Polymer Nanocomposite Materials. Группа авторов

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Название Polymer Nanocomposite Materials
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Жанр Техническая литература
Издательство Техническая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783527826506

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polymerization were also tested by Potts et al. [74]. It is found that the elastic modulus and tensile strength of the GO/PMMA composites could be improved even with 1 wt% loading of fillers.

      Different fabrication techniques may lead to different morphologies of conductive networks in CPCs, which significantly influence the electrical properties of these composites [30]. Various morphologies including uniform dispersion of nanofiller in the polymer matrix, segregated structure, and selective decoration of the nanofiller on the skeleton of porous polymer materials are reported [75].

      2.3.1 Random Dispersion of Nanofiller in the Polymer Matrix

(a) Schematic diagram illustrating the preparation procedure for SBS/CNT fibers (SCFs) and photograph of SCFs with the various content of CNT. (b–d) The cross-sectional morphologies of SBS/CNT fibers containing different content of CNT. (e) The specific conductivities of SFCs as a function of different loading content of CNT. Source: (a)–(e) Reproduced with permission. [80] Copyright 2018, Elsevier Ltd. (f) Schematic illustration of the PU-PEDOT:PSS/SWCNT/PU-PEDOT:PSS with sandwiched structure on a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate. (g) Transmittance of the integrated composite in the visible wavelength range from 350 to 700 nm. Source: (f)–(g) Reproduced with permission. [81] Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society.

      In terms of three-dimensional composite, nanofillers are often distributed in a foam composite that is usually obtained by freezing drying method [87, 88]. For example, Huang et al. [87] fabricated a novel aligned porous CNT/thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) foam composite by using a directional-freezing method. During the freezing–drying process, the solvent of the mixture would form directional crystal due to the low temperature and then the ice crystal of the solvent would be sublimated, leaving aligned interconnected pores.

      2.3.2 Selective Distribution of Nanofillers on the Interface

      To reduce the content of conductive fillers in polymer matrix and at the same time maintain a relatively high conductivity of the CPCs, researchers try to locate conductive fillers on the interfaces of the polymer granule (i.e. segregated structure) or on the skeleton (surface coating) of the porous materials. Also, when used as sensors, the specially distributed conductive paths are easier to destruct upon external stress compared with conventional CPCs with relatively strong and dense conductive paths. Segregated Structure

      The study about construction of segregated structure was first reported in 1971 [89], and to date much work have been done on this topic [15, 30, 90]. In fact, segregated structure is a unique dispersion state of the conductive fillers in the polymer matrix, at which conductive fillers are dispersed at the interfaces between polymer particles. Mechanical blending and hot compression molding technique is usually applied to fabricate CPCs with a segregated structure [91, 92]. Generally, conductive fillers such as CNTs and graphene were adsorbed to the surface of polymer microspheres by chemical or physical methods, and then the temperature and pressure of hot pressing were controlled, guaranteeing that the conductive fillers were only distributed at the interface between polymer microspheres instead of evenly dispersed in the whole polymer matrix [15, 93, 94].

      For example, Wu et al. [95] added amino-functionalized PS microspheres suspension into the GO solution. Graphene was tightly coated on the surface of PS microspheres after a series process of flocculation, filtration, washing, and hydroiodic acid reduction. The composite with a low percolation value of 0.15 vol% was obtained after hot press of the graphene coated PS microsphere. Also, the conductivity of the composite could reach as high as 1024.8 S m−1 when the volume content of graphene is 4.8%, which is much higher than that of PS/graphene and PS/CNT composite made by solvent blending.

(a) The fabrication process of PS–nanocarbon composite with interconnected networks. Cross-sectional SEM images of PS composites with (b) 0.94 vol% graphene sheets and (c) 0.94 vol% MWCNTs. Source: (a)–(c) Reproduced with permission. [92] Copyright 2017, The Royal Society of Chemistry. Morphologies of double-segregated (d) CNT/PMMA/UHMWPE (0.2/7.8/92.0 by volume) and (e) CNT/PMMA/UHMWPE (0.5/16.2/83.3 by volume) 
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