, toward ocean beds, reason for, 58:5.7 (668.9)termination of the sea invasion of, time of, 60:4.1 (691.4)waterways of the, during climatic transition stage, 59:6.4 (683.1)weight of, vs. that of ocean beds plus overlying water, 58:5.7 (668.9)Continentalcourts of nations, functions of, 71:8.13 (807.9)creep, a factor in land sinking, 59:1.7 (673.7)drift, about, 58:5.0 (668.3–669.1)backthrust of, effect, 60:3.13 (690.4)effect of, on land submergence, 58:7.8 (671.1)end of, in the chalk period, 60:4.2 (691.5)slowing down of western advance of, 60:3.11 (690.2)termination of, time, 60:3.12 (690.3)-elevation stage, recent, 61:4.0 (698.4–9)emergence during climatic transition stage, 59:6.5 (683.2)flood stage, the first, 59:2.0 (674.7–676.4)land mass, as affected by Pacific Ocean’s downthrust, 57:8.21 (662.8)emergence of Urantia’s first, reason for, 57:8.4 (660.6)first breaks in the, 57:8.23 (663.1)upthrust of, during prelife ages, 58:5.8 (669.1)nation on a neighboring planet, about, 72:1.0 (808.4–809.1)relations of, to planetary neighbors, 72:12.2 (819.6)pressure at ocean bottoms, 58:5.7 (668.9)seashores, inundation of, in trilobite age, 59:1.7 (673.7)situation of, at close of the Jurassic period, 60:3.2 (689.1)stage, new, 61:5.1 (699.2)Continuitycontented, uncertainty the secret of, 39:5.9 (438.2)unbroken, between a prayer and the full spiritual answer, impossibility of, 168:4.4 (1848.4)Contractswith the gods and man’s evolutionary progress, 89:3.5 (976.7), 89:8.5 (983.3)validation of, a doctrine of the Baal cult, 97:3.3 (1064.7)Contractural starsorigin of, 15:5.8 (171.3)Controlco-operation of the Deities in, 7:4.7 (86.1)and equalization, living system of, function of, 41:1.2 (456.1)infinite, of First Source and Center, 0:3.10 (5.9)and overcontrol, 118:8.0 (1301.6–1303.1)relation of Father, Son, and Spirit in, 8:6.6 (96.8)superuniverse, intelligences employed in, 15:10.22 (179.9)ultimate, of force-energy, 42:0.2 (467.2)Controller(s)an appellation of the First Source and Center, 1:2.10 (24.8), 10:3.11 (111.9), 105:3.2 (1155.6)God a, 0:2.12 (4.6), 1:0.1 (21.1), 2:1.2 (34.1), 6:1.2 (74.1), 104:3.18 (1147.10)Paradise a, 0:4.13 (7.11)of physical energy in the grand universe, 42:2.14 (470.5)planetary, and visibility of angels to mortals, 50:2.7 (574.2)Satania physical, 41:2.0 (456.5–457.7)the sevenfold, of the grand universe, 116:5.0 (1273.5–1274.7)Controversy(ies)avoidance of, by believers, 178:1.16 (1932.1)with his apostles, Jesus’ effort to avoid, 138:6.4 (1543.2)regarding the healing of the epileptic boy, 158:4.2 (1755.8)Convention(s)the first mile of, not the one to transform man, 195:10.5 (2084.5)modern, basis of, 68:4.1 (767.1), 69:9.17 (782.4)role of, in fostering institutions of society, 69:1.3 (772.6)social, effect of, on home establishment, 84:7.2 (939.5)origins of, 63:4.2 (713.8), 70:11.1 (796.7)traditions and source of, 69:0.3 (772.3)Conventionalitynarrow, Jesus unhandicapped by, 100:7.5 (1102.2)Conversion(s)experiences, so-called, vs. birth of religion, 103:2.1 (1130.6)and mysticism, 100:5.0 (1098.4–1100.2)need for man’s, 160:1.14 (1774.6)Paul’s and Gautama’s sudden, 100:5.3 (1099.1)prerequisites of, to spiritual reality, 100:5.5 (1099.3)sudden, vs. progressive spiritual experience, 100:5.3 (1099.1)true, faith as well as feeling necessary to a, 100:5.5 (1099.3)ConverterNalda’s reference to the coming of the, 143:5.7 (1614.1)ConvertsCapernaum, Peter’s estimate of possible number of, 145:5.10 (1636.3)Chorazin’s few, 155:2.2 (1726.5)to Christianity, types of early, 195:0.4 (2069.4)number of, at Caesarea-Philippi, 155:3.2 (1727.2)spiritual, work of the kingdom to be winning, 153:1.2 (1708.1)Conviction(s)deep-seated, Jerusalem crowd’s lack of, 172:3.15 (1883.1)-faith, vs. logic of despair, 101:0.3 (1104.3)Jesus’ loyalty to his, 100:7.9 (1102.6)profound, Jesus’ faith to him a, 196:0.5 (2087.5)strong religious, modern man’s dread of domination by, 195:9.6 (2083.2)true religion a loyalty to one’s highest, 155:3.5 (1727.5)of truth, a definition, 180:5.1 (1949.3)new teacher, the Spirit of Truth, the, 180:5.1 (1949.3)the unassailable, of a religious experience, 103:9.12 (1142.3)Cookingadvantages of, 69:6.7 (778.2)in Eden, 74:6.4 (834.6)fire’s influence on, 69:6.7 (778.2)food, advantages of, as taught by Lut, 66:5.18 (747.8)meat, Onagar’s teachers’ methods of, 63:6.7 (716.6)nonemployment of, in Adam’s household, 74:6.4 (834.6)Co-operationvs. competition in advanced civilization, 71:5.3 (805.3)conditional, of Melchizedeks, with Adam, 75:6.1 (844.3)endowment of species, spirit of counsel the, 36:5.10 (402.7)intelligent, in promotion of civilization, 71:5.3 (805.3)of men and women, influence of Adam and Eve on, 84:7.8 (940.4)mortal, with the Adjuster, 110:3.0 (1205.5–1206.8)necessity for, in spiritual progress, 34:6.11 (381.5)pilgrims’ mansion-world experience in, 39:4.10 (435.3)purposeful, relative free will involved in, 16:8.11 (194.11)of the sexes, capability of, 84:6.7 (939.2)talk on, at Gilboa camp by Jesus, 144:6.2 (1624.13)war’s enforcement of, 70:2.4 (785.9)Co-ordinateaction, a Trinity function, 10:5.1 (113.2)council of the superuniverse, composition of, 15:10.13–20 (178.13–179.7)Creator, God the Son the, 0:2.13 (4.7)Creator Sons, function of Havona for the, 14:6.27 (162.2)Infinite Spirit the Eternal Son’s, 7:4.7 (86.1)Ministering Daughters, function of Havona regarding, 14:6.32 (162.7)mortal attainment, the third cosmic circle of, 55:4.2 (626.13)Persons of Paradise, and direct action of Universal Father, 1:2.10 (24.8)Sons, bestowal attitude of Eternal Son toward, 7:0.2 (81.2)creatorship prerogatives not transmissible by, 6:5.4 (77.7)Source, a central universe name for the Eternal Son, 6:1.5 (74.4)Spirit Center, a Uversa designation of the Eternal Son, 6:1.5 (74.4)Spirits, divinity attenuations of, 8:4.5 (94.7)Trinity Personalities, origin of, 15:10.11 (178.11)Trinity-origin Beings, 19:0.0 (214.1–222.10)Co-ordinated undertakingsascending pilgrims’ willingness to submit to, 43:8.4 (494.3)Co-ordinatesabsolute unity in the Trinity despite eternal identities of the, 2:6.7 (41.5)six absolute, of God, 5:0.2 (62.2)Co-ordinating corps for universe of universesabout, 25:3.16 (278.7)Co-ordinationan attribute of the Conjoint Creator, 9:3.5 (101.5)Deity, of reality and of personality, 0:5.2 (8.2)effective, vs. ultraspecialization, 81:6.36 (911.1)of function between impersonal energy and spirit-conceiving mind, 133:7.6 (1479.6)of local universe administration, relation of minor sector administration to, 15:13.4 (181.4)modernized, vs. communism or dictatorship, 81:6.33 (910.6)physical, 56:1.0 (637.3–638.4)physiological, of sensation-recognition and memory, an animal possession, 133:7.8 (1479.8)of specialists, a factor in modern civilization, 81:6.29 (910.2)of universe activities, results of control of, 4:1.10 (56.2)Co-ordinator(s)of broadcast material, broadcast directors as, 44:4.9 (504.1)intelligence, a class of tertiary supernaphim, 26:3.8 (289.1)and liaison directors, a class of Morontia Companions, 48:3.11 (546.4)Supreme Being a, 0:7.9 (11.3)universal, Third Source and Center a, 9:1.3 (99.2)of will and force, the Third Source and Center the, 105:3.5 (1156.2)of work of first six spirit adjutants, spirit of wisdom the, 36:5.12 (402.9)Coparentalpossibilities of Caligastia one hundred, 66:4.5 (744.4)prerogatives of the Father Melchizedek, 35:1.3 (385.2)Copartnership of man and GodJesus’ exhibition of, 186:5.6 (2002.7)participation of human parents in, 167:5.7 (1839.4)Copiesvs. pattern, 0:6.10 (10.2)Copperfunction of, in the cuttlefish, 65:6.4 (737.4)in transition rock layers, 58:7.10 (671.3)use of, by early man, 81:3.5 (904.1)Coral(s)decrease of, during late Cretaceous age, 60:4.5 (692.3)early ancestors of the, number of species of, 59:2.11 (676.2)formations of first Devonian flood, 59:4.6 (678.7)period, 59:3.0 (676.5–678.1)reef(s) of the first Devonian flood, 59:4.6 (678.7)formation, increase of, in late brachiopod age, 59:3.7 (677.4)reef-making, increase of, during early brachiopod age, 59:3.7 (677.4)scarcity of, in the age of frogs, 59:5.8 (680.10)Corallike plantsfossils of, in Proterozoic rocks, 58:7.2 (670.4)Coreearth’s, square inch pressure on the, 58:5.1 (668.3)of perfection, Havona the, 14:0.2 (152.2)Corinthcapital of