Название | The Handbook of Speech Perception |
Автор произведения | Группа авторов |
Жанр | Языкознание |
Серия | |
Издательство | Языкознание |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781119184102 |
One of the unique aspects of DAF is that it is not something that can be readily compensated for. Unlike feedback for vocal pitch, loudness, spectral detail, or even the detailed timing of the utterances (e.g. Mitsuya, MacDonald, & Munhall, 2014), all of which define the intentional characteristics of the signal, DAF is an indicator of the transmission speed of the sensorimotor organization. As such, feedback timing acts as a constraint on the use of speech motor feedback. Recently, Mitsuya, Munhall, and Purcell (2017) showed that the amount of compensation for perturbed formant frequency decreased linearly with delay in feedback. In this study a 200 Hz perturbation to F1 auditory feedback was introduced with 100 ms delay in feedback. Every 10 trials the delay was reduced by 10 ms though the magnitude of the frequency perturbation remained constant. The magnitude of F1 compensation grew as the delay was reduced. These findings demonstrate that auditory feedback beyond a temporal window ceases to play its role as an effective control signal for speech production.
Collectively, these findings provide consistent support for the importance of auditory feedback for the development and maintenance of spoken language. This feedback processing is evident for a variety of attributes of spoken language and the data imply the existence of some form of articulatory/acoustic goals that are supported by perceptual feedback. However, the mechanisms underlying this process remain unclear.
Models of feedback processing
Computational processing of feedback
In functional terms, there are a number of models that could account for these data but also some classes of model that are clearly inadequate. A servomechanism in which behavior is controlled directly by feedback is too slow to modify the rapid movements of articulation (Lashley, 1951) and such control systems are known to have stability issues. An opposite theoretical approach places more reliance on memory‐based movement control. The idea of a motor program (Schmidt, 1980) is that movements are driven by a detailed motor representation and unfold without reference to sensation. Such programs cannot account for the adaptive timing and the flexibility of movement, and thus are viewed as too rigid to account for skilled movement data. More recent models suggest a more intricate role for sensory feedback. In such frameworks, auditory feedback is used to establish auditory target regions and to learn and maintain “forward models” that predict the consequences of behavior (e.g. Kawato, 1990). In part, these more computational models were anticipated by earlier physiological ideas about efference copy and corollary discharge.
The term efference copy is a direct translation of the German Efferenzkopie, introduced by von Holst and Mittelstaedt in 1950 to explain how we might distinguish changes in visual sensations due to our own movement and changes in visual sensations due to movement of the world. Crapse and Sommer (2008) consider corollary discharge (coined by Sperry in the same year, 1950) to be the more general term. Corollary discharges are viewed as copies of motor commands sent to any sensory structures, while efference copies were thought to be sent only to early or primary sensory structures.
Two current types of neurocomputational models of speech production differentiate how such corollary discharges and sensory feedback could influence speech. The Directions into Velocities of Articulators (DIVA) model and its extension, the Gradient Order DIVA (GODIVA) model, use the comparison of overt auditory feedback to auditory target maps as the mechanism to control speech errors (Guenther & Hickok, 2015). The auditory target maps can be understood as the predictions of the sensory state following a motor program. These predictions are also the goals represented in the speech‐sound map, where a speech sound is defined as a phonetic segment with its own motor program. This model requires two sensory‐to‐movement mappings to be learned in development. The speech‐sound map must be mapped to appropriate movements in what is considered a forward model. When errors are detected by mismatches between feedback and predicted sensory information, a correction must be generated. The sensorimotor mapping responsible for such corrective movements is considered an inverse model.
In contrast, the state feedback control model of speech production (SFC), or its extension, the hierarchical state feedback control model (HSFC) assumes an additional internal feedback loop (Hickok, 2012; Houde & Nagarajan, 2011; Houde & Chang, 2015). Similar to the DIVA models, the SFC models incorporate a form of corollary discharge. One critical difference is that the corollary discharge in SFC models is checked against an internal target map rather than overt auditory feedback (i.e. a prediction of speech errors is generated and thus provides a mechanism to prevent such errors). Overt auditory feedback is included in the model through its influence on how the speech‐error predictions are converted into corrections (Houde & Nagarajan, 2011).
Both of these models incorporate major but slightly different roles for auditory feedback in speech production. Such models play an important role in advancing our understanding of articulation but also have inherent problems that will make it difficult to unravel the exact form of the speech‐control system. Strengths include systematic frameworks for summarizing a large body of findings in the field and the ability to make novel predictions that lead to specific test experiments. However, all models make assumptions about the structure and processes involved in behavior. Auditory target maps and internal feedback loops, for example, are hypothetical constructs that are far from being rigorously supported. In addition, there is the challenging issue of how many levels of description (e.g. Marr’s computational, representational, and implementation levels) are needed and how the relationship between these levels can best be studied (see Peebles & Cooper, 2015, and other papers in the same issue). One reductionist approach is to look for neural evidence that might correspond with the computational architectures or constrain the behavior of the models. Both groups of modelers have pursued this approach.
Neural processing of feedback
There is an extensive literature on the neural substrates supporting speech production (see Guenther, 2016, for a review). Much of this is based on mapping the speech‐production network using fMRI (Guenther, Ghosh, & Tourville, 2006). Our focus here is more narrow – how speech sounds produced by the talker are dealt with in the nervous system. The neural processing of self‐produced sound necessitates mechanisms that allow the differentiation between sound produced by oneself and sound produced by others. Two coexisting processes may play a role in this: (1) a perceptual suppression of external sound and voices, and (2) specialized processing of one’s own speech (Eliades & Wang, 2008). Cortical suppression has unique adaptive functions depending on the species. In nonhuman primates, for example, the ability to discern self‐vocalization from external sound serves to promote antiphonal calling whereby the animal must recognize their species‐specific call and respond by producing the same call (Miller & Wang, 2006). Takahashi, Fenley, and Ghazanfar (2016) have invoked the development of self‐monitoring and self‐recognition as essential in developing coordinated turn taking in marmoset monkeys.
Vocal production in nonhuman primates has long been associated with suppressed neural firing in the auditory cortex (Muller‐Preuss & Ploog, 1981), which occurs just prior to the onset of vocalization (Eliades & Wang, 2003). The same effect has been shown in humans, whereby vocalization led to suppression of one third of superior temporal gyrus neurons during open brain surgery (Creutzfeldt, Ojemann, & Lettich, 1989). This suppression preceded vocalization by approximately 100 ms and subsided about 1 second post‐vocalization (Creutzfeldt, Ojemann, & Lettich, 1989). In contrast, when another person spoke in the absence of self‐vocalization by the recorded individual, temporal gyrus activity was not suppressed. Therefore, it is postulated that the same cortical regions that suppress auditory stimuli are responsible for the production and control of speech. In terms of auditory